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Yuma Desalting Plant

The Yuma Desalting Plant (YDP) was constructed under authority of the Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Act of 1974 to treat saline irrigation return flow and to include the treated (desalinated) water in water deliveries to Mexico under the Treaty of 1944 (Treaty). Due to historically favorable hydrologic conditions on the Colorado River and budget constraints, the YDP has generally not operated since its construction, though it has been maintained.

In recent years, however, steady increases in water demand in each of the three lower Basin States (Arizona, California, and Nevada) coupled with the effects of a prolonged drought over the entire Colorado River Basin has prompted continued interest in plant operation.

In 2007, Reclamation completed a demonstration run of the plant. The results of the run and historical assessments of the YDP include:

Key Facts:

Aerial view of Yuma Desalting Plant Complex

Updated: Jan 2009