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Streptococcus mutans Search Results

Record: 1 of 1  
MiniMap IGR1502 IGR1503 IGR1492 IGR1498 IGR1500 IGR1495 IGR1493 IGR1499 IGR1497 IGR1501 IGR1494 IGR1496 SMu1736 SMu1733 SMu1731 bip, - SMu1738 SMu1737 SMu1734 SMu1735 sapR, - SMu1743 dedA, - SMu1742 pdgA, - SMu1744 comD,iH,hk08, - SMu1740 SMu1732 comC, - SMu1739 SMu1736 SMu1733 SMu1731 bip, - SMu1738 SMu1737 SMu1734 SMu1735 sapR, - SMu1743 dedA, - SMu1742 pdgA, - SMu1744 comD,iH,hk08, - SMu1740 SMu1732 comC, - SMu1739 SMu1736 SMu1731 SMu1737 SMu1735 sapR, - SMu1743 dedA, - SMu1742 pdgA, - SMu1744 comD,iH,hk08, - SMu1740 comE, - SMu1741 comE, - SMu1741 SMu1733 bip, - SMu1738 SMu1734 SMu1732 comC, - SMu1739

LANL Gene ID: SMu1739

GenBank Locus Tag: SMU.1915

DNA Molecule Name:

GenBank ID:

Gene Name:

S. mutans specific competence stimulating peptide, precursor

Cellular Location:
Extracellular, Cytoplasm [Evidence]

Gene Start:

Gene Stop:

Gene Length:

Molecular Weight*:


Net Charge*:


Functional Class:
Cellular processes; Competence  

Gene Ontology:

Pathway: pathway table

Primary Evidence:
Matsumoto-Nakano M, Kuramitsu HK.
Role of bacteriocin immunity proteins in the antimicrobial sensitivity of Streptococcus mutans.
J Bacteriol. 2006 Dec;188(23):8095-102. Epub 2006 Sep 22.
PMID: 16997961

Petersen FC, Fimland G, Scheie AA.
Purification and functional studies of a potent modified quorum-sensing peptide and a two-peptide bacteriocin in Streptococcus mutans.
Mol Microbiol. 2006 Sep;61(5):1322-34.
PMID: 16925560

Yonezawa H, Kuramitsu HK.
Genetic analysis of a unique bacteriocin, Smb, produced by Streptococcus mutans GS5.
Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2005 Feb;49(2):541-8.
PMID: 15673730

Wang BY, Kuramitsu HK.
Interactions between oral bacteria: inhibition of Streptococcus mutans bacteriocin production by Streptococcus gordonii.
Appl Environ Microbiol. 2005 Jan;71(1):354-62.
PMID: 15640209

Secondary Evidence:
Cheng Q, Campbell EA, Naughton AM, Johnson S, Masure HR.
The com locus controls genetic transformation in Streptococcus pneumoniae.
Mol Microbiol. 1997 Feb;23(4):683-92.
PMID: 9157240

For other 'com' genes see SMu0567 (comEA); SMu0568 (comEC); SMu0138 (comR);SMu1814 (comX1); SMu0258 (comA);SMu0259 (comB);SMu1804 (comYA);SMu1803 (comYB);SMu1802 (comYC); SMu1801 (comYD); SMu0451 (comF);SMu0452 (comFC); SMu0490 (comC);SMu1782 (comA);SMu1684 (comEB); SMu1710 (comA) and SMu1740 (comD).

View in HOMD Genome Viewer

Blast Summary:  PSI-Blast Search
This sequence corresponds to the previously published 12698430, 12698428|, and >12698434 in GenBank. There are no other signnificant matches to SMu1739.

SMu1739 has no significant similarity (BLAST p-value < 1e-3) to Streptococcus agalactiae

Top Blast Hits:  Updated monthly
Click here to view the entire PsiBlast results.
 gi|90903941|gb|ABE02365.1|  competence stimulating peptide p...    73   5e-12
 gi|24380265|ref|NP_722220.1|  competence stimulating peptide...    72   7e-12
 gi|12698428|gb|AAK01541.1|  competence stimulating protein p...    72   8e-12
 gi|90903971|gb|ABE02380.1|  competence stimulating peptide p...    72   1e-11
 gi|90903937|gb|ABE02363.1|  competence stimulating peptide p...    68   1e-10
 gi|115312739|emb|CAL29393.1|  competence stimulating peptide...    68   1e-10
 gi|115312733|emb|CAL29390.1|  competence stimulating peptide...    68   2e-10
 gi|12698434|gb|AAK01544.1|AF277154_1  competence stimulating...    67   2e-10
 gi|90903939|gb|ABE02364.1|  competence stimulating peptide p...    66   8e-10

InterPro Summary:  InterProScan

No hits reported.

COGS Summary:  COGS Search
No hits to the COGs database.

Blocks Summary:  Blocks Search
No significant hits to the Blocks database.

ProDom Summary:  Protein Domain Search
No significant hits to the ProDom database.

Paralogs:  Local Blast Search
SMu1739 has no significant similarity (blastp p-value < 1e-3) to any other gene in this genome.

Pfam Summary:  Pfam Search
No significant hits to the Pfam 11.0 database

Top PDB Hits:
No significant hits to the NCBI PDB database.

Gene Protein Sequence:

Gene Nucleotide Sequence:  Sequence Viewer

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