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For Immediate Release: Wednesday, April 02, 2003
Contact: Christie   Appelhanz (913) 383-2013

Moore fires up grill for Final Four

(LAWRENCE, KAN.) – Congressman Dennis Moore (Third District – Kansas) and Congressman Gerald Kleczka (Fourth District – Wisconsin) are putting their states’ cuisine – and bragging rights – on the line as the University of Kansas men’s basketball team prepares to take on Marquette University Saturday night in the Final Four of the NCAA Tournament.

“The University of Kansas has long been a powerhouse of college basketball,” Moore said. “With the senior leadership of the Jayhawks and the exemplary coaching of Roy Williams, I’m sure I’ll be firing up my grill for a couple of Wisconsin bratwursts.”

The bet between the two members of Congress calls for Kleczka to provide Wisconsin brats, an assortment of Wisconsin cheese and a case of Milwaukee-brewed Sprecher root beer when the Jayhawks beat Marquette. In the unlikely event that the Golden Eagles are victorious, Moore is wagering two pounds of Kansas pork ribs and a jug of Gates' Bar-B-Q Sauce.

“It’s too bad my friend from Wisconsin won’t get the opportunity to sample some delicious Kansas pork ribs,” Moore said. “Rest assured that a feast of Wisconsin products will hit the spot when I watch the Jayhawks play for the National Championship Monday night.”

Moore is a 1967 graduate of the University of Kansas. Moore and Kleczka represent Kansas University and Marquette University respectively in the U.S. House of Representatives.
