Newsroom > Moore From The Hill

For Immediate Release: Friday, April 22, 2005
Contact: Christie   Appelhanz (913) 383-2013

Moore From The Hill - Earth Day

Dear Friends, Today, April 22, the nation observes the 35th Earth Day. On the first Earth Day in 1970, 25 million people joined around the country to demand a safer, cleaner and healthier world. The impact of that first Earth Day was astonishing. In rapid succession, and with huge majorities, Congress passed the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act, and Superfund.

Thirty-five years later, our air is cleaner, our drinking water is safer, our rivers no longer catch fire, and the bald eagle is no longer endangered. And yet these key bipartisan achievements of the 1970s are now under attack, threatening our children's wellbeing and our country's future.

As stewards of the Earth it is important to protect fragile ecosystems so that future generations will have more than pictures of what our beautiful planet used to look like. The possibility of recovering large amounts of oil from the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve has created considerable controversy over whether to open the area to oil exploration and development. I do not agree with any policy that will allow drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve. The need to protect pristine wildlife refuges is increasing every day. If these natural wildlife reserves are not protected now, our children will pay the price. I believe this intact ecosystem is valuable and should be designated as wilderness; and that oil found would provide little energy security and could be replaced by cost-effective alternatives.

In addition, I have consistently supported efforts to encourage the development of renewable energy technologies, including solar energy, geothermal energy, open-loop biomass, and small irrigation power. Solar, wind, hydropower, biomass and geothermal energy are each potentially enormous energy resources especially for Kansas. Clean power production provides greater reliability for our electricity system, promotes cleaner air and water, and benefits our economy and our national security. We must continue to work together to protect our natural resources and advocate for a clean, sound energy policy.

On this Earth Day, we must rededicate ourselves to protecting our children and protecting our future. We must recapture the energy and promise of that first Earth Day by recommitting ourselves to clean air protections, clean water protections and toxic waste site cleanups in order to protect our children's health and our nation's future.

As a member of Congress, I will continue to fight for environmental protections, working to ensure that federal environmental laws are firmly in place and the intent of these laws is enforced.

Very truly yours,

Dennis Moore
Member of Congress
