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Note: Each water project listed below links to the Bureau of Reclamation DataWeb web site. Use your browser BACK button to return to this page.
  • Central Utah Project: The Central Utah Project has been the largest, most anticipated and complex water reclamation project in Utah history. In its final configuration, it will consist of dozens of reservoirs, aqueducts and recreational facilities ranging from the Uintah Basin on the east to the Sevier Valley in central Utah on the west. The Central Utah Project comprises three units: the Bonneville Unit, the Jensen Unit, and the Vernal Unit.
    • Bonneville Unit: The Bonneville Unit of the Central Utah Project, which is still under construction, currently provides 36,500 acre-feet of supplemental irrigation water and about 95,000 acre-feet of municipal and industrial water to lands and communities in Salt Lake, Utah, Juab, Wasatch, Summit, and Duchesne Counties. Other project benefits include flood control, power, fish and wildlife, and recreation. Principal features include six new dams and reservoirs (Jordanelle, Upper Stillwater, Currant Creek, Soldier Creek, Starvation, and Bottle Hollow), three reconstructed dams and reservoirs (Lost, Washington, and Trial), the Strawberry Aqueduct System, and the Diamond Fork System.
    • Jensen Unit: The Jensen Unit of the Central Utah Project in northeastern Utah provides about 5,300 acre-feet of water for municipal and industrial uses and 4,600 acre-feet for irrigation. Key project features include Red Fleet Dam and Reservoir, Tyzack Aqueduct Reach 1, and Tyzack Aqueduct Reach 2.
    • Vernal Unit: The Vernal Unit of the Central Utah Project in northeastern Utah, supplies supplemental irrigation water to about 14,700 acres and approximately 1,600 acre-feet of municipal and industrial water annually to the communities of Vernal, Naples, and Maeser. Key project features include Steinaker Dam and Reservoir, Forth Thornburgh Diversion Dam, Steinaker Service Canal, and Steinaker Feeder Canal.
  • Eden Project: The Eden Project in southwestern Wyoming provides irrigation water to approximately 17,000 acres of project lands. Project features include Big Sandy Dam and Reservoir, Eden Dam and Reservoir, Little Sandy Canal, Means Canal, Eden Canal, and a lateral and drainage system.
  • Emery County Project: The Emery County Project in east-central Utah provides 28,100 acre-feet of water to an irrigable area of almost 19,000 acres, as well as 8,576 acre-feet of industrial water for coal-fired electrical power generation and 289 acre-feet of municipal water to Orangeville and Castle Dale. Project features are Joes Valley Dam and Reservoir, Swasey Diversion Dam, Cottonwood Creek-Huntington Canal, Huntington North Service Canal, Huntington North Dam, and East and West Dikes which form Huntington North Reservoir.
  • Hyrum Project: The Hyrum Project in northern Utah includes Hyrum Dam and Reservoir, Hyrum Feeder Canal, Hyrum-Mendon Canal, Wellsville Canal, Wellsville Canal Pumping Plant, and appurtenant structures. The system stores and diverts water from the Little Bear River to furnish supplemental water supplies to 6,800 acres of project lands.
  • Lyman Project: The Lyman Project in southwestern Wyoming includes Meeks Cabin Dam and Reservoir and Stateline Dam and Reservoir. The project regulates the flows of Blacks Fork and the east fork of Smiths Fork for irrigation, municipal and industrial use, fish and wildlife conservation, and recreation.
  • Moon Lake Project: The Moon Lake Project in northeastern Utah provides supplemental irrigation water for 75,256 acres of land in Duchesne and Uintah Counties plus 10,000 acres under the Midview Exchange. Project facilities include Moon Lake Dam and Reservoir, Midview Dam and Reservoir, Yellowstone Feeder Canal, the Duchesne Feeder Canal, and the Midview Lateral.
  • Newton Project: The Newton Project in northern Utah includes Newton Dam and Reservoir which provides supplemental irrigation water to 2,861 acres of land. Approximately 7 miles of main canals carry the water to the distribution system.
  • Ogden River Project: The Ogden River Project in north-central Utah, furnishes a supplemental irrigation supply to almost 25,000 acres of land and municipal and industrial water for the city of Ogden. Project features include Pineview Dam and Reservoir, Ogden Canyon Conduit, Ogden-Brigham Canal, South Ogden Highline Canal, and the gravity-pressure distribution system constructed for the South Ogden Conservation District.
  • Preston Bench Project: The Preston Bench Project in southeastern Idaho includes Mink Creek Canal which supplies irrigation water for 5,000 acres of highly developed land in the vicinity of Preston.
  • Provo River Project: The Provo River Project provides a supplemental water supply for the irrigation of 48,156 acres of highly developed farmlands in Utah, Salt Lake, and Wasatch Counties, as well as an assured domestic water supply for Salt Lake City and major cities in northern Utah County. Key project features include Deer Creek Dam and Reservoir, the powerplant, the 42-mile Salt Lake Aqueduct, Weber-Provo Diversion Canal, Duchesne Tunnel, Murdock Diversion Dam, Provo Reservoir Canal Enlargement, and the Jordan Narrows Siphon and Pumping Plant.
  • Sanpete Project: The Sanpete Project in central Utah includes the Ephraim and Spring City Tunnels. Water made available through these tunnels provides supplemental irrigation water supply to approximately 14,700 acres.
  • Scofield Project: The Scofield Project consists of Scofield Dam and Reservoir on the Price River. The project provides seasonal and long-term regulation of the Price River for supplemental irrigation of about 26,000 acres of land.
  • Seedskadee Project: The Seedskadee Project in the upper Green River Basin in southwestern Wyoming, provides storage and regulation of the flows of the Green River for power generation, municipal and industrial use, fish and wildlife, and recreation.
  • Strawberry Valley Project: The Strawberry Valley Project, constructed from 1906 to 1922, comprises about 45,000 irrigable acres of land centered around Spanish Fork, Utah. This project provided the first large-scale trans-mountain diversion from the Colorado River Basin to the Bonneville Basin. It also was one of the earliest Bureau of Reclamation projects to develop hydroelectric energy. Project features include Strawberry Dam and Reservoir, Strawberry Tunnel, two diversion dams, three powerplants, a main canal system, and a portion of the lateral system. Strawberry Dam is now breached and the reservoir enlarged in the construction of Soldier Creek Dam, a feature of the Central Utah Project.
  • Weber-Basin Project: The Weber Basin Project conserves and utilizes, for multiple purposes, stream-flows of the Weber and Ogden Rivers in northern Utah. Principal features include four new reservoirs (Wanship, Lost Creek, Willard, and Causey), two enlarged reservoirs (Pineview and East Canyon), four diversion dams, three pumping plants, two powerplants, and many miles of canals and aqueducts. The project provides an average of 164,000 acre-feet of water annually for irrigation and 50,000 acre-feet for municipal and industrial use in a heavily populated and industrialized area.
  • Weber River Project: The Weber River Project, in the vicinity of Ogden, Utah, supplies supplemental irrigation water to about 109,000 acres of land. Project features include Echo Dam and Reservoir and the Weber-Provo Diversion Canal. This canal was enlarged as part of the Provo River Project.


Last updated: January 22, 2007