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For Immediate Release: Wednesday, October 08, 2003
Contact: Rebecca   Black (913) 383-2013

Overland Park Reverend delivers invocation in U.S. House

(WASHINGTON, DC) – Congressman Dennis Moore (Third District-KS) welcomed today the Reverend Ky Weekley as the Guest Chaplain for the House of Representatives to offer the prayer opening a legislative day of Congress. Weekley serves as Associate Pastor for Operational Ministries at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church in Overland Park.

“It is an honor to welcome my long-time friend to the House floor to address the concerns that weigh on our hearts and ask for guidance as decisions are made in our nation’s capital,” Moore said. “Reverend Weekley has a distinguished career of both spiritual and public service in Overland Park, and I’m pleased he was able to share his talent for bringing people together through prayer with my colleagues in the House.”

Moore nominated Weekley for this honor, and he was subsequently chosen by House Chaplain Daniel P. Coughlin.

Weekley has served as a Presbyterian pastor for 31 years, with the last 24 years spent in the Kansas City area. For the last three years he has pastored the Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church in Overland Park. His service also extends beyond the spiritual world to the temporal one: Weekley has served for the past seven years on the city council of Fairway, Kansas, where he currently is Council President. He is married to Dr. Tracy Cowles and they have two daughters: Erin, who is a sophomore at Williams College and Cristin, a junior at Shawnee Mission East High School.

Weekley delivered the following prayer today on the House floor: “I invite you to pray in your own way. Holy one of all creation, once again we come into your presence seeking your blessing as we gather in the hallowed walls of democracy. I give you thanks, O God Most Holy, for each of those gathered this morning. Many skills, gifts, and talents; commitments and passions are represented in this chamber. May the tapestry they weave be one that builds up the nation, strengthens the common good, and encourages us to be and act as brothers and sisters to one another. God of all nations and people, we thank you for the life and history that is ours. For the wealth of resources, of natural and human, may we be good stewards of our blessing. We are thankful for our people; those whose ancestors have been here for a thousand years and those who have just arrived. We thank you for the variety of our traditions and cultures; the richness and diversity of our beliefs. As we seek to honor you, I pray for each of these honorable Representatives, praying that by working together they may face you and the future together in confidence and in hope. Amen.”
