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Metadata Trainers: Nina Savar


Abstract: We are attracting personnel from GIS/planning departments at County and township level to administrators at village level. We also have interested parties in private industry and academia employed in a variety of disciplines that include amongst others, engineers, sales associates, operations analysts and water resource managers. The Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission is the main source of metadata training and support for the State of Illinois.

Duration: Basic metadata training requires 1 full day. 1.5 to 2 days would be required for basic metadata training plus metadata processing and handling techniques.

Costs: Metadata workshops are free but require NIPC authorization. For out-of-state workshops, travel cost assistance is requested from the client.

Disciplines: We are generalists.

Tools: TKME

In addition to myself as the project leader and principal metadata trainer, I also have on staff a full-time Metadata Specialist.

My personal expertise in this area are as follows:

Number of workshops conducted to date: at least 22 workshops and seminars since 1996.

On-going outreach to area universities and colleges in Illinois by guest-lecturing on metadata in classes.

Presentations and workshops including GIS conferences in Illinois for ILGISA (Illinois GIS Association), Indiana, URISA (Urban and Regional Information Systems Association), AABGA (Association of American Botanical Gardens and Arboreta), the Midwest/Great Lakes Arc Users Group Conference, and for the University of Illinois Champaign/Urbana continuing education program.

Invited to participate in national working groups to develop metadata training materials, including the ISO materials development workshop March 24-26, 2002, in Denver.

Attended FGDC/NBII Train the Metadata Trainer Workshop in 2000.

Recipient of prior NSDI CAP grants in 1997, 1999, 2000.

Workshop participants have completed and posted metadata to a Clearinghouse.

Workshop participants have gone on to become metadata specialists themselves.

In collaboration with the Chicago Area Geographic Information Study (CAGIS) at the University of Illinois at Chicago, we manage the Chicago Regional Clearinghouse Cooperative. As an established FGDC clearinghouse node, this server is currently available to host and serve metadata to the community.

Limitations: We are limited to the state of Illinois. With sufficient funding, we are available to provide training in other parts of the mid-west.

Organization: Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission

Contact Information:
222 S. Riverside Plaza, Suite 1800
Chicago, IL 60606
phone: 312.454.0400
fax: 312.454.0411
email: nsavar [at]