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Global Warming

I am an original cosponsor of The Safe Climate Act of 2007 . This legislation will freeze U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in 2010 at the 2009 levels with strong and enforceable deadlines. It will cut 2011 emissions roughly by 2% a year reaching 1990 emission leve ls by 2020. After 2020, it will cut emissions by 5% each subsequent year.

I cosponsored, and voted for, The CLEAN Energy Act of 2007 . This legislation will reduce our dependency on foreign oil through the promotion of clean, renewable, and alternative energy resources.

I am also a cosponsor of The Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard Act of 2007 , which builds on current renewable portfolio standards by implementing a market-based credit trading system to spur the deployment of renewable technologies. This bill w ill set a standard requiring electricity retailers use a minimum amount of electricity from renewable sources .

The Farm Bill and the Environment

As Congress works to reauthorize the Farm Bill this year , you can count on my support in ensuring the legislation reflects at least two priorities on which I campaigned – prosperity for working families and environmental sustainability. As you know, t he Farm Bill offers an important opportunity to reaffirm our nation’s commitment to childhood education and nutrition programs. I am a proud cosponsor of H.R. 1616, a bill that reauthorizes funds to support education, child development, and food security for some of the world’s poorest children. I am also a cosponsor of H.R. 2129, the Feeding America’s Families Act of 2007 , which addresses nutrition issues including food stamp use at farmer’s markets, community food projects, and hunger-free communities collaborative grants.

The Farm Bill also offers a unique opportunity to promote renewable energy and ensure programs that invest in our natural resources – like the Wetland Reserve Program and Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program – are funded. I will do my best to be a strong advocate for a pro- nutrition and pro- environment Farm Bill.

Fuel Economy

I am a proud cosponsor of Massachusetts Representative Ed Markey’s Fuel Economy Reform Act. As you know, H.R. 1506 will require an increase in fuel economy standards of 4 percent per year until 2018. If enacted, this would save 2.2 million barrels of oil per day and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by over 370 million metric tons per year by 2022. I believe that we need progressive legislation aimed at increasing fuel efficiency and believe this bill represents a positive step forward in ensuring a sustainable environment and future.