Proper Use of Child Safety Restraint Systems in School Buses Children At Least 1 Year Of Age And At Least 20 Lbs. Home

All infants should remain rear-facing until at least one year of age and at least 20 pounds. The following images are types of infant seats and their correct and incorrect usage:

Infant Only Seat

(rear-facing with base)

Correct Usage Infant Only Seat

  • Rear-facing

  • Carrying handle is down in its back locked position

  • Good head and neck support

  • Seat belt correctly routed through base

  • Correct positioning of retainer clip on infant's chest at armpit level

  • Harness straps are snug

  • Infant semi-reclined

Other safety tips:

  • With infants, make sure that the child's head and neck have full support. Placing a rolled towel or blanket along the side of the child's head gives extra support and protection. Do not use extra inserts or other products if they did not come with the child safety seat.

  • Make sure that all blankets are placed on top of baby once the safety straps are properly locked. Do not secure straps over blanket.

Infant Only Seat

(rear-facing without base)

Correct Usage Infant Only Seat

  • Rear-facing

  • Infant seat handle is in back and locked position

  • Good head and neck support

  • Seat belt correctly routed through seat

  • Correct positioning of retainer clip on infant's chest at armpitlevel

  • Infant semi-reclined

Incorrect Usage Infant Only Seat

  • Retainer clip on infant's chest is too low

  • Harness straps are loose

Convertible Seat


Correct Usage Convertible Seat

  • Harness straps are below shoulders and snug against child

  • Correct positioning of retainer clip on infant's chest

  • Infant semi-reclined

Incorrect Usage Convertible Seat

  • Harness straps are above shoulders

  • Retainer clip on infant's chest is too high

  • All straps are too loose

Child safety restraint systems: Chart & Checklist Children to at least 1 year of age and 20 lbs. Children over 20 lbs. and 1 year of age
Child safety restraint systems unique to school buses School bus lap belts Harness Straps
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