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Federal Geographic Data Committee

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FGDC standards in development

Standard Most recent status Date Sponsor
Street Address Data Standard Working Draft
2005/12/01 Subcommittee on Cultural and Demographic Data
Earth Cover Classification Standard Proposal
1999/09/13 Earth Cover Working Group
Encoding Standard for Metadata Working draft
2000/02/17 Clearinghouse Working Group
Geologic Data Model Proposal
Geologic Data Subcommittee
Shoreline Data Content Standard Public review draft 2007/03/07 National Geodetic Survey
FGDC Profile(s) of ISO 19115
Proposal 2001/06/13 Metadata WG
National Hydrography Framework Data Content Standard Proposal 2000/12/12
Spatial Water Data Subcommittee
Federal Standards for Delineation of Hydrologic Unit Boundaries Working draft 2003/12/23
Spatial Water Data Subcommittee
Riparian Mapping Standard Proposal
2000/11/14 Wetlands Subcommittee
National Standards for Wetlands Mapping Final draft 2008/07 Wetlands Subcommittee
Federal Trails Data Standard Public review draft 2008/05/19
Federal Interagency Council on Trails
Content Standards for Framework Land Elevation Data Final draft 1999/01
Subcommittee for Base Cartographic Data (retired)
Cultural Resources Geospatial Data Content Standard  Proposal  2008/02/14 Subcommittee on Cultural and Demographic Data 
Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard  Proposal  2008/01/30  Marine and Coastal Spatial Data Subcommittee