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Overtime for Programmers: that some companies try to avoid paying employees overtime by categorizing them as "salaried" employees.
AARP Insurance: misleading medical insurance policies.
Requip: behavior urges users to gamble, shop, and eat compulsively.
Taser Death: directly causing or leading to complications resulting in death.
Shoulder Pain Pump: defective pain pump can cause injury during surgery.
Mutual Fund Losses: financial advisors breached fiduciary duties by not looking out for investors best interests.
SJS, Stevens Johnson Syndrome: that certain drugs cause this deadly skin inflammation.
Bicycle Accidents: due to manufacturers defects or collisions with motor vehicles, etc.
Medtronic's Infuse Bone Graft: linked to life-threatening complications.
Overtime: You may be entitled to overtime pay.
Granite Countertops: are leaking cancer-causing toxin Radon.
Helicopter Crashes: loss of life, debilitating injuries, loss of income, traumatic stress.
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My son is married. Can I give him a house in FL without my daughter-in-law having any rights to the property?
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My mother died on 12/5/2008 - single with six children-no assets or cash
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