Democrats Failing to Produce Results in the 110th Congress "A new poll gives Democrats mixed reviews, with nearly six in 10 respondents unable to name anything important the new Congress has done."


WHAT THEY'RE SAYING: Democrats' Job Performance

Contract With America (1995) v. Democrats' 'Six for '06' (1997)


National Security

Economy, Workers, & Families

Fiscal Responsibility

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House Republicans have demonstrated, both to each other and to the public, a firm commitment to common sense solutions that address the problems the American people care about. Republicans stood together against both the Democrats’ non-binding resolution and “slow-bleed” strategy, and stood for a clean funding bill without strings attached; we stood together against the largest tax hike in American history and for the successful pro-growth, family tax relief we established over the last 12 years.

This is a powerful statement about our commitment to return to our core Republican principles, and our unity stands in stark contrast to the Democratic division and disarray we’ve seen in the first 100 Days. As the majority party in Congress, Democrats have the numbers they need to pass the bills they want. That’s a fact. But as Republicans have consistently shown in this first 100 Days, we can and will win the debate when we stay unified. Whether it’s a debate about winning the Global War on Terror or balancing the budget by reigning-in entitlement spending and keeping taxes low for American families, Republicans have been doing just that.


Republicans have already achieved significant legislative successes on the House floor with seven consecutive “motion-to-recommit” victories that exposed flaws and substantively improved weaknesses in underlying Democrat bills. Among the proposals successfully passed by House Republicans in recent weeks, with the support of rank-and-file Democrats:

  • A measure protecting innocent American passengers from being subject to frivolous civil lawsuits when they report potential terrorist activity (prompted by public outrage over last November’s “flying Imams” incident aboard a domestic airline flight in Minnesota).
  • A measure protecting U.S. military recruiters from discrimination by federally-funded colleges and universities.
  • A measure ensuring funds for federal water projects cannot be used to lobby or to retain lobbyists to attempt to influence federal, state or local governments or officials.

Republicans have been so successful, in fact, that our record has elicited the ire of Democratic leadership, which has pledged to changed their own rules. If Democrats try to change the rules mid-game, they can expect a vigorous fight from House Republicans, who are successfully offering solutions on the House floor that are winning bipartisan support and addressing problems American families are concerned about – and Democratic leaders are trying to shut it down. Republicans won’t go down without a fight.


“Because Republicans have stood remarkably united against the Democratic effort [slow bleed], the loss of just a handful of Democratic votes could lead to an embarrassing public defeat.”
- “Split Democratic Caucus To Get Iraq Pullout Plan,” Washington Post, March 8, 2007

“House Republicans seem to be regrouping, achieving some wins they believe will force the majority to negotiate with them. Having surprised even themselves with the unity they displayed against a resolution denouncing the troop surge in Iraq, invigorated Republicans say they'll stay nearly in lock step this week against supplemental spending legislation for the war that includes a timetable for withdrawal, among other conditions.”
- “House Republicans Regaining Their Footing,” Congressional Quarterly, March 19, 2007

“So far this year the Republican Party has repeatedly transformed minority procedural rights into a series of substantive wins on everything from enhancing maritime security to more workplace protection for religious practices, to prohibitions on contracts to educational institutions not supporting U.S. defense efforts.”
- “Outdone Dems; GOP Minority Keeps Winning,” Washington Times, March 29, 2007

“This little tool, which the GOP used quite effectively this week, is another weapon in their arsenal as Democratic leaders adjust to the burden of governing a clearly divided caucus.”
- “House Republicans Secure Three Rare Wins,” Politico, March 9, 2007

“House Republicans are wielding the power of parliamentary procedure to score floor victories unlikely for a minority party.”
- “GOP Claims House Victories in Parliamentary Power Plays,” Washington Times, March 23, 2007


Democrats pledged to lead the country in a “new direction” without articulating what that means for American families. As illustrated by their complete disarray and failure to introduce a long-term agenda in the first 100 Days of this Congress, however, Democrats simply do not know what constitutes “new” themselves. In stark contrast, Republicans are committed to leading America in the right direction, and that means keeping taxes low, restraining government spending and opposing pork-barrel politics, and giving our troops the resources they need to win the Global War on Terror.

In fact, in debates ranging from economic prosperity to American national security, Republicans have demonstrated that the Democrats’ unintelligible “new” direction is dangerous - not “right” - for American families. To date, it’s simply and undeniably been wrong. As Democrats continue to abdicate their authority, Republicans will continue to lead and offer substantive solutions that address the issues middle class families care about.

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Report Prepared by the Offices of Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH), Republican Whip Roy Blunt (R-MO), Conference Chairman Adam Putnam (R-FL), and Chief Deputy Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA)