
Product Description

AIRS Standard Ozone Product

A product of the IR stage of the combined IR/MW retrieval. The ozone profile is the retrieved volume mixing ratio (ratio of number of O3 molecules to the number of molecules of air in a unit volume) between two standard pressure levels. It is reported on the lower altitude bounding pressure level bounding the layer. Ozone products are reported on all 28 available pressure levels. The value quoted is the mean volume mixing ratio between that level and the next higher level. The value quoted on the lowest altitude pressure level above the surface is the mean volume mixing ratio in the layer bounded by the next higher level and the surface. Also reported is the retrieved total ozone burden which is the integrated column amount of O3 from the top of the atmosphere (TOA = 0.005 mb) to the surface. Ozone retrieval methodology for V5 has significantly changed from V4 and as described in Susskind et al. [2003], namely in the derivation of the first-guess, channel selection, and noise propagation threshold used in the physical (final) retrieval.

Data Source

Available in L2 and L3 data product sets.

Image Examples

Ozone Multimedia web page

More Information

For more detail about AIRS geophysical products, refer to the AIRS Version 5 Release Level 2 Standard Product QuickStart Guide.

Additional information is also found on the AIRS Documentation Page on the data distribution web site at the Goddard DAAC.