[NIFL-HEALTH:3970] California Literacy is looking for a keynote speaker

From: Matthew Scelza (matthewscelza@caliteracy.org)
Date: Tue May 06 2003 - 19:13:22 EDT

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Subject: [NIFL-HEALTH:3970] California Literacy is looking for a keynote speaker
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You Can Be A Keynote Speaker!
California Literacy, Inc.

Are you tired of leaving Conference general sessions and thinking, "I could do better than that?"  If so, here's your chance. 

We believe that the adult education and literacy system is at a critical moment in its history.  That belief is reflected in our Conference theme--"Challenging Times, New Directions".  Everyone is being asked to do more with less, and at the same time, more and more of the money is going to children's and adolescent literacy.  What to do about it?  

We're looking for you to answer the challenge.  The prize: You get to be a Keynote Speaker at our 38th Annual State Conference in Pasadena on October 2, 2003.  That's right.  No more talking heads.  You're a Keynote Speaker.  And you get to tell us exactly what's right, what's wrong, and what we can do to improve adult education and literacy.

You tell us.  This is a contest.  We're asking you to submit your best response to this question:

"What is the state of adult education and literacy today, and what should it be tomorrow?"  

We'd like your answer on one side of one sheet of paper, with one inch margins and 12-point font.  Simple.  

If you win, you'll present a keynote address to a statewide audience of adult education and literacy providers on Thursday, October 2nd at the Opening Session of our 38th Annual State Conference.  (We'll also pay for your airfare, hotel, and food during the three days of the Conference.)

Every submission will be considered for publication in an anthology of responses to this query.  

Are you up to the challenge?

Deadline: June 23, 2003

Submission Information:
Fax: 		626-395-9987
Email: 	kendavid@caliteracy.org <mailto:kendavid@caliteracy.org>
Mail: 		California Literacy--San Diego Office
				2225 Camino Del Rio South #A
		San Diego CA 92108

Matthew Scelza
Statewide Programs Director
California Literacy, Inc.

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