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For Immediate Release
January 28, 2008

Contact: Press Person
(202) 225-5555

WASHINGTON D.C. — “I’m pleased that this was President Bush’s last State of the Union speech.  The American people are demanding change in Washington’s priorities and while the Congress has made some progress, the President has been a consistent roadblock.  Tonight we heard more of the same from the President.  What we need is a change in priorities.

“I, like many Americans, had high hopes for the President’s State of the Union Address: We wanted to hear his plan to make the economy work for all Americans, his plan to truly change the course in Iraq, and his plan to make health care available and affordable to everyone.  Instead of rolling up his sleeves and sitting down with us in Congress to make the changes the American people are waiting for, the President delivered uninspiring sound bites.

“The American family needs to be Washington’s top priority as we move into 2008.  Joining me tonight to listen to the President’s State of the Union was Victor Vieth, Director of Winona State University’s National Child Protection Training Center, which helps protect our kids from predators.  I wanted to hear the President make protecting our children a priority. 

“Tomorrow, the House will vote on an economic stimulus package to help ensure American families can afford the rising costs of food and heat during this economic downturn.  And in the coming weeks, we will try again to expand the State Children’s Health Insurance Program so that more of America’s kids can get the health care they need.  These are America’s priorities and I will continue to fight for our kids and families.

“I believe strongly that despite the economic downturn, the future holds great promise for America.  Democrats and Republicans found common ground on the economic stimulus package and I am hopeful that we can sit down and work together on more issues.”

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