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House adopts proposal pushed by Democratic Freshmen to create independent Ethics Commission

For Immediate Release
March 12, 2008

Contact: Meredith Salsbery

WASHINGTON D.C. — Today, Congressman Tim Walz announced the passage of legislation to create an independent Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) within the House of Representatives.  Walz, the former president of the Democratic freshmen class, said that the legislation was based on proposals the freshmen Members of Congress had called for to enhance transparency and accountability in Congress.  

The new OCE will be comprised of six board members who are not current Members of Congress, lobbyists or federal government employees.  Together, two members of the OCE can initiate a review of allegations of misconduct against a member of the U.S. House.  Currently, only a Member of the House of Representatives may file an ethics complaint against another Member of the House or House employee. 

“The fundamental problem in our democracy is not a conflict of political opinion, but the fact that too many Americans have lost faith in their government,” said Walz.  “I believe that creating an independent Office of Congressional Ethics in the U.S. House will help restore some accountability and openness to our government.”

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