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As a Member of Congress, one of my roles is to write and support pieces of legislation. Pieces of legislation that I have introduced are called "sponsored bills." Pieces of legislation that I support but have been introduced by another Member of Congress are called "co-sponsored bills." You can see a current list of all bills I have sponsored or co-sponsored by selecting one of the buttons below.

Sponsored Bills These are bills sponsored in the current session of Congress, from January 2007 to January 2009.
Co-sponsored Bills These are bills co-sponsored in the current session of Congress, from January 2007 to January 2009.
Voting Record You can see all of my recorded votes by visiting the link below to the Washington Post's Congressional Votes Database. You can also learn more about recorded roll call votes.

Committee Work I serve on the House Financial Services Committee and the House Judiciary Committee. You can learn more about these committees on my Committee Work page.