News Feeds

Any departmental or personal Web site with an RSS reader can receive UB news and events feeds that are targeted for your needs.  By linking to these RSS feeds, we will keep your site up-to-date with the latest UB news on the topics you choose.

Want to learn more about RSS?

Title Link (Copy URLs to RSS Reader)
UB News
UB News You Need to Know XML
Architecture and Planning XML
Arts and Sciences XML
Bioinformatics XML
Business Partnerships XML
Campus XML
Dental School News XML
Education News XML
Engineering News XML
Law News XML
Management News XML
Medicine News XML
Nursing News XML
Pharmacy News XML
Public Health News XML
Public Service News XML
Research News XML
Social Work News XML
Technology News XML
UB Bulls News XML
UB Philanthropy News XML
UB 2020 News
UB 2020 Progress XML
Artistic Expression and Performing Arts Strategic Strength XML
Molecular Recognition in Biological Systems and Bioinformatics Strategic Strength XML
Civic Engagement and Public Policy Strategic Strength XML
Cultures and Texts Strategic Strength XML
Extreme Events: Mitigation and Response Strategic Strength XML
Health & Wellness Across the Lifespan Strategic Strength XML
Information and Computing Technology Strategic Strength XML
Integrated Nanostructured Systems Strategic Strength XML
UB in the News
UB in the News XML
Business Partnerships XML
Community Impact XML

What is RSS?

(R)eally (S)imple (S)yndication allows blogs and Web sites to publish up-to-date news and information to your RSS reader easily and in a timely manner. Once you set up a RSS feed, whenever the site you are subscribed to changes, it will publish to your reader. RSS is relatively new to the Web. Not all sites publish their content in this manner. But it is becoming more popular every day.

Anywhere you see an RSS image (Feed Image), that link is an RSS feed that you can add to your reader following the instructions below. For example, major news sites typically provide RSS feeds for you to use. Readers are found on popular sites like MyYahoo or at UB in MyUB.

Getting started

To view one of the UB feeds in your RSS reader:

  1. Copy the URL/shortcut that corresponds to the topic that interests you.
  2. Paste the URL into your reader.