Contact: Raj Bharwani (202) 225-5101

Sensenbrenner Introduces Hybrid Truck Bill to Help Environment

Washington, DC, Jan 12 -

Menomonee Falls Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner reintroduced the Heavy Duty Hybrid Research, Development, and Demonstration Act, to promote the development of technologies intended to reduce commercial trucks’ fuel consumption and emissions.


Commonly referred to as the Hybrid Truck bill, the House of Representatives passed the same bill last year, but it expired without consideration in the Senate.  “With the New Year, I have new hope that this innovative approach to combating climate change, reducing our dependence on foreign oil, and growing the U.S. economy, will be embraced by even more colleagues across party lines, as well as in the Senate,” said Sensenbrenner.


“I am encouraged by the expressions of support I have received for this legislation,” Sensenbrenner added.  “While debates rage over the cause of rising global temperatures, my Hybrid Truck bill promotes new technology to help wean America off its dependence on oil from the Middle East, Venezuela, and Russia.”


Sensenbrenner, whose bill would create a grant program to support the development and commercialization of hybrid trucks, continued, “Perhaps the most impactful approach toward reducing our nation’s oil consumption is the development of high quality, dependable hybrid trucks.  Such technology could save truckers thousands of dollars every year on fuel costs, helping them to put food on their tables or more money back into the development of their businesses.”


“My bill is part of a common sense solution to combat climate change that doesn’t require mortgaging the U.S. economy,” concluded Sensenbrenner.



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