DeFazio Appointed to Air Force Academy Board of Visitors | Print |

WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Peter DeFazio (D-Springfield) attended his first meeting as a member of the United States Air Force Academy Board of Visitors (USAFA BoV) over the weekend.  The Board provides oversight of the morale, discipline, social climate, curriculum, instruction, and other matters relating to the Air Force Academy.  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appointed DeFazio to the Board of Visitors last month.  DeFazio served in the U.S. Air Force Reserves from June, 1967 - March, 1971 and left with the rank of 2nd Lt.

"I am honored to have been selected to serve on the Air Force Academy Board of Visitors," said DeFazio.  "As a member of Congress, I have had the privilege to nominate young men and women from my district to attend our military academies.  A closer working relationship with the Air Force Academy, in particular, provides me the opportunity to ensure this military academy is forward-looking, innovative and effective, and provides the best climate possible to train cadets."

Six of the Board's fifteen members are appointed by the President of the United States, four by the Speaker of the House, three by the Vice President and one each by the Chairmen of the Senate and House Armed Services Committees.

The Board discussed diversity, discipline and academic standards at the Academy and members had the opportunity to meet with Cadets.