Competitive Workforce

Democrats want to create good-paying jobs here at home -- and to keep them here for generations to come.  The Committee will continue its work to address the issue of U.S. economic competitiveness in an increasingly tough global economy.

Key Legislation:
Recovery Rebates and Economic Stimulus for the American People Act (HR5140) »
This hearing examined strategies – including investments in rebuilding crumbling infrastructure – to create good-paying jobs in order to put the nation’s stalled economy on the road to recovery. More than 2.2 million American workers have lost their jobs in the past 12 months and millions more are still looking for permanent employment.

Hearing Tomorrow: Building an Economic Recovery Package

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On Friday, October 24 at 10:00 a.m., the Committee will hold a hearing examining strategies – including investments in rebuilding crumbling infrastructure – to create good-paying jobs in order to put the nation’s stalled economy on the road to recovery. More than 2.2 million American workers have lost their jobs in the past 12 months and millions more are still looking for permanent employment.

“Building an Economic Recovery Package: Creating and Preserving Jobs in America”
Scheduled on October 24, 2008 at 10 a.m. in room 2175 Rayburn H.O.B.

Chairman Miller Urges Secretary Chao Not To Roll Back Worker Protections

Chairman Miller Announces Hearing on Unemployment and Job Creation

Following an urgent meeting held by Democratic leaders and top economists in Washington on October 13, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi announced that House Democrats will begin laying the groundwork for a comprehensive economic recovery and job creation program, including a hearing to be held by the House Education and Labor Committee. Chairman George Miller said the hearing will focus on the nation’s severe unemployment outlook and strategies to spur job growth.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics announced today that 159,000 jobs were lost in September, the steepest decline in five years and the 9th consecutive month of job losses.

Today’s jobs report highlights the massive destruction that the Bush-Cheney-McCain wrecking ball has done to our economy, workers, and families. Eight years of their misguided policies have culminated in nine straight months of job losses. Two million workers have been unemployed for more than 27 months – 167,000 more than in August. Our nation is now dealing with the largest financial crisis since the Great Depression.

"Family-Friendly Leave Policies: Improving How Workers Balance Home and Family"

Workforce Protections Hearing 10:30 AM, June 9, 2008 Rose Y. Caracappa Legislative Auditorium, William H. Rogers Legislature Building
725 Veterans Memorial Highway

"ICE Workplace Raids: Their Impact on U.S. Children, Families, and Communities"

Workforce Protections Hearing 10:00 AM, May 20, 2008
The Workforce Protections Subcommittee of the House Education and Labor Committee held a hearing on Immigration and Custom Enforcement workplace raids and the effects of the raids on local communities, including the impact on children, most of whom are American citizens. Witnesses explored how immigration enforcement could be improved in order to protect children.

"Workforce Investment Act: Ideas to Improve the Workforce Development System"

Higher Education, Lifelong Learning, and Competitiveness Hearing 10:00 AM, July 26, 2007

"Green Jobs Act of 2007"

Full Committee Markup 10:30 AM, June 28, 2007
* 1 Member voting present

"Balancing Work and Family: What Policies Best Support America's Families?"

Workforce Protections Hearing 1:30 PM, June 21, 2007
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