Subject: AIRS Instrument Status for May 6, 2002

Today was day 2 of the mission (counting launch day as day 0). AIRS was powered on today (Group 1 only), patches and macros were successfully loaded, and memory dumps were used to verify that the loads worked correctly.

AIRS hardware state:

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater           off

     Group 2 power                    off

     Detector gain tables             not loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    off

     Choke point heater               off

     Scanner                          caged

     Cooler                           caged

     Focal plane                      off

     Earthshield                      stowed

     All bus voltages and component temperatures have their expected values.

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates not yet loaded---nominal EDC table active

    TMON's active

AMSU-A hardware state:

    In survival mode; all temperatures as expected

HSB hardware state

    In survival mode; all temperatures as expected; survival heater TMON's active.

Upcoming activities:

     AIRS decontamination heater will be turned on this evening.

     Tables will be loaded to the ISC tomorrow evening (day 3)

     Group 2 power will be turned on Wednesday (day 4)

Everything is going great so far! The only glitch was a communication problem between the ground and the spacecraft which caused the patch load to fail the first time it was tried. Patches were reloaded successfully a short time later.

Subject: Fwd: AIRS Operations Status Report For May 12, 2002

This is the AIRS operations status report for Sunday, May 12 (Day 8 of the mission).

Today Part 1 of the AIRS Warm Functional test was run. The spacecraft's AIRS TAXI port was enabled, starting the flow of AIRS high rate data to the ground. The alternate EDC tables (#1 and #2) were successfully activated. The pipe1 test was run. Then the nominal EDC table was restored as the active table. The AB Optimum gains were reloaded to AIRS and the focal plane was switched back to normal (not test) mode. This means that noise from the actual AIRS IR detectors is now being sent to the ground. IR detector modules remain off. The scanner remains parked. Finally, the AIRS SCS which causes a dump of AIRS RAM to high rate packets was kicked off. It takes about three hours to dump all AIRS memory in high rate engineering packet #2, 64 words per scan line.

Everything went smoothly. No problems were encountered. About three minutes of data was obtained with pipe1 gains and the focal plane in test mode. Processing of the science data from the test is needed to positively confirm that the pipe1 test was successful.

Today AMSU-A1 and AMSU-A2 were both powered on and functional tests were performed. AMSU-A is performing well, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected. Both instruments (A1 and A2) are in full scan mode.

Today one of the HSB TMON's was deactivated by command. While in survival mode, HSB controls its survival heaters with two TMON's. One turns the survival heaters on when the temperature reaches a set point. The other turns the heaters off when the temperature rises to 0 C. The HSB team has decided that they would prefer to be at about +6 C when HSB is turned on this Tuesday. So the TMON which turns off the heater has been deactivated to allow HSB to warm up a little.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater           on

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             AB Optimum loaded to AIRS

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               activated (but not expected to go on)

     Scanner                          uncaged; parked at radiometric


     Cooler                           caged

     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Earthshield                      stowed

     All voltages, currents, and temperatures have their expected values.

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1 and #2 loaded and tested---nominal EDC

                     table active

                     alternate table #4 not yet loaded

    TMON's active

AMSU-A hardware state:

    In full scan mode; all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected

HSB hardware state

    In survival mode; all temperatures as expected; survival heater on

    TMON active; survival heater off TMON not active

Upcoming activities:

HSB power on (Tuesday May 14)

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For May 13

This is the AIRS operations status report for Monday, May 13 (Day 9 of the mission).

Today there were no instrument activities planned or performed for AIRS, AMSU-A, or HSB. All three instruments remain healthy. The pipe1 test data from yesterday was successfully processed and the stair step pattern looked good. Steve Broberg has sent out an e-mail with additional details.

The first ascent burn was performed successfully. Five more burns are planned before Aqua will achieve its final orbit. The six ascent burns were planned before launch. They are NOT the result of any problem with the Aqua orbit. They are needed in order for the correct orbit to be reached with the desired timing relationships among ground station passes for Terra, Aqua, and (eventually) Aura.

AMSU-A parked its scanner before the burn and restarted it afterwards.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater           on

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             AB Optimum loaded to AIRS

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               activated (but not expected to go on)

     Scanner                          uncaged; parked at radiometric


     Cooler                           caged

     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Earthshield                      stowed

     All voltages, currents, and temperatures have their expected values.

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1 and #2 loaded and tested---nominal EDC

                     table active

                     alternate table #4 not yet loaded

    TMON's active

AMSU-A hardware state:

    In full scan mode; all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected

HSB hardware state

    In survival mode; all temperatures as expected; survival heater on

    TMON active; survival heater off TMON not active.

Upcoming activities:

HSB power on (Tuesday May 14)

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For May 14

This is the AIRS operations status report for Tuesday, May 14 (Day 10 of the mission).

Today HSB was powered on. A few functional tests were performed. All tests were successful.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB are all now on and healthy.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater           on

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             AB Optimum loaded to AIRS

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               activated (but not expected to go on)

     Scanner                          uncaged; parked at radiometric


     Cooler                           caged

     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Earthshield                      stowed

     All voltages, currents, and temperatures have their expected values.

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1 and #2 loaded and tested---nominal EDC

                     table active

                     alternate table #4 not yet loaded

    TMON's active

AMSU-A hardware state:

    In full scan mode; all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected

HSB hardware state

    In normal scan mode; all temperatures, voltages, and currents as

    expected; survival heater TMON's inactive.

Upcoming activities:

AMSU-A and HSB cold soak (long stare at space) begins Thursday, May 16.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For May 15

This is the AIRS operations status report for Wednesday, May 15 (Day 11 of the mission).

Today there were no activities planned or performed for AIRS, AMSU-A, or HSB. All three instruments are on and healthy.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater           on

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             AB Optimum loaded to AIRS

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               activated (but not expected to go on)

     Scanner                          uncaged; parked at radiometric


     Cooler                           caged

     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Earthshield                      stowed

     All voltages, currents, and temperatures have their expected values.

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1 and #2 loaded and tested---nominal EDC

                     table active

                     alternate table #4 not yet loaded

    TMON's active

AMSU-A hardware state:

    In full scan mode; all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected

HSB hardware state

    In normal scan mode; all temperatures, voltages, and currents as

    expected; survival heater TMON's inactive.

Upcoming activities:

AMSU-A and HSB cold soak (long stare at space) begins Thursday, May 16.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For May 16

This is the AIRS operations status report for Thursday, May 16 (Day 12 of the mission).

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain on and healthy.

Today the plans for instrument activities over the next several days were changed. As a result the AMSU-A and HSB cold soak test did NOT begin. It has been tentatively rescheduled for this coming Sunday, May 19.

Similarly, the AIRS warm functional checkout part 2 (starting the scanner) has been tentatively rescheduled to Wednesday, May 22.

The reason for the delays is that the spacecraft engineers decided that they wanted no other instrument activities during the gradual run up of AMSR-E to 40 rpm. The spin up is done 4 rpm at a time and spread over two days. The original activity plan had called for various other instrument activities in the intervals between spin ups. All those activities have been put off until the AMSR-E activities are completed.

The new schedule is not yet firm. I will keep everyone posted as soon as I know more.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater           on

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             AB Optimum loaded to AIRS

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               activated (but not expected to go on)

     Scanner                          uncaged; parked at radiometric


     Cooler                           caged

     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Earthshield                      stowed

     All voltages, currents, and temperatures have their expected values.

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1 and #2 loaded and tested---nominal EDC

                     table active

                     alternate table #4 not yet loaded

    TMON's active

AMSU-A hardware state:

    In full scan mode; all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected

HSB hardware state

    In normal scan mode; all temperatures, voltages, and currents as

    expected; survival heater TMON's inactive.

Upcoming activities:

AMSU-A and HSB cold soak (long stare at space) begins Sunday, May 19 (tentative).

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For May 19

This is the AIRS operations status report for Sunday, May 19 (Day 15 of the mission).

This morning at about 9:15 a.m. Pacific time, the spacecraft's fault management system put the spacecraft into survival mode. The automated sequence includes putting all instruments into survival mode as well. AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB are all powered off except for their survival buses. All instruments' scanners are parked and pointed to their internal calibrators.

Since the spacecraft is now in sun point mode (part of going into survival mode), some temperatures are dropping. However, all instrument temperatures are as expected given the pointing mode.

The fault which triggered the transition to Survival came from the spacecraft power controller, shortly after an exit from an eclipse. I will have more details tomorrow.

The plan at the moment (still subject to change) is to return to earth point mode Monday during the day. The instruments will be powered on Monday evening.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater           off

     Group 2 power                    off

     Detector gain tables             not loaded to AIRS

     Radiometric calibrator heater    off

     Choke point heater               off

     Scanner                          caged; parked at radiometric


     Cooler                           caged

     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Earthshield                      stowed

     Passive analog temperatures have their expected values and are being carefully monitored.

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 not loaded

    Macro version 17 not loaded

    EDC tables       none loaded

                     alternate table #4 not yet loaded

    TMON's inactive

AMSU-A hardware state:

    In survival mode

HSB hardware state

    In survival mode; survival heater TMON's active

Upcoming activities:

Restart instruments

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For May 20

This is the AIRS operations status report for Monday, May 18 (Day 16 of the mission).

The AIRS quiet and noisy buses were turned on this evening. Patches and macros have been loaded and checked. Everything went smoothly. AIRS remains healthy. Within an hour of the writing of this note, the decontamination heater is planned to be turned on.

Tomorrow (Tuesday) group 2 power will be turned on, science data will begin to flow again, and part 1 of the warm functional test (including the pipe1 test) will be repeated.

HSB and AMSU-A remain in survival mode. AMSU-A is planned to be turned on tomorrow. HSB will stay off until late Wednesday or possibly Thursday. They are waiting to restart HSB until after AMSR-E has been spun up to full speed (40 rpm). The temperatures of bothe instruments are as expected.

Because of the switch to survival mode, tomorrow's planned orbital altitude adjustment burn will not happen. The existing orbital adjustment plan has been invalidated and is being reworked.

Detailed plans for instrument activities after powering on have not yet been developed, so I cannot say when the AIRS scanner will be started. It will probably be late this week or possibly the weekend.

The spacecraft's transition to survival mode was caused by a power controller fault. Outside of eclipse the solar arrays charge the batteries to nearly full charge. During eclipse the spacecraft runs off the batteries, partially discharging them. The start and end of eclipses are detected by sun sensors. At each eclipse start there is a check of the depth of discharge of the battery, which should be nearly fully charged. On Sunday morning, just as a real eclipse was ending, the sun sensors detected a drop in light level. That drop was interpreted as the start of another eclipse. The check of the batteries' depth of discharge showed 12%, which is normal for the end on an eclipse but is too high (too little charge) for the start of an eclipse. So the fault was triggered. What probably really happened was that, as the sun began to appear from behind the earth and after eclipse end was detected, there was some flickering caused by the passage of the sunlight through a thick layer of the earth's atmosphere and clouds at the earth's limb. Such variability of light level is normal. The spacecraft software will be modified to prevent it from being fooled under these circumstances.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater           off

     Group 2 power                    off

     Detector gain tables             no tables loaded from the ground at

                                      this time

     Radiometric calibrator heater    off

     Choke point heater               off

     Scanner                          caged; parked at radiometric


     Cooler                           caged

     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Earthshield                      stowed

     All voltages, currents, and temperatures have their expected values.

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1 and #2 not yet loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

                     alternate table #4 not yet loaded

    TMON's active

AMSU-A hardware state:

    In survival mode; all temperatures as expected

HSB hardware state

    In survival mode; all temperatures as expected; survival heater TMON's


Upcoming activities:

Turn on AIRS decontamination heater

Turn on AIRS Group 2 power

Start high rate data coming to the ground

Repeat of pipe1 test

Turn on AMSU-A

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For May 22

This is the AIRS operations status report for Wednesday, May 22 (Day 18 of the mission).

Late Monday night the AIRS decontamination heater was turned back on. On Tuesday, group 2 power was turned back on and Part 1 of the warm functional checkout was repeated. Thus, by mid-day May 21 AIRS was back in exactly the same state it was in before the spacecraft went into survival mode on May 19.

AIRS remains healthy, with all temperatures, currents, and voltages in their nominal ranges. No problems were encountered during the process of returning AIRS to its former state.

The plans for instrument activities after AMSR-E run up is complete are still being worked. But the turning on of the AIRS scanner is expected to happen late Friday or possibly on Saturday of this week.

AMSU-A was powered back on during the day on Tuesday. It was originally put into full scan mode. But early Wednesday morning its scanners were parked at the warm calibrators. This was done at the request of the spacecraft team, because they do not want any scanners operating while AMSR-E is being spun up.

AMSU-A remains healthy. All temperatures, voltages, and currents are as expected.

HSB remains in survival mode. It is planned to turn HSB back on late Thursday or early Friday, after the AMSR-E spin up is complete and everything has remained stable for at least 24 additional hours.

HSB temperatures are nominal.

Because of the switch to survival mode, the orbit altitude-raising plan had to be reworked. The plan is now:

Burn #2 on Mission Day 32 (June 5) (Burn #1 was performed on May 13)

Burn #3 on Mission Day 35 (June 8)

Burn #4 on Mission Day 37 (June 10)

Burn #5 on Mission Day 40 (June 13)

Burn #6 on Mission Day 45 (June 18)

The impact of this new orbit-raising plan on the instrument activities and test plans needs to be evaluated as soon as possible.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater           on

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled

     Scanner                          uncaged; parked at radiometric


     Cooler                           caged

     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Earthshield                      stowed

     All voltages, currents, and temperatures have their expected values.

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1 and #2 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

                     alternate table #4 not yet loaded

    TMON's active

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners parked at warm calibrators; all temperatures,

    voltages, and currents as expected

HSB hardware state

    In survival mode; all temperatures as expected; TMON to turn survival

    heater on active; TMON to turn survival heater off inactive.

Upcoming activities:

Turn on HSB

Restart AMSU-A scanner

Start AIRS scanner

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For May 24

This is the AIRS operations status report for Friday morning, May 24 (Day 20 of the mission).

There were no AIRS or HSB activities during the last 24 hours.

The AMSU-A1 scanners were put into full scan mode at about 1:45 a.m. EDT this morning. The AMSU-A2 scanner was put into full scan mode at about 4:05 a.m. EDT.

AIRS remains healthy, with all temperatures, currents, and voltages in their nominal ranges.

AMSU-A remains healthy. All temperatures, voltages, and currents are as expected.

HSB remains in survival mode. It is planned to turn HSB back on about 9:00 a.m. EDT today (Friday).

HSB temperatures are nominal.

A replanning meeting will take place this morning at 8:30 a.m. EDT. After the results of that meeting have been put into place by the Aqua planning team, the activities plan for the next two weeks will become much firmer than it is now.

We are hoping to turn the AIRS scanner on for the first time since launch on Saturday, May 25. Three runs of the photometric calibration sequence (Cal-10) will follow late Saturday or during the day on Sunday. Note that these times are still tentative, pending the outcome of the replanning meeting.

Note also that the Cal-10 sequences set the quicklook flag to cause expedited data processing by EDOS and the DAAC. They also change the opmode mnemonic from "decontaminate" to "checkout" and set the "calfunc" bits. Thus from the time the first Cal-10 proc runs until shortly after the third one ends (when a set mode proc will be run), AIRS will be in "checkout" mode.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater           on

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled

     Scanner                          uncaged; parked at radiometric


     Cooler                           caged

     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Earthshield                      stowed

     All voltages, currents, and temperatures have their expected values.

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1 and #2 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

                     alternate table #4 not yet loaded

    TMON's active

    Opmode           Decontaminate

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode; all temperatures,

    voltages, and currents as expected

HSB hardware state

    In survival mode; all temperatures as expected; TMON to turn survival

    heater on active; TMON to turn survival heater off inactive.

Upcoming activities:

Turn on HSB

Start AIRS scanner

Perform Cal-10 once for each of the three photometric calibrator lamps

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For May 25

This is the AIRS operations status report for Saturday morning, May 25 (Day 21 of the mission).

There were no AIRS or AMSU-A activities during the last 24 hours.

HSB was powered on at about 9:00 a.m. EDT.

AIRS remains healthy, with all temperatures, currents, and voltages in their nominal ranges.

AMSU-A remains healthy. All temperatures, voltages, and currents are as expected.

HSB is also healthy. All temperatures, voltages, and currents are as expected.

We are planning to turn the AIRS scanner on for the first time since launch beginning about 9:00 p.m. EDT Saturday, May 25. Three runs of the photometric calibration sequence (Cal-10) will follow. The plan is for lamp #1 to go on at about 9:55 p.m.; lamp #2 at about 10:45 p.m.; and Lamp #3 at about 11:30 p.m.

Note that the Cal-10 sequences set the quicklook flag to cause expedited data processing by EDOS and the DAAC. They also change the opmode mnemonic from "decontaminate" to "checkout" and set the "calfunc" bits. Thus from the time the first Cal-10 proc runs until shortly after the third one ends (when a set mode proc will be run), AIRS will be in "checkout" mode.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater           on

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled

     Scanner                          uncaged; parked at radiometric


     Cooler                           caged

     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Earthshield                      stowed

     All voltages, currents, and temperatures have their expected values.

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1 and #2 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

                     alternate table #4 not yet loaded

    TMON's active

    Opmode           Decontaminate

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode; all temperatures,

    voltages, and currents as expected

HSB hardware state

    On; in normal scan mode. TMON's to control the survival

   heater are not active.

Upcoming activities:

Start AIRS scanner

Perform Cal-10 once for each of the three photometric calibrator lamps

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For May 26

This is the AIRS operations status report for Sunday morning, May 26 (Day 22 of the mission).

There were no HSB or AMSU-A activities during the last 24 hours.

The AIRS scanner was initialized starting at 8:56 p.m. EDT on Saturday, May 25. The scanner was put into SCAN mode at 9:06 p.m.

Jose Rivera of the thermal support group has been monitoring temperatures. By 3:15 a.m. EDT on Sunday, the scan mirror had dropped 4 K, from about 277 K to about 273 K, and has stabilized. The scan motor temperature has increased very slightly. Both of these effects match model predictions.

The Cal-10 sequence, which turns on a photometric calibrator lamp, was run three times---once for each lamp.

Lamp #2 was on for 8 minutes starting at day 146 01:54:25 UT (give or take a few seconds).

Lamp #3 was on for 8 minutes starting at 146/02:45:15 UT.

Lamp #1 was on for 8 minutes starting at 146/03:31:54 UT.

Lamp #1 will continue to come on for 8 minutes every 200 minutes until shortly before earthshield deployment this coming Thursday.

No problems at all occurred during these activities.

AIRS remains healthy, with all temperatures, currents, and voltages in their nominal ranges.

AMSU-A remains healthy. All temperatures, voltages, and currents are as expected.

HSB remains healthy. All temperatures, voltages, and currents are as expected.

For the first time, all three instruments are on and scanning. Of course, since AIRS is still warm, only its Vis/NIR data are usable for science.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater           on

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler                           caged

     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Earthshield                      stowed

     All voltages, currents, and temperatures have their expected values.

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1 and #2 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

                     alternate table #4 not yet loaded

    TMON's active

    Opmode           "Decontaminate" (but was in "Checkout" during

                  and between the Cal-10 sequences)

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode; all temperatures,

    voltages, and currents as expected

HSB hardware state

    On; in normal scan mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities:

Deploy the earthshield (Thursday May 30 during B shift).

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For May 27

This is the AIRS operations status report for Monday morning, May 27 (Day 23 of the mission).

Have a pleasant Memorial Day everyone!!!

There were no activities during the last 24 hours for AIRS, AMSU-A, or HSB.

AIRS remains healthy, with all temperatures, currents, and voltages in their nominal ranges. The scanner appears to be working perfectly.

AMSU-A remains healthy. All temperatures, voltages, and currents are as expected.

HSB remains healthy. All temperatures, voltages, and currents are as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater           on

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler                           caged

     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Earthshield                      stowed

     All voltages, currents, and temperatures have their expected values.

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1 and #2 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

                     alternate table #4 not yet loaded

    TMON's active

    Opmode           "Decontaminate"

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode; all temperatures,

    voltages, and currents as expected

HSB hardware state

    On; in normal scan mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities:

Deploy the earthshield (Thursday May 30 during B shift).

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For May 27 (evening)

This is the AIRS operations status report for Monday evening, May 27 (Day 23 of the mission).

There were no activities during the last 15 hours for AIRS, AMSU-A, or HSB.

AIRS remains healthy, with all temperatures, currents, and voltages in their nominal ranges.

AMSU-A remains healthy. All temperatures, voltages, and currents are as expected.

HSB remains healthy. All temperatures, voltages, and currents are as expected.

Today marks the end of 24 hour per day AIRS Operations team coverage in the Instrument Support Room (ISR) at GSFC. From now on we will be present in the ISR for 16 hours per day (8:00 a.m. to midnight EDT). One exception will be after we turn on the cooler compressor and focal plane detector modules. We will revert to 24-hour coverage for two days at that time.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater           on

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler                           caged

     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Earthshield                      stowed

     All voltages, currents, and temperatures have their expected values.

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1 and #2 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

                     alternate table #4 not yet loaded

    TMON's active

    Opmode           "Decontaminate"

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode; all temperatures,

    voltages, and currents as expected

HSB hardware state

    On; in normal scan mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities:

Deploy the earthshield (Thursday May 30 during B shift).

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For May 28

This is the AIRS operations status report for Tuesday, May 28 (Day 24 of the mission).

There were no activities during the last 24 hours for AIRS, AMSU-A, or HSB.

AIRS remains healthy, with all temperatures, currents, and voltages in their nominal ranges.

AMSU-A remains healthy. All temperatures, voltages, and currents are as expected.

HSB remains healthy. All temperatures, voltages, and currents are as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater           on

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler                           caged

     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Earthshield                      stowed

     All voltages, currents, and temperatures have their expected values.

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1 and #2 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

                     alternate table #4 not yet loaded

    TMON's active

    Opmode           "Decontaminate"

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode; all temperatures,

    voltages, and currents as expected

HSB hardware state

    On; in normal scan mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities:

Deploy the earthshield (Thursday May 30 during B shift).

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For May 30

This is the AIRS operations status report for Thursday, May 30 (Day 26 of the mission).

At about 3:25 PDT today the AIRS earthshield was successfully deployed. This is a major milestone in the AIRS post-launch activities plan. It was also a critical event in the sense that there can be no AIRS mission without a fully-deployed earthshield.

Activities began at about 2:30 p.m. PDT when AIRS was configured for the deployment. The scanner was parked, the radiometric calibrator heater was turned off, and high rate data was halted. Then group 2 power was turned off so the earthshield CCA's relay could be switched to the on position and the uncaging motor armed. Finally, group 2 power was restored.

After the successful deployment, AIRS needed to be brought back up to its prior configuration. In a series of activities starting at 4:05 p.m. PDT, all reconfiguration was completed except for restarting the scanner. That has been delayed until about 3:48 p.m. PDT on Friday, May 31. The reason for the delay is that the spacecraft team has planned a series of thruster tests (several short burns spread over several hours). We are waiting until the tests are complete before restarting the scanner.

There were no activities during the last 24 hours for AMSU-A or HSB.

AIRS remains healthy, with all temperatures, currents, and voltages in their nominal ranges.

AMSU-A remains healthy. All temperatures, voltages, and currents are as expected.

HSB remains healthy. All temperatures, voltages, and currents are as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater           on

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled

     Scanner                          uncaged;parked at the radiometric


     Cooler                           caged

     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Earthshield                      deployed

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1 and #2 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

                     alternate table #4 not yet loaded

    TMON's active

    Opmode           "Standby" (but the decontamination heater is still on)

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode;

HSB hardware state

    On; in normal scan mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities  (Friday May 31 during B shift):

Restart the AIRS scanner

Park and restart AMSU-A scanners (for the thruster tests)

Park and restart HSB's scanner (for the thruster tests)

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For June 3

This is the AIRS operations status report for Monday, June 3 (Day 30 of the mission).

There were no activities during the last 48 hours for AIRS, AMSU-A, or HSB.

AIRS remains healthy, with all temperatures, currents, and voltages in their nominal ranges.

AMSU-A remains healthy. All temperatures, voltages, and currents are as expected.

HSB remains healthy. All temperatures, voltages, and currents are as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         on

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         caged

     Cooler B                         caged

     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Earthshield                      deployed

     All voltages, currents, and temperatures have their expected values.

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1 and #2 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

                     alternate table #4 not yet loaded

    TMON's active

    Opmode           "Standby" with decontamination heater on

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode; all temperatures,

    voltages, and currents as expected

HSB hardware state

    On; in normal scan mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities:

Turn off the AIRS decontamination heater (probably this Friday or Saturday).

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For June 4

This is the AIRS operations status report for Tuesday, June 4 (Day 31 of the mission).

There were no activities during the last 24 hours for AIRS, AMSU-A, or HSB.

The weekly Aqua planning meeting was held today at GSFC. In that meeting the date for turning off the AIRS decontamination heater was set to Monday, June 10. The date for turning on the cooler and focal plane is now Wednesday, June 12. We are trying to get the decontamination heater turn off moved back to Sunday, June 9.

AIRS remains healthy, with all temperatures, currents, and voltages in their nominal ranges.

AMSU-A remains healthy. All temperatures, voltages, and currents are as expected.

HSB remains healthy. All temperatures, voltages, and currents are as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         on

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         caged

     Cooler B                         caged

     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Earthshield                      deployed

     All voltages, currents, and temperatures have their expected values.

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1 and #2 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

                     alternate table #4 not yet loaded

    TMON's active

    Opmode           "Standby" with decontamination heater on

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode; all temperatures,

    voltages, and currents as expected

HSB hardware state

    On; in normal scan mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities:

AMSU-A and HSB training runs of space view calibrations (Thursday June 6)

Turn off the AIRS decontamination heater (June 9 or 10).

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For June 5

This is the AIRS operations status report for Wednesday, June 5 (Day 32 of the mission).

Ascent burn #2 was performed successfully this morning. This is the second of six planned ascent burns. The remaining four will take place over the next two weeks.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB scanners were all parked for the burn and turned back on later. All scanners were parked at their radiometric calibrator position during a single contact which began at 12:19 UT (5:19 a.m. PDT).

A short "pre-burn" ended at 14:39 UT. The full burn (over 1100 seconds) ended at 15:30 UT.

The HSB scanner was re-started at approximately 17:00 UT.

Our request to move the decontamination heater turn off from Monday June 10 to Sunday June 9 was honored.

The AIRS and AMSU-A scanners were re-started in a single contact, at about 18:44 UT.

AIRS remains healthy, with all temperatures, currents, and voltages in their nominal ranges.

AMSU-A remains healthy. All temperatures, voltages, and currents are as expected.

HSB remains healthy. All temperatures, voltages, and currents are as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         on

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         caged

     Cooler B                         caged

     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Earthshield                      deployed

     All voltages, currents, and temperatures have their expected values.

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1 and #2 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

                     alternate table #4 not yet loaded

    TMON's active

    Opmode           "Standby" with decontamination heater on

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode; all temperatures,

    voltages, and currents as expected

HSB hardware state

    On; in normal scan mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities:

AMSU-A and HSB training runs of space view calibrations (Thursday June 6)

Ascent burn #3 (Saturday, June 8)

Turn off the AIRS decontamination heater (Sunday June 9).

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For June 6

This is the AIRS operations status report for Thursday, June 6 (Day 33 of the mission).

There were no AIRS activities today.

As part of an operations training activity, the AMSU-A1 and HSB scanners were briefly put into non-standard modes. The AMSU-A2 scanner was not affected.

AMSU-A1 parked at spaceview #2 at 19:04 UT and returned to full scan one minute later.

AMSU-A1 parked at spaceview #1 at 19:55 UT and returned to full scan two minutes later.

HSB was put into "Investigate" mode at 19:07 UT and returned to normal scan mode at 20:05 UT.

AIRS remains healthy, with all temperatures, currents, and voltages in their nominal ranges.

AMSU-A remains healthy. All temperatures, voltages, and currents are as expected.

HSB remains healthy. All temperatures, voltages, and currents are as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         on

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         caged

     Cooler B                         caged

     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Earthshield                      deployed

     All voltages, currents, and temperatures have their expected values.

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1 and #2 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

                     alternate table #4 not yet loaded

    TMON's active

    Opmode           "Standby" with decontamination heater on

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode; all temperatures,

    voltages, and currents as expected

HSB hardware state

    On; in normal scan mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities:

Ascent burn #3 (Saturday, June 8)

Turn off the AIRS decontamination heater (Sunday June 9) at about 16:37 UT.

Ascent burn #4 (Monday June 10)

Initialization of both AIRS coolers (Monday June 10)

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For June 8

This is the AIRS operations status report for Saturday, June 8 (Day 35 of the mission). This report is being issued a little earlier in the day than usual to give the times of scanner events to those processing the science data. There are no more activities planned for today.

Note that the planned time of turning off the AIRS decontamination heater has moved a little earlier than was stated in Thursday's status report. The new time is 160/15:10 UT (Sunday morning).

Ascent burn #3 was performed (successfully) this morning. In preparation for the burn, AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB scanners were all parked. AMSU-A and AIRS scanners were restarted after the burn. The HSB team chose to leave their scanner parked until after ascent burn #4 this coming Monday morning.

AMSU-A1 parked at the warm cal position at 158/19:45 UT (Friday)

AMSU-A2 parked at the warm cal position at 158/19:46 UT

HSB parked at the warm cal position at 158/19:47 UT

AIRS parked at the OBC at 159/10:34 UT (Saturday)

The 13-minute burn ended at 159/13:15:07 UT

AMSU-A1 scanners restarted at 159/14:16 UT

AMSU-A2 scanner restarted at  159/14:17 UT

HSB scanner remains parked

AIRS scanner restarted at 159/15:28 UT

AIRS remains healthy, with all temperatures, currents, and voltages in their nominal ranges.

AMSU-A remains healthy. All temperatures, voltages, and currents are as expected.

HSB remains healthy. All temperatures, voltages, and currents are as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         on

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         caged

     Cooler B                         caged

     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Earthshield                      deployed

     All voltages, currents, and temperatures have their expected values.

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1 and #2 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

                     alternate table #4 not yet loaded

    TMON's active

    Opmode           "Standby" with decontamination heater on

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode; all temperatures,

    voltages, and currents as expected

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner parked at warm cal. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities:

Turn off the AIRS decontamination heater (Sunday June 9) at about 15:10 UT.

Ascent burn #4 (Monday June 10)

Initialization of both AIRS coolers (Monday June 10)

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For June 9

This is the AIRS operations status report for Sunday, June 9 (Day 36 of the mission).

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

The AIRS decontamination heater was turned off at 15:11 UT today (day of year 160). The spectrometer began cooling immediately. In the first 15 minutes it had dropped 5 K, from about 267 K to 262 K.

Engineering data collection (EDC) table #4 was also uploaded to AIRS, and memory dumps verified that it loaded correctly. This table is needed to perform certain cooler operations.

At 19:33 UT some temporary excitement was generated when one of the passive analog temperature sensors for the spectrometer went into red alarm on the low side. At no time did AIRS instrument telemetry show anything unusual. The problem was simply that the temperature had dropped below 250 K, which is the cutoff for the validity of that passive analog parameter using its high sensing current. Two measurements on the same sensor are made for each spacecraft telemetry packet. One uses a low sensing current, and is valid for temperatures below about 250 K. The other uses a higher sensing current and is only valid above 250 K. We ran our limits filter proc which disabled the alarm for the high-current measurement and enabled the alarm for the low-current measurement. The red alarm immediately disappeared, as expected.

AIRS remains healthy, with all temperatures, currents, and voltages in their nominal ranges. The spectrometer temperature is dropping as expected. At time of writing (6 hours 15 minutes after turning off the decontamination heater) the spectrometer temperature is 226 K.

AMSU-A remains healthy. All temperatures, voltages, and currents are as expected.

HSB remains healthy. All temperatures, voltages, and currents are as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         caged

     Cooler B                         caged

     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Earthshield                      deployed

     All voltages, currents, and temperatures have their expected values.

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    Opmode           "Standby"

    Op submode       "cooler off"

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode; all temperatures,

    voltages, and currents as expected

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner parked at warm cal. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities:

Ascent burn #4 (Monday June 10)

Uncaging and initialization of both AIRS coolers (Monday June 10)

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For June 10

This is the AIRS operations status report for Monday, June 10 (Day 37 of the mission).

Ascent burn #4 was successfully performed this morning. AIRS and AMSU-A scanners were parked in preparation for the burn. The HSB scanner had been parked since before ascent burn #3. After the burn, the scanners (including HSB) were all restarted. Here is the timeline:

AIRS scanner parked at radiometric calibrator at 161/12:16 UT

AMSU-A1 scanners parked at warm target at        161/12:20 UT

AMSU-A2 scanner  parked at warm target at        161/12:21 UT

Burn ended at 161/14:36 UT

AMSU-A1 back to full scan mode              161/15:36 UT

AMSU-A2 back to full scan mode              161/15:37 UT

HSB to normal scan mode                     161/15:38 UT

AIRS scanner restarted                      161/16:46 UT (approx.)

During the afternoon both AIRS coolers had their electronics turned on, were uncaged, and software patches loaded. Both coolers are using the standard patches we used throughout I&T. The patch for the watch dog timer reset was not included.

As expected, temperatures of the cooler electronics baseplate began to rise as soon as the electronics went on. At time of writing, 5.5 hours after turning on cooler A, the temperature has risen to 288 K from an initial 278 K. The spacecraft HRS system appears to be working, since the temperature has begun to oscillate with a small amplitude.

During cooler mode change operations we switch telemetry to Engineering Data Collection (EDC) table #1. That means flexible engineering data packets replace nominal packets. Uncaging the cooler also requires that we be in EDC Table #4 briefly. Here is a timeline of the commands. Actual switches will occur a little after the commands go up.

Flex #4 commanded at 18:28:11 UT

Flex #1 commanded at 18:30:36 UT

Flex #4 commanded at 19:18:39 UT

Flex #1 commanded at 19:19:52 UT

Return to nominal telemetry commanded at 19:27:17

AIRS remains healthy, with all temperatures, currents, and voltages in their nominal ranges. The spectrometer temperature is dropping as expected. At time of writing (33 hours after turning off the decontamination heater) the spectrometer temperature is 171 K.

AMSU-A remains healthy. All temperatures, voltages, and currents are as expected.

HSB remains healthy. All temperatures, voltages, and currents are as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Earthshield                      deployed

     All voltages, currents, and temperatures have their expected values.

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    Opmode           "Standby"

    Op submode       "cooler initialized"

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode; all temperatures,

    voltages, and currents as expected

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in normal scan mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities on Wednesday, June 12

Cooler test; turn on focal plane; run first CAL-1; run first guard test (CAL-2)

Timeline for Wednesday (all times Pacific Daylight Time)

06:43 a.m.      Start Cooler B compressor (spectrometer temp <= 170 K)

08:16 a.m.      Turn on focal plane (focal plane temp < 80 K)

12:40 p.m.      Turn off focal plane; turn off Cooler B compressor;

                turn on Cooler A compressor

02:31 p.m.      Turn on focal plane

04:24 p.m.      Turn off Cooler B electronics and Noisy Bus B

                Run Cal-1 proc

06:12 p.m.      Start Guard Test

The relatively long gap between Cooler A compressor on and focal plane on is due to a lack of contacts of sufficient length to command.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For June 11

This is the AIRS operations status report for Tuesday, June 11 (Day 38 of the mission).

There were no AIRS, AMSU-A, or HSB activities today.

AIRS remains healthy, with all temperatures, currents, and voltages in their nominal ranges. The spectrometer temperature is dropping as expected. At time of writing (56 hours after turning off the decontamination heater) the spectrometer temperature is 158 K. The temperature of the second stage radiator is 157 K.

AMSU-A remains healthy. All temperatures, voltages, and currents are as expected.

HSB remains healthy. All temperatures, voltages, and currents are as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Earthshield                      deployed

     All voltages, currents, and temperatures have their expected values.

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    Opmode           "Standby"

    Op submode       "cooler initialized"

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode; all temperatures,

    voltages, and currents as expected

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in normal scan mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities on Wednesday, June 12

Cooler test; turn on focal plane; run first CAL-1; run first guard test (CAL-2)

Timeline for Wednesday (all times Pacific Daylight Time) (no changes since yesterday's report):

06:43 a.m.      Start Cooler B compressor (spectrometer temp <= 170 K)

08:16 a.m.      Turn on focal plane (focal plane temp < 80 K)

12:40 p.m.      Turn off focal plane; turn off Cooler B compressor;

                turn on Cooler A compressor

02:31 p.m.      Turn on focal plane

04:24 p.m.      Turn off Cooler B electronics and Noisy Bus B

                Run Cal-1 proc

06:12 p.m.      Start Guard Test

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For June 12

This is the AIRS operations status report for Wednesday, June 12 (Day 39 of the mission).

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

Today both AIRS coolers were tested with the focal plane detector modules turned on. Then Cooler B was completely shut down, leaving AIRS in its standard science data taking mode. The Cooler A compressor is on and the focal plane is on. At the end of the day two calibration sequences were run (CAL-1 and the guard test, CAL-2). The time sequence was almost exactly the one included in yesterday's report. The only difference was that the first turning on of the focal plane had to be delayed 40 minutes because the temperature of the focal plane detectors had not yet dropped below 80 K (as required by the turn-on procedure).

AIRS remains healthy, with all temperatures, currents, and voltages in their nominal ranges. The second stage radiator temperature is being maintained at 155 K by the choke point heater.

As-run timeline for Wednesday (all times Pacific Daylight Time):

06:43 a.m.      Start Cooler B compressor

08:57 a.m.      Turn on focal plane (focal plane temp < 80 K)

12:40 p.m.      Turn off focal plane; turn off Cooler B compressor;

                turn on Cooler A compressor

02:31 p.m.      Turn on focal plane

04:24 p.m.      Turn off Cooler B electronics and Noisy Bus B

                Run Cal-1 proc

06:12 p.m.      Start Guard Test by procedure

AMSU-A remains healthy. All temperatures, voltages, and currents are as expected.

HSB remains healthy. All temperatures, voltages, and currents are as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Earthshield                      deployed

     All voltages, currents, and temperatures have their expected values.

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    Opmode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       "10" (Calibration)

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode; all temperatures,

    voltages, and currents as expected

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in normal scan mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities on Thursday, June 13

(1) First daily guard test run by the master command list (a stored command sequence not requiring human intervention to run). The scheduling system is running this test at 06:10 UT (11:10 p.m. Wednesday Pacific time). Subsequent guard tests will be near this same time of day.

(2) Ascent Burn #5---AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB scanners will be parked for the burn and restarted later. Scanners will be parked beginning at 4:25 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time. The 11.5 minute burn starts at about 6:50 a.m. Pacific. AMSU-A and HSB scanners go back on at 8:26 a.m. The AIRS scanner restarts at about 9:00 a.m.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For June 13

This is the AIRS operations status report for Thursday, June 13 (Day 40 of the mission).

Ascent Burn #5 was successfully performed this morning. Only one more burn planned for Tuesday, June 18, is left. At that time Aqua will have reached its nominal orbit.

As always, all scanners were parked for the burn and restarted later. Here is the timeline:

AIRS, AMSU-A1, AMSU-A2, and HSB scanners were parked during a single contact at about 11:35 UT.

The burn ended at 14:02 UT.

AMSU-A scanners and the HSB scanner were restarted at about 15:27 UT.

The AIRS scanner was restarted at about 15:59 UT.

Errors in the EMOS version of the stored command sequence (SCS) which implements the guard test (CAL-2) have been discovered. Twice during the SCS the operating mode is incorrectly set to "STANDBY". It is supposed to be "CHECKOUT". More importantly, the SCS is missing its second-to-last command. That command restarts the periodic DC Restore function (which is turned off at the beginning of the SCS). Data taken during the guard test itself is good, because three DC Restore commands are issued by the SCS. But some time after the guard test ends, science data quality will be lost in those modules requiring DC restores (Modules 3 through 8).

For the next few days an operational work around will be used. As soon as possible after the guard test runs, we will run a procedure which starts the periodic DC restore. Because the guard test is run automatically, outside of a contact, there may be a delay of an hour or two before this can be done.

The SCS has been repaired and will be tested, put through the configuration management system, and uploaded to the spacecraft sometime in the next few days.

AIRS AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Earthshield                      deployed

The above is the final hardware state planned for AIRS. In this state it generates good data in both IR and Vis/NIR. Changes will only be made for thruster burns, some other spacecraft maneuvers, and certain calibration sequences. Since the earth shield cannot be re-stowed, its status will be dropped from future reports.

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    Opmode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       "10" (Calibration)

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode; all temperatures,

    voltages, and currents as expected

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in normal scan mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Daily guard tests run by the master command list (a stored command sequence not requiring human intervention to run) will continue.

(2) Three runs of the Space View Noise Test are planned for Sunday, June 16.

(3) Ascent Burn #6 on Tuesday, June 18

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For June 14

This is the AIRS operations status report for Friday, June 14 (Day 41 of the mission).

The date of the final ascent burn (#6) has been moved earlier by one day. It is now scheduled for Monday, June 17.

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

Most of the day was spent performing a series of yaw maneuvers for MODIS. Saturday will be spent doing more yaw maneuvers.

At 22:00 UT, after the MODIS activities were finished for the day and the spacecraft was back in nominal attitude, the set point for the AIRS choke point heater was reduced 2 K, from 155 K to 153 K.

Also, two updated stored command sequences (SCS's) were uploaded to the spacecraft. One of these corrects the problems with the guard test noted in yesterday's report. The other fixes minor problems in the SCS which controls the OBC-viewing phases of the Space View Noise Test and Gain/Circumvention Test (CAL-7 and CAL-8).

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                 point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 56.0 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    Opmode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       "10" (Calibration)

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode; all temperatures,

    voltages, and currents as expected

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in normal scan mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Daily guard tests will continue. They are being run by the master command list (a stored command sequence not requiring human intervention to run).

(2) Three runs of the Space View Noise Test are planned for Sunday, June 16. Two will be in "clean" orbits (no passage through the South Atlantic Anomaly). One will be run in a "dirty" orbit (data taken during a SAA crossing).

     i) 167/03:41 UT --- A-side gains; space view; circumvention off; SAA

    ii) 167/07:41 UT --- B-side gains; space view; circumvention off; no SAA

   iii) 167/09:15 UT --- A-side gains; space view; circumvention off; no SAA

(3) Ascent Burn #6 on Monday, June 17

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For June 15

This is the AIRS operations status report for Saturday, June 15 (Day 42 of the mission).

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

At 12:36 UT the A-side cold head set point was changed from 56.0 K to 55.25 K at the direction of Jose Rodriguez. After temperatures re-stabilized, the DN of the focal plane detectors (A-side sensor) was 3162. This was at the extreme edge of the desired range of 3125-3162 specified by Ken Overoye of BAE Systems. So Jose requested one more slight adjustment of the cold head set point. At 17:06 UT it was reset to 55.28 K. This led to a DN for the focal plane temperature of 3160.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                      point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    Opmode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       "10" (Calibration)

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode; all temperatures,

    voltages, and currents as expected

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in normal scan mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Daily guard tests will continue. They are being run by the master command list (a stored command sequence not requiring human intervention to run).

(2) Three runs of the Space View Noise Test are planned for Sunday, June 16. Two will be in "clean" orbits (no passage through the South Atlantic Anomaly). One will be run in a "dirty" orbit (data taken during a SAA crossing).

     i) 167/03:41 UT --- A-side gains; space view; circumvention off; SAA

    ii) 167/07:41 UT --- B-side gains; space view; circumvention off; no SAA

   iii) 167/09:15 UT --- A-side gains; space view; circumvention off; no SAA

(3) Ascent Burn #6 on Monday, June 17

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For June 16

This is the AIRS operations status report for Sunday, June 16 (Day 43 of the mission).

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

Three runs of CAL-7 (the space view noise test) were performed very early Sunday. The MCL (master command list)---a stored command sequence---was used, not the proc. This method permits precise control over the timing of the test. The downside of this technique is that variable arguments cannot be used.

The timing of the tests was as follows: (SAA ==> South Atlantic Anomaly)

     i) 167/03:41 UT --- A-side gains; space view; circumvention off; SAA

    ii) 167/07:41 UT --- B-side gains; space view; circumvention off; no SAA

   iii) 167/09:15 UT --- A-side gains; space view; circumvention off; no SAA

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                      point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    Opmode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       "10" (Calibration)

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode; all temperatures,

    voltages, and currents as expected

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in normal scan mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Daily guard tests will continue. They are being run by the master command list (a stored command sequence not requiring human intervention to run).

(2) Ascent Burn #6 on Monday, June 17

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For June 17

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Monday, June 17 (Day 44 of the mission).

Ascent burn #6 was successfully performed today. Aqua is now in its desired orbit. Only short "maintenance" burns are planned for the near and intermediate-term future.

Today's burn timeline was as follows:

 AMSU-A1 scanner parked        168/13:25 UT

 AMSU-A2 scanner parked            13:26

 HSB scanner parked                13:27

 AIRS scanner parked               13:28

 Delta V burn                      16:00 - 16:11 (680 seconds)

 AMSU-A1 scanner started           17:12

 AMSU-A2 scanner started           17:13

 HSB to scan normal                17:14

 AIRS scanner started              18:15

 HSB to Investigate mode           18:17

AMSU-A and HSB are now performing space view calibrations. This process will continue for the next several days. Today, AMSU-A is scanning with space view #1 selected. The selected space view will be changed once a day for the next three days, until all 4 space views have been used for one day each. HSB is in "Investigate" mode. In this mode, the space view is cycled automatically. In one scan line, space view #1 is used. In the next, #2. Then #3 and finally #4. Then the four-scan-cycle is repeated. This mode will be in use for 24 hours.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                      point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    Opmode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       "10" (Calibration)

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode with space view #1 selected.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in investigate mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Daily guard tests will continue. They are being run from the master command list (a stored command sequence not requiring human intervention to run).

(2) Four more space view noise / circumvention tests are planned for Thursday, June 20, using the master command list. It is planned to upload a new version of the optimum gain table before these tests are run.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For June 18

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Tuesday, June 18 (Day 45 of the mission).

AMSU-A performed several scanner operations today, as part of the switch from using Space View #1 to Space View #2. This, in turn, is part of a four-day calibration in which each space view is used for 24 hours.

HSB returned to normal scan mode after spending 24 hours in "investigate" mode. The timeline for these operations is as follows:

 AMSU-A1 parked at cold calibration view       169/18:16 UT

 AMSU-A1 cold cal position 2 selected              18:18

 AMSU-A1 to Full Scan mode                         18:19

 AMSU-A2 parked at cold calibration view           18:20

 AMSU-A2 cold cal position 2 selected              18:20

 AMSU-A2 to Full Scan mode                         18:22

 HSB to Scan Normal mode (end investigation mode)  18:24

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                      point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    Opmode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       "10" (Calibration)

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode with space view #2 selected.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in normal scan mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Daily guard tests will continue. They are being run from the master command list (a stored command sequence not requiring human intervention to run).

(2) Four more space view noise / circumvention tests are planned for Thursday, June 20, using the master command list. It is planned to upload a new version of the optimum gain table and a new A-side gain table before these tests are run. The scheduled times are:

171/00:46 Space view; A-side gains,  circumvention off; away from SAA

171/02:25 Space view; B-side gains,  circumvention off; away from SAA

171/03:14 Space view; A-side gains,  circumvention on;  through the SAA

171/04:03 Space view; Optimum gains, circumvention off; away from SAA

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For June 19

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Wednesday, June 19 (Day 46 of the mission).

There were no HSB activities today.

AMSU-A  performed several scanner operations today, as part of the switch from using Space View #2 to Space View #3. This, in turn, is part of a four-day calibration in which each space view is used for 24 hours.

 AMSU-A1 parked at cold calibration view  and selected space view #3     170/18:37 UT

 AMSU-A1 to Full Scan mode                                                                                           18:38 UT

 AMSU-A2 parked at cold calibration view                                                                  18:39 UT

 AMSU-A2 cold cal position 3 selected                                                                        18:40 UT

 AMSU-A2 to Full Scan mode                                                                                          18:40 UT

Two revised gain/circumvention tables were uploaded to the spacecraft's Instrument Support Controller (ISC).

170/18:58 UT                    New optimum gain table uploaded

170/19:03 UT                    New A-side gain table uploaded.

Note that neither table was loaded into the AIRS instrument. This will be done by the CAL-7 and CAL-8 activities which will run early on day 171. See the time line below.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                      point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    Opmode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       "10" (Calibration)

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode with space view #3 selected.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in normal scan mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Daily guard tests will continue. They are being run from the master command list (a stored command sequence not requiring human intervention to run).

(2) Four more space view noise / circumvention tests are planned for Thursday, June 20, using the master command list. The scheduled times are:

171/00:46 Space view; A-side gains,  circumvention off; away from SAA

171/02:25 Space view; B-side gains,  circumvention off; away from SAA

171/03:14 Space view; A-side gains,  circumvention on;  through the SAA

171/04:03 Space view; Optimum gains, circumvention off; away from SAA

(3) MODIS lunar calibration roll maneuver on Thursday, June 20

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For June 20

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Thursday, June 20 (Day 47 of the mission).

There were no HSB activities today.

AMSU-A  performed several scanner operations today, as part of the switch from using Space View #3 to Space View #4. This, in turn, is part of a four-day calibration in which each space view is used for 24 hours.

 AMSU-A1 parked at cold calibration view and selected space view #4     171/21:15 UT

 AMSU-A1 to Full Scan mode                                              171/21:18 UT                                                                                 

 AMSU-A2 parked at cold calibration view  and selected space view #4    171/21:19 UT

 AMSU-A2 to Full Scan mode                                              171/21:20 UT                                                                  

For AIRS, four more space view noise / circumvention threshold tests were performed early today. As usual, the master command list was used. The start times of the activities were:

171/00:46 Space view; A-side gains,  circumvention off; away from SAA

171/02:25 Space view; B-side gains,  circumvention off; away from SAA

171/03:14 Space view; A-side gains,  circumvention on;  through the SAA

171/04:03 Space view; Optimum gains, circumvention off; away from SAA

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                      point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    Opmode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       "10" (Calibration)

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode with space view #4 selected.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in normal scan mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Daily guard tests will continue. They are being run from the master command list (a stored command sequence not requiring human intervention to run). The start time for the guard test early on June 21 (Day of Year 172) will be 10:13 UT.

(2) Five more space view noise / circumvention tests are planned for Tuesday, June 25, using the master command list. The tests planned are:

Space view; A-side gains,       circumvention on;  away from SAA

Space view; B-side gains,       circumvention on;  away from SAA

Space view; A/B Optimum gains,  circumvention on;  away from SAA

OBC;        A/B Optimum gains,  circumvention on;  away from SAA

Space view; A/B Optimum gains,  circumvention on,  through the SAA

Start times will appear in a later status report.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For June 23

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Sunday, June 23 (Day 50 of the Aqua mission).

Except for the daily guard test, there were no AIRS activities today.

AMSU-A and HSB restarted their scanners. The time line is as follows:

174/12:50  AS1_SCNR_PARK_COLDPOS(1) (Select space view #1)

174/12:53  AS2_SCNR_PARK_COLDPOS(1) (Select space view #1)

174/12:55  HSB_SCNR_PARK_SVPOS(1) (Select space view #1)

174/12:57  AS1_SCNR_FULL (Enter full scan mode)

174/12:58  AS2_SCNR_FULL (Enter full scan mode)

174/12:59  HSB_SCNR_NORM (Enter normal scan mode)

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                      point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    Opmode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       "10" (Calibration)

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in normal scan mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Daily guard tests will continue. They are being run from the master command list (a stored command sequence not requiring human intervention to run). The start time for the guard test early on June 24 (Day of Year 175) will be 07:12 UT.

(2) Three new gain/circumvention tables (one each A-side, B-side, and Optimum) will be uploaded to the spacecraft on Monday, June 24. These tables will support the space view noise and gain/circumvention tests planned for Tuesday and Wednesday.

(3) Seven more space view noise / circumvention tests are planned for Tuesday-Wednesday, June 25-26, using the master command list. The tests planned are:

176/03:32 UT Space view; A/B Optimum gains,  circumvention on,  through the SAA

176/07:30 UT Space view; B-side gains,       circumvention on;  away from SAA

176/08:30 UT Space view; A-side gains,       circumvention on;  away from SAA

176/10:45 UT Space view; A/B Optimum gains,  circumvention on;  away from SAA

176/11:40 UT OBC;        A/B Optimum gains,  circumvention on;  away from SAA

176/15:40 UT Space view; B-side gains,       circumvention on;  through the SAA

177/04:15 UT Space view; A-side gains,       circumvention on;  through the SAA

(4) Today the first of two days of MODIS yaw maneuvers took place today. The rest of the maneuvers are scheduled for Monday, June 24. The CERES yaw maneuver is planned for Wednesday, June 26.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For June 25

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Tuesday, June 25 (Day 52 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

AIRS performed its daily guard test as usual.

Six of the seven CAL-8 tests (gain/circumvention table verification) in the third set run since cool down were performed today, using the Master Command List (MCL). The seventh test will run tonight. The activities had to be spread out in order to find sufficiently long South Atlantic Anomaly passages, which are required by three of the tests.

Here is the time line of the six activities:

176/03:32 UT Space view; A/B Optimum gains,  circumvention on,  through the SAA

176/07:30 UT Space view; B-side gains,       circumvention on;  away from SAA

176/08:30 UT Space view; A-side gains,       circumvention on;  away from SAA

176/10:45 UT Space view; A/B Optimum gains,  circumvention on;  away from SAA

176/11:40 UT OBC;        A/B Optimum gains,  circumvention on;  away from SAA

176/15:40 UT Space view; B-side gains,       circumvention on;  through the SAA

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                      point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on; A-side detector temperature is a little less

                                      than 58 K --- the data number (DN) was 3156 at

                                      176/18:30 UT

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    Opmode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       "10" (Calibration)

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in normal scan mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Daily guard tests will continue. The start time for the guard test early on June 26 (Day of Year 177) will be 07:00 UT. The start time for the guard test early on June 27 (Day of Year 178) will be 07:43 UT.

(2) One more space view noise / circumvention tests is planned for Wednesday, June 26, using the master command list. Its time is:

177/04:15 UT Space view; A-side gains,       circumvention on;  through the SAA

(3) The CERES yaw maneuver is planned for Wednesday, June 26.

(4) AMSU-A and HSB optimal space view selection is scheduled for Friday, June 28.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For June 26

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Wednesday, June 26 (Day 53 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

AIRS performed its daily guard test as usual.

The last of the seven CAL-8 tests (gain/circumvention table verification) in the third set run since cool down was performed today, using the Master Command List (MCL). The time and description:

177/04:15 UT Space view; A-side gains,       circumvention on;  through the SAA

The CERES yaw maneuvers were performed today.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                      point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on; A-side detector temperature is a little less

                                      than 58 K --- the data number (DN) was 3156 at

                                      178/11:27 UT

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    Opmode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       "10" (Calibration)

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in normal scan mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Daily guard tests will continue.. The start time for the guard test early on June 27 (Day of Year 178) will be 07:43 UT.

(2) AMSU-A and HSB optimal space view selection is scheduled for Friday, June 28.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For June 27

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Thursday, June 27 (Day 54 of the Aqua mission).

At approximately 15:40 UT (8:40 a.m. PDT) the spacecraft went into safe mode. The fault management system automatically puts all instruments into safe mode when this happens. The spacecraft pointing mode changes from "fine point" to "Earth point". Pointing accuracy (especially in yaw) is degraded.

The immediate cause of the incident was the swapping of the spacecraft's master control computer from CTC-A to CTC-B. Subsequent investigation shows that the swap was initiated by the fault management system because CTC-A suffered both a parity error and an address error. Either one of these events would have caused a swap. The ultimate cause of these errors is not yet known. It might be related to the fact that the spacecraft was passing through the heart of the South Atlantic Anomaly at the time. But other possibilities are also under consideration. CTC-B has operated without problem since the swap.

For both AMSU-A and HSB, safe mode implies that their scanners are parked at their warm targets.

For AIRS, safe mode just means that the OpMode telemetry parameter is changed to "Standby" and submode is changed to 4 ("safe"). The hardware state does not change, so the focal plane, cooler, scanner, chopper, and all heaters are still on. The most important consequences to AIRS (assuming that the spacecraft's GIRD clock is not affected) are:

(1) The spacecraft pointing control degradation might have a small effect on some AIRS temperatures.

(2) The pointing errors will affect the spatial coverage of the AIRS data.

(3) Because of communication limitations, there is a possibility that some AIRS science data taken during this anomaly might be lost. At time of writing, no AIRS science data on the solid state recorder has been overwritten. Because MODIS is not generating science data in this mode, the SSR has room for about 10 orbits (over 16 hours) of AIRS high-rate data.

(4) Because the MCL which was in progress was aborted, and because tomorrow's MCL will not be uploaded, the following AIRS activities have been lost:

     (a) Turning on photo cal lamp #3 at 22:00 UT on day 178

     (b) The guard test scheduled for 179/08:26 UT

     (c) Turning on photo cal lamp #3 at 22:00 UT on day 179

AIRS performed its daily guard test at 178/07:42. That was done before the anomaly occurred.

For the first several hours after the anomaly, all telemetry indicated that there was absolutely no disturbance to the GIRD clock. If true, the only AIRS recovery actions required would be resetting the OpMode and submode to their former values (OpMode "Checkout"; Submode = 10) and setting the CalFunc bits to show "CAL-1 normal".

Later, there was an indication from one spacecraft subsystem that the clock had jumped by an indeterminate amount. However, the spacecraft's guidance and navigation controller continuously compares its internal clock to the master spacecraft clock and sets a flag if they disagree by more than 2 seconds. That flag has never been set during this incident. Also, the AIRS VCXO clock offset telemetry has been zero throughout. Finally, HSB did not lose clock synchronization. Thus, three independent indicators imply that the clock did not jump, at least not by an amount sufficient to disturb AIRS or HSB.

Anomaly investigation is still in progress. There will definitely not be any attempt to return instruments to science mode before Friday morning at the earliest.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                      point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on; A-side detector temperature is a little less

                                      than 58 K --- the data number (DN) was 3155 at

                                 178/21:39 UT

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Standby"

    Op submode       "4" ("Safe")

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners parked at warm target.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner parked at warm target. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1)Instrument transitions back to science mode (time TBD).

(2) AMSU-A and HSB optimal space view selection was scheduled for Friday, June 28. This may be delayed because of the anomaly.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For June 28

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Friday, June 28 (Day 55 of the Aqua mission).

The spacecraft has been put back in its normal mode after yesterday's incident. The A-side CTC has been restored as the primary, and the B-side is again the hot backup.

The spacecraft was put into fine point mode at about 18:45 UT. While it was in Earth point mode there were some large (over 30 degrees) excursions in yaw which caused some sunlight to hit the AIRS radiators. The second stage radiator temperature went up to around 158 K, five degrees above its set point. Its temperature has returned to 153, but not all temperature gradients have stabilized.

The increased temperatures also caused the cooler's drive percent to rise abruptly, from 83.0 to 83.6. In the latest data available from the Analysis System (179/07:00 UT) it appears to have peaked and be starting down. But more data will be needed to tell for sure. Tomorrow's report will say more.

Since the MCL for day 179 was never loaded, this morning's guard test was missed. So a guard test was run by proc after fine point mode had been achieved. The test began at about 19:06 UT. The data quality for this test may not be the highest, since temperature gradients are not fully stabilized. Also, near the end of the test, the spacecraft was approaching a point outside, but not too far from, the AIRS-defined South Atlantic Anomaly. Normal daily guard tests will resume early Saturday morning.

AMSU-A and HSB restarted their scanners. The time line was:

179/20:13 UT HSB scanner restarted

179/20:34 UT AMSU-A1 scanners restarted

179/20:36 UT AMSU-A2 scanner restarted

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected, although some AIRS temperature gradients are still settling.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                      point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on; A-side detector temperature is a little less

                                      than 58 K --- the data number (DN) was 3155 at

                                 179/23:08 UT

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       10

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Daily guard tests continue. The one early Saturday morning will start at 180/07:30 UT.

(2) AMSU-A and HSB optimal space view selection has been delayed until Monday at the earliest.

(3) AIRS will run CAL-6 (non-linearity test) and CAL-9 (scattered light test) on Tuesday (tentative due to the spacecraft incident yesterday).

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For June 29

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Saturday, June 29 (Day 56 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AIRS, AMSU-A, or HSB activities today, except for the daily guard test.

All AIRS temperatures have returned to their pre-spacecraft-anomaly values. The AIRS cooler drive level has also returned to its pre-anomaly trend line.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                      point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on; A-side detector temperature is a little less

                                      than 58 K --- the data number (DN) was 3155 at

                                      180/23:08 UT

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       10

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Daily guard tests continue. The one early Sunday morning will start at 181/08:13 UT.

(2) AMSU-A and HSB optimal space view selection has been delayed until Monday at the earliest.

(3) AIRS will run CAL-6 (non-linearity test) and CAL-9 (scattered light test) on Tuesday (tentative).

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For June 30

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Sunday, June 30 (Day 57 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AIRS, AMSU-A, or HSB activities today, except for the daily guard test.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                      point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on; A-side detector temperature is a little less

                                      than 58 K --- the data number (DN) was 3155 at

                                      181/18:16 UT

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       10

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Daily guard tests continue. The one early Monday morning will start at 182/07:18 UT.

(2) AMSU-A and HSB optimal space view selection has been delayed until Monday at the earliest.

(3) AIRS will run CAL-6 (non-linearity test) and CAL-9 (scattered light test) on Tuesday (tentative).

(4) There will be an orbit maintenance burn on Wednesday, July 3. All scanners will be parked before the burn and restarted afterwards.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For July 3

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Wednesday, July 3 (Day 60 of the Aqua mission).

There were no HSB activities today. It is already using the desired optimal space view.

The AMSU_A optimal space view was set today. The scanners were briefly parked at space view #3 as selected by Bjorn Lambrigtsen. Then the scanners were restarted.

Other than the daily guard test, the only AIRS activity today was a resetting of instrument configuration word #1. An error in the SCS (stored command sequence) which controlled yesterday's non-linearity test set two bits in this word incorrectly. The SCS is being corrected. The science data were not affected---the data are expected to be good.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                      point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on; A-side detector temperature is a little less

                                      than 58 K --- the data number (DN) was 3153 at

                                      184/19:24 UT

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       10

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities:

(1) Daily guard tests continue. The one early Thursday morning will start at 185/06:10 UT.

(2) The OBC Float Test (CAL-5), which temporarily turns off the radiometric calibrator heater, will be run from Monday July 8 through Wednesday July 10.

(3) AIRS will run four more CAL-8 tests (gain/circumvention table verification) early Wednesday morning July 10, after the radiometric calibrator has returned to its nominal temperature. New gain/circumvention tables to support this test will be uploaded to the spacecraft Tuesday, July 9.

(4) The orbit maintenance burn (drag make-up) originally scheduled for Wednesday, July 3 has been rescheduled to Wednesday July 10. All scanners will be parked before the burn and restarted afterwards.

(5) AIRS will run CAL-9 (scattered light test) in OBC/pary mode after its scanner is restarted following next Wednesday's burn.

(6) Following CAL-9, the channel spectra phase test (CAL-3) will begin. This is a three-to-four-day test which changes the choke point heater set point. First it is set one degree below nominal. Later, after temperatures stabilize, it is set one degree above nominal. After temperatures stabilize again, it is reset to the nominal value.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For July 4

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Thursday, July 4 (Day 61 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AIRS, AMSU-A, or HSB activities today, except for the AIRS daily guard test. The Flight Support Team at GSFC is taking the four-day Fourth of July weekend off. So there will be no activities requiring human presence at the EOC for the spacecraft or any instruments until Monday, July 8. Only health and safety monitoring is being done.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                      point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on; A-side detector temperature is a little less

                                      than 58 K --- the data number (DN) was 3153 at

                                      184/19:24 UT

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       10

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities:

(1) Daily guard tests continue. The one early Friday morning will start at 186/06:53 UT.

(2) The OBC Float Test (CAL-5), which temporarily turns off the radiometric calibrator heater, will be run from Monday July 8 through Wednesday July 10.

(3) AIRS will run four more CAL-8 tests (gain/circumvention table verification) early Wednesday morning July 10, after the radiometric calibrator has returned to its nominal temperature. New gain/circumvention tables to support this test will be uploaded to the spacecraft Tuesday, July 9.

(4) The orbit maintenance burn (drag make-up) originally scheduled for Wednesday, July 3 has been rescheduled to Wednesday July 10. All scanners will be parked before the burn and restarted afterwards.

(5) AIRS will run CAL-9 (scattered light test) in OBC/pary mode after its scanner is restarted following next Wednesday's burn.

(6) Following CAL-9, the channel spectra phase test (CAL-3) will begin. This is a three-to-four-day test which changes the choke point heater set point. First it is set one degree below nominal. Later, after temperatures stabilize, it is set one degree above nominal. After temperatures stabilize again, it is reset to the nominal value.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For July 5

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Friday, July 5 (Day 62 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AIRS, AMSU-A, or HSB activities today, except for the AIRS daily guard test.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                      point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on; A-side detector temperature is a little less

                                      than 58 K --- the data number (DN) was 3153 at

                                      184/19:24 UT

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       10

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities:

(1) Daily guard tests continue. The one early Saturday morning will start at 186/07:36 UT.

(2) The OBC Float Test (CAL-5), which temporarily turns off the radiometric calibrator heater, will be run from Monday July 8 through Wednesday July 10.

(3) Circumvention processing will be turned on for routine use on Monday. It will be restarted on Wednesday. (The CAL-8 tests turn it off.)

(4) AIRS will run four more CAL-8 tests (gain/circumvention table verification) early Wednesday morning July 10, after the radiometric calibrator has returned to its nominal temperature. New gain/circumvention tables to support this test will be uploaded to the spacecraft Tuesday, July 9.

(5) The orbit maintenance burn (drag make-up) originally scheduled for Wednesday, July 3 has been rescheduled to Wednesday July 10. All scanners will be parked before the burn and restarted afterwards.

(6) AIRS will run CAL-9 (scattered light test) in OBC/pary mode after its scanner is restarted following next Wednesday's burn.

(7) Following CAL-9, the channel spectra phase test (CAL-3) will begin. This is a three-to-four-day test which changes the choke point heater set point. First it is set one degree below nominal. Later, after temperatures stabilize, it is set one degree above nominal. After temperatures stabilize again, it is reset to the nominal value.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For July 6

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Saturday, July 6 (Day 63 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AIRS, AMSU-A, or HSB activities today, except for the AIRS daily guard test.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                      point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on; A-side detector temperature is a little less

                                      than 58 K --- the data number (DN) was 3152 at

                                 187/19:42 UT

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       10

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities:

(1) Daily guard tests continue. The one early Sunday morning will start at 188/06:41 UT.

(2) The OBC Float Test (CAL-5), which temporarily turns off the radiometric calibrator heater, will be run from Monday July 8 through Wednesday July 10.

(3) Circumvention processing will be turned on for routine use on Monday. It will be restarted on Wednesday. (The CAL-8 tests turn it off.)

(4) AIRS will run four more CAL-8 tests (gain/circumvention table verification) early Wednesday morning July 10, after the radiometric calibrator has returned to its nominal temperature. New gain/circumvention tables to support this test will be uploaded to the spacecraft Tuesday, July 9. Here is the time line:

    191/06:46 UT---Space View; A-side gains;   circumvention on; no South Atlantic Anomaly

    191/07:36 UT---Space View; B-side gains;   circumvention on; no South Atlantic Anomaly

    191/08:25 UT---Space View; Optimum gains;  circumvention on; no South Atlantic Anomaly

    191/09:15 UT---OBC View;   Optimum gains;  circumvention on; no South Atlantic Anomaly

(5) The orbit maintenance burn (drag make-up) originally scheduled for Wednesday, July 3 has been rescheduled to Wednesday July 10. All scanners will be parked before the burn and restarted afterwards.

(6) AIRS will run CAL-9 (scattered light test) in OBC/pary mode after its scanner is restarted following next Wednesday's burn.

(7) Following CAL-9, the channel spectra phase test (CAL-3) will begin. This is a three-to-four-day test which changes the choke point heater set point. First it is set one degree below nominal. Later, after temperatures stabilize, it is set one degree above nominal. After temperatures stabilize again, it is reset to the nominal value.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For July 7

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Sunday, July 7 (Day 64 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AIRS, AMSU-A, or HSB activities today, except for the AIRS daily guard test.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                      point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on; A-side detector temperature is a little less

                                      than 58 K --- the data number (DN) was 3152 at

                                      187/19:42 UT

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       10

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities:

(1) Daily guard tests continue. The one early Monday morning will start at 189/07:24 UT.

(2) The OBC Float Test (CAL-5), which temporarily turns off the radiometric calibrator heater, will be run from Monday July 8 through Wednesday July 10.

(3) Circumvention processing will be turned on for routine use on Monday. It will be restarted on Wednesday. (The CAL-8 tests turn it off.)

(4) AIRS will run four more CAL-8 tests (gain/circumvention table verification) early Wednesday morning July 10, after the radiometric calibrator has returned to its nominal temperature. New gain/circumvention tables to support this test will be uploaded to the spacecraft Tuesday, July 9. Here is the time line:

    191/06:46 UT---Space View; A-side gains;   circumvention on; no South Atlantic Anomaly

    191/07:36 UT---Space View; B-side gains;   circumvention on; no South Atlantic Anomaly

    191/08:25 UT---Space View; Optimum gains;  circumvention on; no South Atlantic Anomaly

    191/09:15 UT---OBC View;   Optimum gains;  circumvention on; no South Atlantic Anomaly

(5) The orbit maintenance burn (drag make-up) originally scheduled for Wednesday, July 3 has been rescheduled to Wednesday July 10. All scanners will be parked before the burn and restarted afterwards.

(6) AIRS will run CAL-9 (scattered light test) in OBC/pary mode after its scanner is restarted following Wednesday's burn.

(7) Following CAL-9, the channel spectra phase test (CAL-3) will begin. This is a three-to-four-day test which changes the choke point heater set point. First it is set one degree below nominal. Later, after temperatures stabilize, it is set one degree above nominal. After temperatures stabilize again, it is reset to the nominal value.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For July 8

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Monday, July 8 (Day 65 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

AIRS activities included the daily guard test, turning on circumvention processing (this will be the normal mode from now on), and starting the OBC Float test (CAL-5).

Circumvention processing was enabled at about 189/12:38 UT.

The radiometric calibrator heater was turned off (part of CAL-5) at about 189/13:00 UT.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    off---the temperature of the blackbody was 278 K at

                                 189/23:51 UT

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                      point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on; A-side detector temperature is a little less

                                      than 58 K --- the data number (DN) was 3152 at

                                      189/23:51 UT

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       10

    CalFunc bits  Function = 4 (CAL-5 in progress)

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities:

(1) Daily guard tests continue. The one early Tuesday morning will start at 190/06:28:30 UT.

(2) The OBC Float Test (CAL-5), which temporarily turns off the radiometric calibrator heater, will continue. The radiometric calibrator heater will be turned on again on Tuesday, July 9.

(3) AIRS will run four more CAL-8 tests (gain/circumvention table verification) early Wednesday morning July 10, after the radiometric calibrator has returned to its nominal temperature. New gain/circumvention tables to support this test will be uploaded to the spacecraft Tuesday, July 9. Here is the time line:

    191/06:46 UT---Space View; A-side gains;   circumvention on; no South Atlantic Anomaly

    191/07:36 UT---Space View; B-side gains;   circumvention on; no South Atlantic Anomaly

    191/08:25 UT---Space View; Optimum gains;  circumvention on; no South Atlantic Anomaly

    191/09:15 UT---OBC View;   Optimum gains;  circumvention on; no South Atlantic Anomaly

(4) Circumvention processing (which was turned on today) will be restarted on Wednesday after the CAL-8 tests (which turn it off.)

(5) The orbit maintenance burn (drag make-up) originally scheduled for Wednesday, July 3 and then Wednesday July 10 has been moved again---to Thursday July 11. All scanners will be parked before the burn and restarted afterwards.

(6) AIRS will run CAL-9 (scattered light test) in OBC/parylene mode on Wednesday July 10.

(7) The start of the channel spectra phase test (CAL-3) has been delayed until Thursday because of the change of time of the drag make-up burn. This is a three-to-four-day test which changes the choke point heater set point. First it is set one degree below nominal. Later, after temperatures stabilize, it is set one degree above nominal. After temperatures stabilize again, it is reset to the nominal value.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For July 9

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Tuesday, July 9 (Day 66 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

AIRS activities were:

1) daily guard test;

2) uploading three new gain tables to the ISC;

3) uploading the new optimum gain table from the ISC to AIRS (15:16 UT)

4) turning the radiometric calibrator heater back on (part of CAL-5) at 16:05


Most of the radiometric calibrator temperature sensors saturate and cannot show a temperature less than 277 K. But one sensor can read temperatures down into the 230's. That sensor indicated that the blackbody's temperature shortly before the heater was turned back on was 261 K.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on---the temperature of the blackbody had risen to 301 K at

                                 190/23:19 UT

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                      point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on; A-side detector temperature is a little less

                                      than 58 K --- the data number (DN) was 3151 at

                                 190/23:19 UT

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       10

    CalFunc bits     Function = 4 (CAL-5 in progress)

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities (note plan change in item 5 below):

(1) Daily guard tests continue. The one early Wednesday morning will start at 191/05:32 UT.

(2) The OBC Float Test (CAL-5), which temporarily turns off the radiometric calibrator heater, will end with the start of the first CAL-8 test. The end of the test is marked by a change to the CalFunc bits. The last hardware state change that is part of the CAL-5 test was turning the heater back on.

(3) AIRS will run four more CAL-8 tests (gain/circumvention table verification) early Wednesday morning July 10, after the radiometric calibrator has returned to its nominal temperature. Here is the time line:

    191/06:46 UT---Space View; A-side gains;   circumvention on; no South Atlantic Anomaly

    191/07:36 UT---Space View; B-side gains;   circumvention on; no South Atlantic Anomaly

    191/08:25 UT---Space View; Optimum gains;  circumvention on; no South Atlantic Anomaly

    191/09:15 UT---OBC View;   Optimum gains;  circumvention on; no South Atlantic Anomaly

(4) Circumvention processing (which was turned on yesterday) will be restarted on Wednesday after the CAL-8 tests (which turn it off.)

(5) The CAL-9 test in OBC/parylene mode, originally planned for Wednesday July 10, has been delayed until Wednesday July 17 at the request of the AIRS calibration team. The reason for the change of plan is to provide a "focus" day for the science team before the start of CAL-3. This is nearly 24 hours of AIRS/AMSU-A/HSB data during which the hardware state is not disturbed.

(6) The orbit maintenance burn (drag make-up) will occur Thursday July 11. All scanners will be parked before the burn and restarted afterwards.

(7) The channel spectra phase test (CAL-3) will begin Thursday after the AIRS scanner is back on. This is a three-to-four-day test which changes the choke point heater set point. First it is set one degree below nominal. Later, after temperatures stabilize, it is set one degree above nominal. After temperatures stabilize again, it is reset to the nominal value.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For July 10

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Wednesday, July 10 (Day 67 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

AIRS activities were:

1) daily guard test;

2) four more CAL-8 tests (gain/circumvention table verification)---here is the time line:

    191/06:46 UT---Space View; A-side gains;   circumvention on; no South Atlantic Anomaly

    191/07:36 UT---Space View; B-side gains;   circumvention on; no South Atlantic Anomaly

    191/08:25 UT---Space View; Optimum gains;  circumvention on; no South Atlantic Anomaly

    191/09:15 UT---OBC View;   Optimum gains;  circumvention on; no South Atlantic Anomaly

3)  191/13:28 UT---circumvention processing was turned back on (the CAL-8 tests turn it off

                   when they finish)

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                      point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on; A-side detector temperature is a little less

                                      than 58 K --- the data number (DN) was 3151 at

                                      191/22:15 UT

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       10

    CalFunc bits  Function = 0 Phase = 1 (CAL-1 normal mode)

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Daily guard tests continue. The one early Thursday morning will start at 192/07:55 UT.

(2) The orbit maintenance burn (drag make-up) will occur Thursday July 11. All scanners will be parked before the burn and restarted afterwards.

(3) The channel spectra phase test (CAL-3) will begin Thursday after the AIRS scanner is back on. This is a three-to-four-day test which changes the choke point heater set point. First it is set one degree below nominal. Later, after temperatures stabilize, it is set one degree above nominal. After temperatures stabilize again, it is reset to the nominal value.

(4) The CAL-9 test in OBC/parylene mode, originally planned for Wednesday July 10, has been rescheduled to Wednesday July 17.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For July 11

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Thursday, July 11 (Day 68 of the Aqua mission).

Today there was a drag maintenance burn (48 seconds long). Here is the time line for scanner parking and restarting (all times are UT on day of year 192):

AMSU-A1 scanner parked at warm cal view    11:31

AMSU-A2 scanner parked at warm cal view    11:32

HSB scanner parked at target view          11:33

AIRS scanner parked (idle mode) at rad cal 11:34

delta-v burn start                         15:08 (burn duration = 48 seconds)

AMSU-A1 to full scan mode                  16:44

AMSU-A2 to full scan mode                  16:45

HSB to scan normal mode                    16:46

AIRS scanner scanning                      17:45

AIRS started its channel spectra phase test (CAL-3). The time line is:

Guard test began                           17:48

CAL-3, phase 'I' started                   19:10

Choke point heater adjusted to 2620 counts 19:17 (2620 ==> 152 K)

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                 point of 152 K---this temperature had been reached

                                      by 192/23:01 UT

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on; A-side detector temperature is a little less

                                      than 58 K --- the data number (DN) was 3152 at

                                 192/21:50 UT

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       10

    CalFunc bits  Function = 2 Phase = 0 (CAL-3 in progress)

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Daily guard tests using the MCL were suspended for day 193 and 194 because guard tests will

    be run manually as part of CAL-3. MCL guard tests will resume on day 195.

(2) The second phase of the channel spectra phase test (CAL-3) will take place on Friday. At that time the

    choke point heater set point will be raised to 154 K. Additional phases will take place on Saturday

    and Monday.

(3) The CAL-9 test in OBC/parylene mode, originally planned for Wednesday July 10, has been

    rescheduled to Wednesday July 17.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For July 12

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Friday, July 12 (Day 69 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

AIRS continued its channel spectra phase test (CAL-3). The time line is:

Guard test began                           193/18:27 UT

CAL-3, phase 'L' started                   193/19:01 UT

Choke point heater adjusted to 2358 counts 193/19:08 (2358 ==> 154 K)

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

The choke point heater current is at its maximum value of 0.13 amps while it is raising

the temperature of the second stage radiator to 154 K.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                 point of 154 K---153.8 had been reached

                                      by 193/23:45 UT

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on; A-side detector temperature is a little less

                                      than 58 K --- the data number (DN) was 3152 at

                                      193/23:45 UT

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       10

    CalFunc bits     Function = 2 Phase = 0 (CAL-3 in progress)

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Daily guard tests using the MCL were suspended for day 193 and 194 because guard tests will

    be run manually as part of CAL-3. MCL guard tests will resume on day 195.

(2) The third phase of the channel spectra phase test (CAL-3) will take place on Saturday. At that time the

    choke point heater set point will be reset to the nominal value of 153 K. The final phases will take place on


(3) The CAL-9 test in OBC/parylene mode, originally planned for Wednesday July 10, has been

    rescheduled to Wednesday July 17.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For July 13

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Saturday, July 13 (Day 70 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

AIRS continued its channel spectra phase test (CAL-3). The time line is:

Guard test began                           194/18:11 UT

CAL-3, phase 'H' started                   194/19:00 UT

Choke point heater adjusted to 2489 counts 194/19:07 (2489 ==> 153 K)

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

The choke point heater current returned to about 0.09 amps once

the temperature of the second stage radiator reached 154 K yesterday.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                 point of 153 K---153.6 had been reached

                                      by 194/19:21 UT

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on; A-side detector temperature is a little less

                                      than 58 K --- the data number (DN) was 3150 at

                                 194/19:21 UT

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       10

    CalFunc bits     Function = 2 Phase = 0 (CAL-3 in progress)

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Daily guard tests from the MCL resume in the early hours of Sunday morning

    at 08:25:25 UT.

(2) The final phase of the channel spectra phase test (CAL-3) will take place on Monday.

    At that time the choke point heater set point will not be changed.

    It will be kept at the nominal value of 153 K the nominal value of 153 K. The only

    actions will be an extra guard test followed by a temporary change of the

    CalFunc bits to mark the end of the test.

(3) The CAL-9 test in OBC/parylene mode, originally planned for Wednesday July 10, has been

    rescheduled to Wednesday July 17.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For July 14

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Sunday, July 14 (Day 71 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

The only AIRS activity was the daily guard test.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                      point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on; A-side detector temperature is a little less

                                      than 58 K --- the data number (DN) was 3151 at

                                 195/16:03 UT

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       10

    CalFunc bits     Function = 0 Phase = 1 (CAL-1 normal)---The guard test run at 195/08:25:25

                     set these values, which had previously indicated CAL-3 in progress.

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Daily guard tests from the MCL continue. The one early Monday morning will start at

    196/07:30 UT.

(2) The final phase of the channel spectra phase test (CAL-3) will take place on Monday.

    At that time the choke point heater set point will not be changed.

    It will be kept at the nominal value of 153 K. The only actions will be an extra

    guard test followed by a temporary change of the CalFunc bits to mark the end

    of the test.

(3) The CAL-9 test in OBC/parylene mode, originally planned for Wednesday July 10, has been

    rescheduled to Wednesday July 17.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For July 15

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Monday, July 15 (Day 72 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

AIRS ran a daily guard test as part of the Master Command List. An additional guard test was run prior to the final phase of the CAL-3 test (channel spectra phase test).  Here is the timeline:

Daily guard test (MCL)                                      196/07:30 UT

Additional guard test                                       196/17:53 UT

CAL-3 Phase F (no change to choke point heater set point)   196/18:44 UT

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                      point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on; A-side detector temperature is a little less

                                      than 58 K --- the data number (DN) was 3150 at

                                 196/19:37 UT

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       10

    CalFunc bits     Function = 0 Phase = 1 (CAL-1 normal) (but for about six minutes during the

                     CAL-3 Phase F test the bits were set to Function = 2).

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Daily guard tests continue. The one early Tuesday morning will start at

    197/08:13 UT.

(2) The CAL-9 test in OBC/parylene mode will take place Wednesday, July 17. Today we tried to

    move it one day earlier, to Tuesday, July 16. But we were unable to do so.

(3) After CAL-9 completes on Wednesday, we will set AIRS' mode to OPERATE. That is, we will be

    fully operational. After that, the only AIRS activities will surround spacecraft maneuvers

    until it is time to de-frost.

(4) On Friday, July 19, there will be a MODIS lunar calibration maneuver. This involves a roll

    of -19 degrees. During the last 10 minutes of the maneuver the spacecraft will be in

    sunlight. However, since the roll is negative, AIRS may not be exposed. AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB

    will continue to scan during this roll. However, AIRS' OpMode parameter will be set

    to "READY", indicating that the science data are not trustworthy.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For July 16

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Tuesday, July 16 (Day 73 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

The only AIRS activity was the daily guard test.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                      point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on; A-side detector temperature is a little less

                                      than 58 K --- the data number (DN) was 3150 at

                                 197/22:07 UT

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       10

    CalFunc bits     Function = 0 Phase = 1 (CAL-1 normal)

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Daily guard tests continue. The one early Wednesday morning will start at

    198/05:38:44 UT.

(2) The CAL-9 test in OBC/parylene mode will take place on Wednesday afternoon.

(3) Following CAL-9, AIRS will be placed in "OPERATE" mode. There will be no more calibration-

    related activities (except for daily guard tests) until after the AIRS defrost cycle

    coming up in a few weeks. AIRS will remain in OPERATE until that time, except during

    guard tests and spacecraft maneuvers.

(4) On Friday there will be a MODIS lunar calibration roll maneuver.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For July 17

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Wednesday, July 17 (Day 74 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

AIRS is now in "OPERATE" mode!

Today AIRS performed its last calibration sequence (other than daily guard tests) prior to the upcoming defrost cycle. CAL-9 (stray light test) was run in the mode which slows the scanner over the radiometric and spectral calibrators. Shortly after that finished, AIRS' OpMode was set to "OPERATE". In this mode AIRS is fully operational and its science data is processed all the way through Level 2.

The time line was as follows:

198/20:09 UT    CAL-9 started (the commands take about 35 minutes to complete)

198/20:58 UT    Set the mode to "OPERATE"

Earlier, the daily guard test was also run.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                      point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal

                                      profile (during CAL-9 the profile was rotated)

     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on; A-side detector temperature is a little less

                                      than 58 K --- the data number (DN) was 3149 at

                                 198/22:30 UT

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Operate"

    Op submode       0

    CalFunc bits     all 0

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Daily guard tests continue. The one early Thursday morning will start at

    199/06:22 UT.

(2) On Friday there will be a MODIS lunar calibration roll maneuver.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For July 19

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Friday, July 19 (Day 76 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

AIRS activities were:

(1)    a daily guard test (the last one for a while);

(2)    go to READY mode in preparation for the MODIS lunar calibration roll

       maneuver---mode changed at 200/19:55 UT

(3)    MODIS lunar calibration roll maneuver from 21:00 to 21:29 UT

(4)    return AIRS to OPERATE mode at 22:30:30 UT

The daily turning on of photometric calibration lamp #3 (for 8 minutes at 22:00 UT) will be discontinued for a while. The lamp will go on as scheduled on Saturday and Sunday. Effective Monday July 22 the photometric calibrator lamps will not be used routinely until further notice.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                      point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on; A-side detector temperature is a little less

                                      than 58 K --- the data number (DN) was 3149 at

                                      200/22:09 UT

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Operate"

    Op submode       0

    CalFunc bits     all 0

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Some time next week (probably Thursday) the three photometric calibrator lamps will

    be turned on in succession for 8 minutes each. Except for this test, no usage

    of the lamps is planned at this time.

(2) AIRS defrost cycle (date is yet to be specified).

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For July 20

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Saturday, July 20 (Day 77 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AIRS, AMSU-A, or HSB activities today.

Effective Monday July 22 the photometric calibrator lamps will not be used routinely until further notice.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                      point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on; A-side detector temperature is a little less

                                      than 58 K --- the data number (DN) was 3148 at

                                 201/17:36 UT

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Operate"

    Op submode       0

    CalFunc bits     all 0

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Some time next week (probably Thursday) the three photometric calibrator lamps will

    be turned on in succession for 8 minutes each. Except for this test, no usage

    of the lamps is planned at this time.

(2) AIRS defrost cycle (date is yet to be specified).

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For July 21

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Sunday, July 21 (Day 78 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AIRS, AMSU-A, or HSB activities today.

Effective Monday July 22 the photometric calibrator lamps will not be used routinely until further notice.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                      point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on; A-side detector temperature is a little less

                                      than 58 K --- the data number (DN) was 3148 at

                                      202/17:05 UT

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Operate"

    Op submode       0

    CalFunc bits     all 0

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Some time next week (probably Thursday) the three photometric calibrator lamps will

    be turned on in succession for 8 minutes each. Except for this test, no usage

    of the lamps is planned at this time.

(2) AIRS defrost cycle (date is yet to be specified).

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For July 22

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Monday, July 22 (Day 79 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AIRS, AMSU-A, or HSB activities today.

At 17:06 UT today, the spacecraft disabled the torque rods as part of a test to investigate higher than expected noise in the Earth sensor. The torque rods were planned to be re-enabled about an hour later. Very slight attitude changes from nominal (on the order of 1 or 2 hundredths of a degree) are expected during this time.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                      point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on; A-side detector temperature is a little less

                                      than 58 K --- the data number (DN) was 3148 at

                                      203/19:41 UT

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Operate"

    Op submode       0

    CalFunc bits     all 0

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Photometric calibrator lamp test early Thursday

      Time line (UT):

      206/07:09    Lamp #1 on

      206/07:17    Lamps off

      206/08:48    Lamp #2 on

      206/08:56    Lamps off

      206/10:27    Lamp #3 on

      206/10:35    Lamps off

(2) AIRS defrost cycle begins Monday July 29.

(3) Tuesday July 23---a patch to the spacecraft flight software will be uploaded and activated. The patch is intended to prevent the eclipse-related survival mode incident which occurred about 3 weeks into the mission.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For July 23

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Tuesday, July 23 (Day 80 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AIRS, AMSU-A, or HSB activities today.

Today a patch to the spacecraft flight software will be uploaded and activated. The patch is intended to prevent the eclipse-related survival mode incident which occurred about 3 weeks into the mission.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                      point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on; A-side detector temperature is a little less

                                      than 58 K --- the data number (DN) was 3147 at

                                 204/19:42 UT

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Operate"

    Op submode       0

    CalFunc bits     all 0

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Photometric calibrator lamp test early Thursday

      Time line (UT):

      206/07:09    Lamp #1 on

      206/07:17    Lamps off

      206/08:48    Lamp #2 on

      206/08:56    Lamps off

      206/10:27    Lamp #3 on

      206/10:35    Lamps off

(2) AIRS defrost cycle begins Monday July 29.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For July 24

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Wednesday, July 24 (Day 81 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AIRS, AMSU-A, or HSB activities today.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                      point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on; A-side detector temperature is a little less

                                      than 58 K --- the data number (DN) was 3148 at

                                 205/19:26 UT

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Operate"

    Op submode       0

    CalFunc bits     all 0

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Photometric calibrator lamp test early Thursday

      Time line (UT):

      206/07:09    Lamp #1 on

      206/07:17    Lamps off

      206/08:48    Lamp #2 on

      206/08:56    Lamps off

      206/10:27    Lamp #3 on

      206/10:35    Lamps off

(2) AIRS defrost cycle begins Monday July 29.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For July 25

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Thursday, July 25 (Day 82 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

For AIRS, each of the three photometric calibrator lamps was turned on (one at a time) for 8 minutes. This was done in the early hours of Thursday morning via the Master Command List (MCL).

Photometric calibrator lamp test time line (all times UT):

      206/07:09    Lamp #1 on

      206/07:17    Lamps off

      206/08:48    Lamp #2 on

      206/08:56    Lamps off

      206/10:27    Lamp #3 on

      206/10:35    Lamps off

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                      point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on; A-side detector temperature is a little less

                                      than 58 K --- the data number (DN) was 3147 at

                                 206/19:35 UT

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Operate"

    Op submode       0

    CalFunc bits     all 0

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) AIRS defrost cycle begins Monday July 29.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For July 26

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Friday, July 26 (Day 83 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

One important AIRS activity was run today. At 18:55:28 UT a proc was run which patched two words in AIRS RAM. As a result, the AIRS nominal low-rate telemetry now contains correct values for the cooler drive level (AIR_XS_CLASETOPSTKA and AIR_CLASETOPSTKB). This change did not affect the high rate engineering telemetry or low rate flex packets, which already had correct values for these parameters.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                      point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on; A-side detector temperature is a little less

                                      than 58 K --- the data number (DN) was 3147 at

                                      207/23:50 UT

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Operate"

    Op submode       0

    CalFunc bits     all 0

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) AIRS defrost cycle begins Monday July 29.

    a) A guard test will be run at 210/07:44 UT.

    b) Starting at about 9:15 a.m. EDT and lasting through 3 or 4 contacts, a number of other activities

       will be performed. First, Cooler B electronics will be turned on and initialized.

    c) After allowing time for some data taking, cooler B electronics will be powered off. Note that the

       cooler B compressor is not turned on during this activity.

    d) The focal plane detector bias will be turned off.

    e) Cooler A compressor will be stopped, but the electronics will be left on

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For July 27

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Saturday, July 27 (Day 84 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AIRS, AMSU-A, or HSB activities today.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                      point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on; A-side detector temperature is a little less

                                      than 58 K --- the data number (DN) was 3148 at

                                 208/23:07 UT

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Operate"

    Op submode       0

    CalFunc bits     all 0

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) AIRS defrost cycle begins Monday July 29.

    a) A guard test will be run at 210/07:44 UT.

    b) Starting at about 9:15 a.m. EDT and lasting through 3 or 4 contacts, a number of other activities

       will be performed. First, Cooler B electronics will be turned on and initialized.

    c) After allowing time for some data taking, cooler B electronics will be powered off. Note that the

       cooler B compressor is not turned on during this activity.

    d) The focal plane detector bias will be turned off.

    e) Cooler A compressor will be stopped, but the electronics will be left on

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For July 28

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Sunday, July 28 (Day 85 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AIRS, AMSU-A, or HSB activities today.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                      point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point is 55.28 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on; A-side detector temperature is a little less

                                      than 58 K --- the data number (DN) was 3146 at

                                 209/22:31 UT

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Operate"

    Op submode       0

    CalFunc bits     all 0

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) AIRS defrost cycle begins Monday July 29.

    a) A guard test will be run at 210/07:44 UT.

    b) Starting at about 9:15 a.m. EDT and lasting through 3 or 4 contacts, a number of other activities

       will be performed. First, Cooler B electronics will be turned on and initialized.

    c) After allowing time for some data taking, cooler B electronics will be powered off. Note that the

       cooler B compressor is not turned on during this activity.

    d) The focal plane detector bias will be turned off.

    e) Cooler A compressor will be stopped, but the electronics will be left on

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For July 29

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Monday, July 29 (Day 86 of the Aqua mission).

At 20:18:44 UT the Aqua spacecraft detected a level 2 fault and went into safe mode. The fault management system then put all instruments into safe mode as well. The immediate cause was a signal from the earth sensor that there were errors in both pitch and roll whose magnitude exceeded 8 degrees for a time exceeding 10 seconds. The ultimate cause is still under investigation. No other spacecraft systems gave any indication of any attitude problem before the fault occurred.

For AMSU-A and HSB this means their scanners were parked at their warm calibrator positions. For AIRS there is no commanded impact on the hardware state. The OpMode is set to 'Standby" (which it was already in because of the defrost cycle which began this morning). The submode was changed to "4---safe" (it had been "2---cooler off").

Because the spacecraft's pointing control in this mode is less accurate, some AIRS surfaces may be exposed to sunlight and so there may be some temperature excursions of some components. However, because AIRS had already begun its defrost cycle, the impact of these changes is expected to be minor. The most probable effect will be a lengthening of the defrost cycle, because we may not be able to command the decontamination heater on as early as planned.

A very large yaw excursion would put the spacecraft into "survival" mode. Such an event would significantly impact the defrost activities. A yaw error exceeding 1 radian (57.3 degrees) would trigger survival mode.

The AIRS defrost cycle began today. Here is the time line of AIRS activities so far (all times UT):

Spacecraft Noisy Bus B turned on         210/13:18:36

Cooler B electronics turned on           210/13:19:56

Cooler B electronics turned off          210/13:59:36

Spacecraft Noisy Bus B turned off        210/14:00:52

Focal plane detector biases turned off   210/14:14:13

Cooler A compressor stopped              210/14:35:01

The cold head temperature is predicted to reach about 220 K. Once it stabilizes we planned to wait an additional 24 hours. Then (assuming the spacecraft has recovered from safe mode) we will turn on the decontamination heater to warm up the spectrometer.

At time of writing the cold head temperature is 198 K (02:15 UT on day of year 211---a little less than 12 hours after stopping the Cooler A compressor).

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                      point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Circumvention processing         off

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Standby"

    Op submode       "safe"

    CalFunc bits     all 0

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners parked in warm cal position.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner parked in warm cal position. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Spacecraft will return to fine point mode once the cause for today's event has been determined and any necessary corrective actions have been taken.

(2) Restart AMSU-A and HSB scanners.

(3) Continue AIRS defrost cycle---turn on the decontamination heater after the cold head temperature has leveled off and remained stable for at least 24 hours

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For July 30

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Tuesday, July 30 (Day 87 of the Aqua mission).

Investigation into the ultimate cause of yesterday's spacecraft fault continues. A summary of what happened and what is known so far has been appended to this report. It is an e-mail from Mike Donnelly of GSFC.

In the meantime, a number of actions were taken today to improve pointing quality to minimize the chance of going into survival mode. And tonight the Guidance, Navigation, and Control subsystem will be put back into fine point mode. However, the spacecraft mode will stay "Safe" and all instruments will remain in "Safe".

No instrument activities are planned until the spacecraft is completely back to normal. One exception is that AIRS is being allowed to turn on the decontamination heater on Wednesday. This allows our defrost cycle to continue close to the originally planned schedule.

The cold head temperature was predicted to reach about 220 K (plus or minus 10). Since early this morning, the temperature has changed by less than 1 K. It has stabilized at 208 K.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled and operating with a set

                                      point of 153 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Circumvention processing         off

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Standby"

    Op submode       "safe"

    CalFunc bits     all 0

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners parked in warm cal position.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner parked in warm cal position. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) The spacecraft GN&C subsystem will return to fine point mode tonight. The spacecraft will remain in "Safe" mode until the ultimate cause for yesterday's event has been determined and any necessary corrective actions have been taken.

(2) Restart AMSU-A and HSB scanners when spacecraft ready.

(3) Continue the AIRS defrost cycle by turning on the decontamination heater on Wednesday, July 31.

Here is the message from Mike Donnelly:

From: Mike Donnelly <>

Subject: Fwd: Aqua in Earth Pointing Safe Mode


As stated by Phil in his email this morning, the Aqua spacecraft transitioned into Earth Point Mode (EPM) yesterday afternoon @ 210/20:18Z (4:18pm EDT).  From the 8:30am meeting this morning, what we know is the following:

@ 20:18 - the flight software recorded a GN&C Level 2 "LOSS OF NADIR" fault.  The fault trigger is set at an error of > 8 deg for longer than 10 seconds.  What was seen was an 'apparent' pitch error of > 12 deg.  The spacecraft was almost directly over the South Pole when the anomaly occurred.

@ 20/22 - a "S/C 911" was received by the ground system.

@ 21:53 - a "Spacecraft Emergency" was declared by the FOT.  This was done due to the fact that they began missing supports because of the necessity to perform blind acquisitions.

@ 211/00:33 - the Spacecraft Emergency was cancelled.

Now, with respect to the 'apparent' 12 degree pitch error.  The term apparent is being used because we have had a discrepancy report (DR) open in the system for excessive Earth Sensor noise (ADR 120).  As a result of this DR (which is still open) the trigger limits were opened from 5.7 degrees to 8 degrees.  Our previous worst-case "noise" error seen in Fine Point Mode (FPM) was 5.8 degrees, so the 'apparent' 12 degree pitch error is more than twice anything seen before.

A cursory look at the raw Earth Sensor data shows that both Earth Sensors had steady outputs, yet the calculated error for Earth Sensor No. 1 makes a dramatic change while Earth Sensor No. 2 doesn't change.  Project engineers are continuing to evaluate data, but it does not look as though there is a hardware anomaly.  The data from the other sensors (IRU etc...) will be evaluated next (ongoing right now).

The initial plan for today is:

@ 211/13:03Z - turn-on IRU and star trackers and swap back to Sensor Processing Electronics - A (SPE-A)

@ 13:35 - load new ephemeris

@ 13:53 - load FDF calculated quaternion and perform initial star ID function

We intend to remain in EPM while we sort out the anomaly, but we're performing the above steps in order to tighten-up the YAW performance of EPM.

Another meeting will be held at 11am this morning with TRW on the west coast.  As we get more information, I'll keep you posted.


Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For July 31

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Wednesday, July 31 (Day 88 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

Phase 2 of the AIRS defrost cycle was performed today. Here is the time line:

Cooler A electronics turned off      212/13:51:05 UT

Decontamination heater turned on     212/13:52:31 UT

The spectrometer reached 250 K at around 212/21:45 UT. This is a rough estimate because our telemetry has been intermittent. To support the anomaly investigation, real-time instrument telemetry is being superceded most of the time for spacecraft telemetry. However, all instrument data are being recorded and will be dumped to the ground. By tomorrow instrument data will be available for analysis.

The spacecraft guidance and control system is in fine point mode, but the spacecraft remains in "safe" mode.

It has been determined that the fault which caused the spacecraft to go into safe mode two days ago was caused by a problem in the spacecraft flight software. A contributing cause may also be a not-understood orbital variation in the output of the earth sensor.

A short term fix, which disables the incorrect software routine, will be uploaded Monday, August 5. A long term fix is needed, however. The routine being disabled is needed to re-acquire the earth if the spacecraft ever goes into sun-point mode. So it must be corrected. The time line for the long-term fix is not known at this time.

The problem is not a coding error, but is related to the design. I do not have enough knowledge to provide any more detailed explanation.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         on

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set

                                      point of 153 K (but not operating because

                                 the spectrometer temperature is above

                                 the set point)

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Circumvention processing         off

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Decontaminate"

    Op submode       "0"

    CalFunc bits     all 0

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners parked in warm cal position.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner parked in warm cal position. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Defrost cycle phase 3---turn off the decontamination heater, turn on Cooler A electronics (but not the compressor).

(2) Restart AMSU-A and HSB scanners when spacecraft ready.

(3) Short term fix to the spacecraft software to be uploaded August 5.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For August 1

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Thursday, August 1 (Day 89 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AIRS, AMSU-A, or HSB activities today.

The spectrometer reached 250 K at 212/21:45 UT (Wednesday). It is now stable at about 268 K.

The spacecraft guidance and control system is in fine point mode, but the spacecraft remains in "safe" mode. The short term fix described in yesterday's report will be implemented on Monday. After that, the instruments will be brought back to science mode. AIRS will simply continue its defrost cycle, which has not been impacted significantly by the spacecraft anomaly.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         on

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set

                                      point of 153 K (but not operating because

                                      the spectrometer temperature is above

                                      the set point)

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Circumvention processing         off

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Decontaminate"

    Op submode       "0"

    CalFunc bits     all 0

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners parked in warm cal position.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner parked in warm cal position. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Defrost cycle phase 3 ---now set for Sunday morning August 4---turn off the decontamination heater, turn on Cooler A electronics (but not the compressor).

(2) Short term fix to the spacecraft software to be uploaded August 5.

(3) Restart AMSU-A and HSB scanners when spacecraft ready (probably Monday or Tuesday,

    August 5 or 6).

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For August 1

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Friday, August 2 (Day 90 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AIRS, AMSU-A, or HSB activities today.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         on

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set

                                      point of 153 K (but not operating because

                                      the spectrometer temperature is above

                                      the set point)

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Circumvention processing         off

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Decontaminate"

    Op submode       "0"

    CalFunc bits     all 0

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners parked in warm cal position.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner parked in warm cal position. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Defrost cycle phase 3 ---now set for Sunday morning August 4---turn off the decontamination heater, turn on Cooler A electronics (but not the compressor).

(2) Short term fix to the spacecraft software to be uploaded August 5.

(3) Restart AMSU-A and HSB scanners when spacecraft ready (probably Monday or Tuesday,

    August 5 or 6).

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For August 4

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Sunday, August 4 (Day 92 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

Phase 3 of the AIRS defrost cycle was performed today. Here is the time line (UT):

216/13:52:52  Decontamination heater off

216/14:16:34  Cooler A electronics on

216/14:21:58  Completed Cooler A initialization

216/14:24:55  Opmode changed to Standby/2 (cooler initialized)

By 17:00 UT the spectrometer temperature was down to 238 K. The A-side cold head temperature was 268 K.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set

                                      point of 153 K (but not operating because

                                      the spectrometer temperature is above

                                      the set point)

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Circumvention processing         off

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Standby"

    Op submode       "2 (Cooler Initialized)"

    CalFunc bits     all 0

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners parked in warm cal position.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner parked in warm cal position. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Short term fix to the spacecraft software to be uploaded August 5. This action is subject to approval during a review to be held early Monday morning EDT.

(2) Restart AMSU-A and HSB scanners when spacecraft ready (probably Monday or Tuesday,

    August 5 or 6).

(3) AIRS defrost cycle Phase 4---tentatively set for Friday August 9---

    turn on cooler A compressor and focal plane detector biases.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For August 5

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Monday, August 5 (Day 93 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

The AIRS defrost cycle continues. The decontamination heater has been turned off and the spectrometer temperature is falling. By 217/22:27 UT the second stage radiator temperature was down to 170 K.

Today the AIRS Project made the decision to change the set point for the second stage radiator from 153 K to 155 K. This change was implemented at 217/21:33 UT.

The changes to the spacecraft software (to temporarily disable the routine which caused last week's anomaly) were approved. They were uploaded today. Instruments will begin coming back up to science mode tomorrow (Tuesday).

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set

                                 point of 155 K (but not operating because

                                      the second stage radiator temperature

                                      is above the set point)

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Circumvention processing         off

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Standby"

    Op submode       "2 (Cooler Initialized)"

    CalFunc bits     all 0

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners parked in warm cal position.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner parked in warm cal position. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Restart AMSU-A and HSB scanners---here is the expected time line:

    AMSU-A       218/16:22 UT (09:22 a.m. Pacific)

    HSB          218/18:01 UT (11:01 a.m. Pacific)

(2) AIRS defrost cycle Phase 4---tentatively set for Friday August 9---

    turn on cooler A compressor and focal plane detector biases.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For August 6

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Tuesday, August 6 (Day 94 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AIRS activities today.

The scanners for AMSU-A and HSB were restarted, as the spacecraft is on its way to full science mode. The time line was:

AMSU-A1 scanners scanning   218/16:30 UT

AMSU-A2 scanner  scanning   218/16:32 UT

HSB     scanner  scanning   218/18:06 UT

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set

                                      point of 153 K (but not operating because

                                      the spectrometer temperature is above

                                      the set point)

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Circumvention processing         off

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Standby"

    Op submode       "2 (Cooler Initialized)"

    CalFunc bits     all 0

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners scanning.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner scanning. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) AIRS defrost cycle Phase 4---Friday August 9---

    turn on cooler A compressor and focal plane detector biases.

(2) AIRS post-defrost calibration checks

     (a) Guard tests every 12 hours starting as soon as temperatures

         have stabilized after turning on the focal plane

     (b) Six CAL-8 tests in clean orbits looking at space (early hours

         of Saturday morning)

     (c) Upload new gain/circumvention tables based on results of

         the CAL-8 tests (Tuesday August 13)

     (d) Two CAL-8 tests using the new tables---clean orbits; one test

         looks at space, the other at the OBC---(early hours of

         Wednesday morning, August 14)

     (e) Return to "Operate" mode when directed by calibration team

(3) Spacecraft demonstration yaw maneuver Thursday August 15

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For August 7

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Wednesday, August 7 (Day 95 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AIRS, AMSU-A, or HSB activities today.

The AIRS spectrometer is at its set point (temperature of second stage radiator is 155 K) as the defrost cycle continues.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Circumvention processing         off

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Standby"

    Op submode       "2 (Cooler Initialized)"

    CalFunc bits     all 0

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners scanning.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner scanning. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) AIRS defrost cycle Phase 4---Friday August 9---tentative time line (UT):

    221/13:37---Cooler A compressor on

    221/16:52---focal plane detector biases on

(2) AIRS post-defrost calibration checks---time line (UT):

     (a) 221/20:37---Guard test by proc (time is tentative)

     (b) Six CAL-8 tests by MCL in clean orbits looking at space (Saturday)

         222/06:28:25    CAL-8 space A-side gains

         222/07:07:00    CAL-8 space B-side gains

         222/08:47:00    CAL-8 space A-side gains

         222/09:46:10    CAL-8 space B-side gains

         222/11:00:23    CAL-8 space A-side gains

         222/11:49:45    CAL-8 space B-side gains

     (c) Guard tests by MCL approximately every 12 hours











     (d) Upload new gain/circumvention tables based on results of

         the CAL-8 tests (Tuesday August 13)

     (e) Two CAL-8 tests using the new tables---clean orbits; one test

         looks at space, the other at the OBC---(early hours of

         Wednesday morning, August 14)

     (f) Return to "Operate" mode when directed by calibration team

(3) Spacecraft demonstration yaw maneuver Thursday August 15 (-25 degree yaw)

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For August 8

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Thursday, August 8 (Day 96 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AIRS or AMSU-A activities today.

The selected space view for HSB was changed from #1 to #4 today. The command which made the change effective was sent at 17:08:15 UT. Recent analysis showed that the space view in use prior to today was not the best after all.

The AIRS spectrometer is at its set point (temperature of second stage radiator is 155 K) as the defrost cycle continues.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Circumvention processing         off

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Standby"

    Op submode       "2 (Cooler Initialized)"

    CalFunc bits     all 0

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners scanning.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner scanning. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) AIRS defrost cycle Phase 4---Friday August 9---tentative time line (UT):

    221/13:37---Cooler A compressor on

    221/16:52---focal plane detector biases on

(2) AIRS post-defrost calibration checks---time line (UT):

     (a) 221/20:37---Guard test by proc (time is tentative)

     (b) Six CAL-8 tests by MCL in clean orbits looking at space (Saturday)

         222/06:28:25    CAL-8 space A-side gains

         222/07:07:00    CAL-8 space B-side gains

         222/08:47:00    CAL-8 space A-side gains

         222/09:46:10    CAL-8 space B-side gains

         222/11:00:23    CAL-8 space A-side gains

         222/11:49:45    CAL-8 space B-side gains

     (c) Guard tests by MCL approximately every 12 hours











     (d) Upload new gain/circumvention tables based on results of

         the CAL-8 tests (Tuesday August 13)

     (e) Two CAL-8 tests using the new tables---clean orbits; one test

         looks at space, the other at the OBC---(early hours of

         Wednesday morning, August 14)

     (f) Return to "Operate" mode when directed by calibration team

(3) Spacecraft demonstration yaw maneuver Thursday August 15 (-25 degree yaw)

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For August 9

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Friday, August 9 (Day 97 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

The AIRS cooler and focal plane were turned on in accordance with the plan to end the AIRS defrost cycle today. The cooler compressor went on at about 221/13:45 UT and the focal plane at 221/17:00 UT.

About six hours after the cooler compressor was turned on, the cooler computer had a watch dog timer reset and automatically stopped the compressor. Of course temperatures began to rise. When the temperature of the focal plane reached 80 K a software safety feature kicked in and powered off the focal plane. At first we thought that this safety feature had not worked. But subsequent analysis shows that it most probably did work. But we were confused by the fact that the event-triggered command which powered off the focal plane did not turn off the individual modules before it threw the master power switch.

The focal plane (including individual modules) was turned off by proc at about 20:35 UT, by which time the focal plane temperature had reached 105 K. This is still well below the high-temperature danger zone for the detectors. The proc turns off all the individual modules. As said above, this was probably not necessary from a safety point of view. But it was a very desirable thing to do. It guaranteed the safety of the detectors and put the focal plane in a standard configuration.

Analysis of engineering telemetry (which will become available on Saturday) should be able to provide 100% confirmation that the focal plane was indeed powered off by the software when its temperature reached 80 K. Analysis of software queues and telemetry displays during contacts already gives high confidence that this is the case.

By 222/00:15 UT the instrument had been returned to one of its standard states exactly as it was at the start of the day, before the cooler compressor was turned on.

Cooler watch dog timer resets have occurred on the B cooler during ground testing. This is the first occurrence on the A cooler. If today's event is like the earlier ones (which must be confirmed through analysis of telemetry), it is due to a known problem in the cooler electronics. These resets are rare and random events, except that all resets have occurred within 24 hours of starting the compressor.

The Project is still analyzing what happened and weighing possible options for future action. Conclusions will be announced as they become available. In the mean time, the instrument is safe. The cooler compressor and focal plane remain off.

Planned calibration checks which were to follow the defrost cycle have been delayed.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Circumvention processing         off

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Standby"

    Op submode       "2 (Cooler Initialized)"

    CalFunc bits     all 0

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners scanning.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner scanning. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Return AIRS hardware to full operational state (after analysis of today's reset is finished).

(2) Proceed with post-defrost calibration checks (after Step 1 complete).

(3) Spacecraft demonstration yaw maneuver Thursday August 15 (-25 degree yaw)

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For August 10

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Saturday, August 10 (Day 98 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AIRS, AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

The AIRS cooler compressor and focal plane remain off.

Analysis of cooler data from the time before yesterday's reset is still in progress. Initial indications are that the cooler was working perfectly and is in excellent condition. The drive per cent and cold head temperature were as desired. It is probable that the reset is the same as was seen a few times during ground testing. Some unusual conditions, within hours of turning on the compressor, occasionally cause an unnecessary watch dog timer reset. This timer can be completely disabled with a software patch. But disabling it involves trade offs which the Project is still analyzing.

Telemetry has confirmed that the software which is intended to power off the focal plane when its temperature rises above 80 K worked exactly as designed.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Circumvention processing         off

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Standby"

    Op submode       "2 (Cooler Initialized)"

    CalFunc bits     all 0

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners scanning.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner scanning. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Return AIRS hardware to full operational state (after analysis of the reset is finished).

(2) Proceed with post-defrost calibration checks (after Step 1 complete).

(3) Spacecraft demonstration yaw maneuver Thursday August 15 (-25 degree yaw)

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For August 11

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Sunday, August 11 (Day 99 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AIRS, AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

The AIRS cooler compressor and focal plane remain off. The AIRS Project will meet Monday, August 12, to decide how best to bring the cooler and focal plane back up. The primary question is whether or not to use the patch which disables the watch dog timer.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Circumvention processing         off

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Standby"

    Op submode       "2 (Cooler Initialized)"

    CalFunc bits     all 0

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners scanning.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner scanning. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Return AIRS hardware to full operational state (after analysis of the reset is finished).

(2) Proceed with post-defrost calibration checks (after Step 1 complete).

(3) Spacecraft demonstration yaw maneuver Thursday August 15 (-25 degree yaw)

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For August 12

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Monday, August 12 (Day 100 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AIRS, AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

The AIRS cooler compressor and focal plane remain off. The AIRS Project has decided not to use the cooler software patch which disables the watch dog timer at this time. So the cooler and focal plane will be restarted on Wednesday, August 14, using the usual (previously used) cooler initialization proc.

The Project continues to study various options which include disabling the timer. These may be implemented at some time in the future.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Circumvention processing         off

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Standby"

    Op submode       "2 (Cooler Initialized)"

    CalFunc bits     all 0

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners scanning.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner scanning. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Return AIRS hardware to full operational state on Wednesday August 14.

(2) Proceed with post-defrost calibration checks. Here is the planned time line through Monday, August 19.

    a) Guard Test by Proc after temperatures have stabilized (Wednesday

       at a TBD time)

    b) CAL-8 (Gain/Circumvention Verification) tests on Thursday, August 15

         i) 227/06:23:11 UT A-gains Space View clean orbit

        ii) 227/07:12:33 UT B-gains Space View clean orbit

       iii) 227/08:53:26 UT A-gains Space View clean orbit

        iv) 227/09:40:56 UT B-gains Space View clean orbit

         v) 227/10:30:19 UT A-gains Space View clean orbit

        vi) 227/11:19:49 UT B-gains Space View clean orbit

    c) Guard tests twice daily for several days

         i) 227/08:26:34 UT

        ii) 227/19:58:44 UT

       iii) 228/07:30:54 UT

        iv) 228/20:41:56 UT

         v) 229/08:14:06 UT

        vi) 229/19:46:16 UT

       vii) 230/07:18:26 UT

      viii) 230/20:29:28 UT

        ix) 231/08:01:38 UT

         x) 231/19:33:47 UT

    d) Derive, deliver, put through CM, and upload new gain/circumvention

       tables (upload on Monday or Tuesday, August 19 or 20)

    e) Run two more CAL-8 tests in clean orbits (optimum gains space view;

       optimum gains OBC view)---exact times TBD

(3) Return to "Operate" mode at direction of calibration team

(4) Spacecraft demonstration yaw maneuver (-25 degree yaw)---this has been

    delayed until next week, either on August 20, 21, or 22.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For August 13

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Tuesday, August 13 (Day 101 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

The AIRS cooler electronics were briefly turned off today to clear the watch dog timer reset condition which occurred last Friday. Then they were powered back on and initialized. This occurred shortly before 16:00 UT. The compressor and the focal plane remain off. They will be restarted on Wednesday.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Circumvention processing         off

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Standby"

    Op submode       "2 (Cooler Initialized)"

    CalFunc bits     all 0

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners scanning.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner scanning. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Return AIRS hardware to full operational state on Wednesday August 14.

    a) Turn on compressor during a contact beginning at 13:05 UT

    b) Turn on the focal plane during a contact beginning at 15:42 UT

(2) Proceed with post-defrost calibration checks. Here is the planned time line through Monday, August 19.

    a) Guard Test by Proc after temperatures have stabilized (Wednesday

       at about 20:00 UT)

    b) CAL-8 (Gain/Circumvention Verification) tests on Thursday, August 15

         i) 227/06:23:11 UT A-gains Space View clean orbit

        ii) 227/07:12:33 UT B-gains Space View clean orbit

       iii) 227/08:53:26 UT A-gains Space View clean orbit

        iv) 227/09:40:56 UT B-gains Space View clean orbit

         v) 227/10:30:19 UT A-gains Space View clean orbit

        vi) 227/11:19:49 UT B-gains Space View clean orbit

    c) Guard tests twice daily for several days

         i) 227/08:26:34 UT

        ii) 227/19:58:44 UT

       iii) 228/07:30:54 UT

        iv) 228/20:41:56 UT

         v) 229/08:14:06 UT

        vi) 229/19:46:16 UT

       vii) 230/07:18:26 UT

      viii) 230/20:29:28 UT

        ix) 231/08:01:38 UT

         x) 231/19:33:47 UT

    d) Derive, deliver, put through CM, and upload new gain/circumvention

       tables (upload on Monday or Tuesday, August 19 or 20)

    e) Run two more CAL-8 tests in clean orbits (optimum gains space view;

       optimum gains OBC view)---exact times TBD

(3) Return to "Operate" mode at direction of calibration team

(4) Spacecraft demonstration yaw maneuver (-25 degree yaw)---this has been

    delayed until next week. It is now scheduled for Tuesday August 20.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For August 14

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Wednesday, August 14 (Day 102 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

The AIRS cooler compressor and focal plane were turned back on today.  Also, the first of a series of Guard Tests was run. Here is the time line:

226/13:14:04  Defrost Cycle Phase 4

              cooler A compressor on with

              cold head set point at 60.0 K

226/15:48:35  Defrost Cycle Phase 4

              Focal Plane on then

              set cold head set point to 55.28 K

226/18:52:27  CAL-2 (Guard Test) by Proc

226/19:26:58  AIRS MCL for day 227 was uploaded. Since last Friday (August 9) the AIRS

              MCL had been suspended.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       "10 "

    CalFunc bits     Function 0 (CAL-1), Quick Look 0 (off), Phase 1 (normal)

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners scanning.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner scanning. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities

(1) Proceed with post-defrost calibration checks. Here is the planned time line through Monday, August 19.

    a) CAL-8 (Gain/Circumvention Verification) tests on Thursday, August 15

         i) 227/06:23:11 UT A-gains Space View clean orbit

        ii) 227/07:12:33 UT B-gains Space View clean orbit

       iii) 227/08:53:26 UT A-gains Space View clean orbit

        iv) 227/09:40:56 UT B-gains Space View clean orbit

         v) 227/10:30:19 UT A-gains Space View clean orbit

        vi) 227/11:19:49 UT B-gains Space View clean orbit

    b) Guard tests twice daily for several days

         i) 227/08:26:34 UT

        ii) 227/19:58:44 UT

       iii) 228/07:30:54 UT

        iv) 228/20:41:56 UT

         v) 229/08:14:06 UT

        vi) 229/19:46:16 UT

       vii) 230/07:18:26 UT

      viii) 230/20:29:28 UT

        ix) 231/08:01:38 UT

         x) 231/19:33:47 UT

    c) Derive, deliver, put through CM, and upload new gain/circumvention

       tables (upload on Monday or Tuesday, August 19 or 20)

    d) Run two more CAL-8 tests in clean orbits (optimum gains space view;

       optimum gains OBC view)---exact times TBD

(2) Return to "Operate" mode at direction of calibration team

(3) Spacecraft demonstration yaw maneuver (-25 degree yaw)---this is now scheduled

    for Tuesday August 20. This will require temporarily parking AIRS, AMSU-A, and

    HSB scanners because the maneuver is done with thrusters.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For August 15

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Thursday, August 15 (Day 103 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

Post-defrost calibration checks are in progress. In the early hours of this morning six CAL-8 tests were run on AIRS using the MCL. Here is the time line:

         i) 227/06:23:11 UT A-gains Space View clean orbit

        ii) 227/07:12:33 UT B-gains Space View clean orbit

       iii) 227/08:53:26 UT A-gains Space View clean orbit

        iv) 227/09:40:56 UT B-gains Space View clean orbit

         v) 227/10:30:19 UT A-gains Space View clean orbit

        vi) 227/11:19:49 UT B-gains Space View clean orbit

Two guard tests were also run via the MCL.

         i) 227/08:26:34 UT

        ii) 227/19:58:44 UT


AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       "10 "

    CalFunc bits     Function 0 (CAL-1), Quick Look 0 (off), Phase 1 (normal)

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners scanning.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner scanning. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities:

(1) Proceed with post-defrost calibration checks. Here is the planned time line through Monday, August 19.

     a) Guard tests twice daily for several days

       i) 228/07:30:54 UT

      ii) 228/20:41:56 UT

     iii) 229/08:14:06 UT

      iv) 229/19:46:16 UT

       v) 230/07:18:26 UT

      vi) 230/20:29:28 UT

     vii) 231/08:01:38 UT

    viii) 231/19:33:47 UT

    b) Derive, deliver, put through CM, and upload new gain/circumvention

       tables (upload on Monday or Tuesday, August 19 or 20)

    c) Run two more CAL-8 tests in clean orbits (optimum gains space view;

       optimum gains OBC view)---exact times TBD

(2) Return to "Operate" mode at direction of calibration team

(3) The spacecraft demonstration yaw maneuver has been cancelled. However, there

    may be a drag make up burn on Thursday, August 22.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For August 16

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Friday, August 16 (Day 104 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

Post-defrost calibration checks are in progress. Today two guard tests

were run via the MCL.

         i) 228/07:30:54 UT

        ii) 228/20:41:56 UT


AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       "10 "

    CalFunc bits     Function 0 (CAL-1), Quick Look 0 (off), Phase 1 (normal)

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners scanning.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner scanning. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities:

(1) Continue the post-defrost calibration checks. Here is the planned time line through Monday, August 19.

     a) Guard tests twice daily for several days

       i) 229/08:14:06 UT

      ii) 229/19:46:16 UT

     iii) 230/07:18:26 UT

      iv) 230/20:29:28 UT

       v) 231/08:01:38 UT

      vi) 231/19:33:47 UT

    There will also be two guard tests on Tuesday August 20 and one on

    Wednesday, August 21. Their times will be included in future reports,

    as soon as they have been scheduled on the Aqua time line.

    b) Derive, deliver, put through CM, and upload new gain/circumvention

       tables (upload on Tuesday, August 20)

    c) Run two more CAL-8 tests in clean orbits (optimum gains space view;

       optimum gains OBC view)---early Wednesday morning.

(2) Return to "Operate" mode at direction of calibration team

(3) There will be a drag make up burn soon, probably on Thursday,

    August 22.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For August 17

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Saturday, August 17 (Day 105 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

Post-defrost calibration checks are in progress. Today two guard tests

were run via the MCL.

       i) 229/08:14:06 UT

      ii) 229/19:46:16 UT


AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       "10 "

    CalFunc bits     Function 0 (CAL-1), Quick Look 0 (off), Phase 1 (normal)

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners scanning.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner scanning. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities:

(1) Continue the post-defrost calibration checks. Here is the planned time line through Monday, August 19.

     a) Guard tests twice daily for several days

       i) 230/07:18:26 UT

      ii) 230/20:29:28 UT

     iii) 231/08:01:38 UT

      iv) 231/19:33:47 UT

    There will also be two guard tests on Tuesday August 20 and one on

    Wednesday, August 21. Their times will be included in tomorrow's report.

    b) Derive, deliver, put through CM, and upload new gain/circumvention

       tables (upload on Tuesday, August 20)

    c) Run two more CAL-8 tests in clean orbits (optimum gains space view;

       optimum gains OBC view)---early Wednesday morning.

(2) Return to "Operate" mode at direction of calibration team

(3) There will be a drag make up burn on Thursday August 22. The yaw

    maneuver begins at 234/14:54 UT and ends at 234/16:40 UT. The

    actual burn begins at 234/15:32.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For August 18

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Sunday, August 18 (Day 106 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

Post-defrost calibration checks are in progress. Today two guard tests

were run via the MCL.

       i) 230/07:18:26 UT

      ii) 230/20:29:28 UT


AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       "10 "

    CalFunc bits     Function 0 (CAL-1), Quick Look 0 (off), Phase 1 (normal)

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners scanning.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner scanning. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities:

(1) Continue the post-defrost calibration checks. Here is the planned time line through Wednesday, August 21.

     a) Guard tests

       i) 231/08:01:38 UT

      ii) 231/19:33:47 UT

     iii) 232/07:06:00 UT

      iv) 232/20:17:00 UT

       v) 233/09:28:00 UT

    b) Derive, deliver, put through CM, and upload new gain/circumvention

       tables (upload on Tuesday, August 20)

    c) Run two more CAL-8 tests in clean orbits early Wednesday morning:

       233/07:24:35 UT     Optimum gains---space view

       233/08:14:00 UT     Optimum gains---OBC view

(2) Return to "Operate" mode at direction of calibration team

(3) There will be a drag make up burn on Thursday August 22. The yaw

    maneuver begins at 234/14:54 UT and ends at 234/16:40 UT. The

    actual burn begins at 234/15:32.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For August 20

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Tuesday, August 20 (Day 108 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

Post-defrost calibration checks are in progress. Today two guard tests

were run via the MCL.

       i) 232/07:06:00 UT

      ii) 232/20:17:00 UT

Also, the new gain/circumvention tables were uploaded to the ISC today. They will be transferred to the instrument by the CAL-8 tests being run in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             A/B optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       "10 "

    CalFunc bits     Function 0 (CAL-1), Quick Look 0 (off), Phase 1 (normal)

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners scanning.

HSB hardware state

    On; scanner scanning. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities:

(1) Complete the post-defrost calibration checks. Here is the planned time line:

    a) Run two CAL-8 tests in clean orbits:

       233/07:24:35 UT     Optimum gains---space view

       233/08:14:00 UT     Optimum gains---OBC view

    b) Guard test at 233/09:28:00 UT

(2) On Wednesday and Thursday, August 21 and 22, AIRS will operate for half

    a day or so with A-side gains and then another half day or so with B-side


    a) Load A-side gains by Proc at about 13:00 UT

    b) Load B-side gains by Proc at about 21:00 UT

    c) Re-load optimum gains after the end of the drag make up maneuver

       on Thursday

(3) There will be a drag make up burn on Thursday August 22. The yaw

    maneuver begins at 234/14:54 UT and ends at 234/16:40 UT. The

    actual burn begins at 234/15:32.

    The HSB scanner operations will be done by MCL for the first

    time. AMSU-A scanner operations will also be done by MCL, except

    for parking AMSU-A2. The MMS activity for parking A2 did not get

    into the GSFC CM system even though it had been tested and signed

    off some weeks ago.

    Here is the time line for the scanner operations on Thursday:

    a) 234/13:42:00 UT            Park HSB's scanner

    b) 234/13:44:05 UT            Park AMSU-A1 scanners

    c) (by proc---exact time TBD) Park AMSU-A2 scanner

    d) (by proc---exact time TBD) Park AIRS scanner

    e) 234/16:57:00 UT            Restart HSB's scanner

    f) 234/16:59:00 UT            Restart AMSU-A1 scanners

    g) 234/17:01:05 UT            Restart AMSU-A2 scanner

    h) (by proc---exact time TBD) Restart AIRS scanner

(4) Return to "Operate" mode at direction of calibration team

Subject: Fwd: AIRS Operations Status Report For August 21

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Wednesday, August 21 (Day 109 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

Post-defrost calibration checks are in progress. Today one guard test

and two CAL-8 tests were run via the MCL.

    a) 233/07:24:35 UT     CAL-8 Optimum gains---space view

       233/08:14:00 UT     CAL-8 Optimum gains---OBC view

    b) 233/09:28:00 UT     Guard Test

Also, at about 13:00 UT the A-side gains were loaded into AIRS and

left there for several hours. At about 21:00 UT the B-side gains were


AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             B-side gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       "10 "

    CalFunc bits     Function 0 (CAL-1), Quick Look 0 (off), Phase 1 (normal)

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners scanning.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner scanning. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities:

(1) There will be a drag make up burn on Thursday August 22. The yaw

    maneuver begins at 234/14:54 UT and ends at 234/16:40 UT. The

    actual burn begins at 234/15:32.

    The HSB scanner operations will be done by MCL. AMSU-A scanner

    operations will also be done by MCL, except for parking AMSU-A2,

    which will be done by Proc.

    Here is the time line:

    a) 234/13:42:00 UT            Park HSB's scanner

    b) 234/13:44:05 UT            Park AMSU-A1 scanners

    c) (by proc---exact time TBD) Park AMSU-A2 scanner

    d) (by proc---exact time TBD) Park AIRS scanner

    e) 234/16:57:00 UT            Restart HSB's scanner

    f) 234/16:59:00 UT            Restart AMSU-A1 scanners

    g) 234/17:01:05 UT            Restart AMSU-A2 scanner

    h) (by proc---exact time TBD) Restart AIRS scanner

(2) Load optimum gains back into AIRS after scanner has restarted

(3) Return to "Operate" mode at direction of calibration team

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For August 22

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Thursday, August 22 (Day 110 of the Aqua mission).

Shortly after 16:32 UT the AIRS cooler software turned off the compressor. The telemetry indicated that an overstroke trip had occurred. This happened on the back orbit, out of view, and was not discovered until an hour after it occurred. The event-triggered command which turns off the focal plane power when its temperature exceeds 80 K ran at 17:01 UT. The proc AIR_FPA_COLD_OFF_XXX was run at 17:45 to turn off the PV module switches and correctly set the instrument configuration words in AIRS RAM. But the detectors had been safe (turned off) since 17:01.

The cause of the trip is under investigation. Initial indications from engineering telemetry are that there was no sign of any problem before the compressor suddenly shut down. All parameters were behaving normally.

Telemetry following the shut down is confusing and needs further analysis. Most parameters are consistent with a sudden stopping of the compressor. But one parameter (drive per cent) is inconsistent with all the other parameters.

Circumstances which may or may not be related to the problem are:

(1) The trip occurred two minutes after the start of the post-burn yaw maneuver.

(2) There was unusually strong solar activity today. A very large sun spot group is visible. There were at least two flares---one was extremely intense with unusually energetic particles. The trip occurred during passage through the heart of the South Atlantic Anomaly.

The drag make up burn took place today as scheduled. Here is the time line:

    a) 234/13:42:00 UT            Park HSB's scanner

    b) 234/13:44:05 UT            Park AMSU-A1 scanners

    c) 234/13:47    UT            Park AMSU-A2 scanner

    d) 234/13:44:00 UT            Park AIRS scanner

    e) 234/14:54    UT            Initial yaw maneuver begins

    f) 234/15:32    UT            Short burn begins

    g) 234/16:30    UT            Post-burn yaw maneuver begins

   --------AIRS cooler trip occurs at 16:32-------------------------

    g) 234/16:40    UT            Post-burn yaw maneuver ends

    h) 234/16:57:00 UT            Restart HSB's scanner

    i) 234/16:59:00 UT            Restart AMSU-A1 scanners

    j) 234/17:01:05 UT            Restart AMSU-A2 scanner

    k) 234/17:36:00 UT            Restart AIRS scanner

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected (given that the AIRS cooler compressor is off).

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             B-side gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       "10 "

    CalFunc bits     Function 0 (CAL-1), Quick Look 0 (off), Phase 1 (normal)

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners scanning.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner scanning. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities:

(1) Return AIRS to a standard configuration ("Standby, Cooler Initialized")

(2) Load optimum gains back into AIRS

(3) Cooler anomaly resolution and recovery

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For August 23

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Friday, August 23 (Day 111 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

AIRS was put into a standard configuration ("Standby, Cooler Initialized") today.

The cause of yesterday's overstroke trip is believed to have been a radiation hit causing a single-event upset. The cooler development team at TRW says that the cooler's stroke-monitoring hardware is somewhat susceptible to radiation hits. This type of event has occurred (very rarely) on other missions using coolers of similar design. They had no hesitation in recommending that the cooler be restarted whenever it is feasible.

The single-event upset interpretation is consistent with all the known information:

(1) The trip occurred in the South Atlantic Anomaly on a day of unusually intense solar activity;

(2) All telemetry looked perfectly normal up to the moment of the trip;

(3) Analysis of data from the watch dog timer reset of two weeks ago, compared to yesterday, shows that there was no abnormal heat load on the cooler;

(4) All telemetry is now understood and is consistent, including the behavior of the drive percent parameter mentioned in yesterday's report.

Based on inputs from TRW, the AIRS project plans to explain the situation to the Aqua project early Monday morning. The hope is that the cooler and focal plane can be restarted later in the day.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             B-side gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Circumvention processing         off

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Standby"

    Op submode       "2 (Cooler Initialized) "

    CalFunc bits     all 0

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners scanning.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner scanning. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities:

(1) Load optimum gains back into AIRS

(2) Restart cooler compressor and turn focal plane back on

(3) Calibration re-checks---the following schedule is tentative, because

    it assumes that the cooler and focal plane will be restarted

    Monday. If the restart is delayed, these events will be rescheduled.

    All times are UT.

    a) CAL-8 (Gain/circumvention table verification) tests on Tuesday (all

       in clean orbits)

         i) 239/05:07:44   A-gains space view

        ii) 239/05:57:07   B-gains space view

       iii) 239/06:41:57   A-gains space view

        iv) 239/08:25:30   B-gains space view

         v) 239/09:14:53   A-gains space view

        vi) 239/10:04:23   B-gains space view

    b) Guard tests twice a day except Tuesday (because of item c)

         i) By Proc (exact time TBD) late Monday

        ii) 239/07:10:01   Tuesday

       iii) 240/07:55:17   Wednesday

        iv) 240/19:27:29   Wednesday

         v) 241/08:38:33   Thursday

        vi) 241/20:10:45   Thursday

       vii) 242/07:42:56   Friday

    c) Normal mode with A-side and B-side gains

         i) Early Tuesday prime shift EDT---load A-side gains

        ii) Late  Tuesday prime shift EDT---load B-side gains

       iii) The guard test early Wednesday morning will restore

            optimum gains

    d) Upload new gain tables to the ISC Thursday, August 29

    e) Two CAL-8 tests on Friday, August 30 in clean orbits using new


         i) 242/05:39:32   Optimum gains space view

        ii) 242/08:57:18   Optimum gains OBC view

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For August 24

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Saturday, August 24 (Day 112 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AIRS, AMSU-A, or HSB activities today.

There is no change since yesterday's report. The plan is still to try to restart the cooler and focal plane on Monday.

The cause of Thursday's overstroke trip is believed to have been a radiation hit causing a single-event upset. The cooler development team at TRW says that the cooler's stroke-monitoring hardware is somewhat susceptible to radiation hits. This type of event has occurred (very rarely) on other missions using coolers of similar design. They had no hesitation in recommending that the cooler be restarted whenever it is feasible.

The single-event upset interpretation is consistent with all the known information:

(1) The trip occurred in the South Atlantic Anomaly on a day of unusually intense solar activity;

(2) All telemetry looked perfectly normal up to the moment of the trip;

(3) Analysis of data from the watch dog timer reset of two weeks ago, compared to yesterday, shows that there was no abnormal heat load on the cooler;

(4) All telemetry is now understood and is consistent, including the behavior of the drive percent parameter mentioned in Thursday's report. For an overstroke trip (unlike a watch dog timer reset), the cooler software's temperature control loop is not turned off. Sensing that the cold head temperature was rising, the control loop increased the commanded drive to the maximum. But the overstroke trip prevented the pistons from responding to the commands. Finally, about two hours after the first trip, the cold head had risen to 125 K. At that point an over-temperature trip occurred, because the trigger value for that trip is set to 125 K. That trip halted the temperature control loop and the commanded drive percent immediately went to zero. All of this behavior is normal and expected after an overstroke trip.

Based on inputs from TRW, the AIRS project plans to explain the situation to the Aqua project early Monday morning. The hope is that the cooler and focal plane can be restarted later in the day.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             B-side gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Circumvention processing         off

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Standby"

    Op submode       "2 (Cooler Initialized) "

    CalFunc bits     all 0

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners scanning.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner scanning. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities:

(1) Load optimum gains back into AIRS

(2) Restart cooler compressor and turn focal plane back on

(3) Calibration re-checks---the following schedule is tentative, because

    it assumes that the cooler and focal plane will be restarted

    Monday. If the restart is delayed, these events will be rescheduled.

    All times are UT.

    a) CAL-8 (Gain/circumvention table verification) tests on Tuesday (all

       in clean orbits)

         i) 239/05:07:44   A-gains space view

        ii) 239/05:57:07   B-gains space view

       iii) 239/06:41:57   A-gains space view

        iv) 239/08:25:30   B-gains space view

         v) 239/09:14:53   A-gains space view

        vi) 239/10:04:23   B-gains space view

    b) Guard tests twice a day except Tuesday (because of item c)

         i) By Proc (exact time TBD) late Monday

        ii) 239/07:10:01   Tuesday

       iii) 240/07:55:17   Wednesday

        iv) 240/19:27:29   Wednesday

         v) 241/08:38:33   Thursday

        vi) 241/20:10:45   Thursday

       vii) 242/07:42:56   Friday

    c) Normal mode with A-side and B-side gains

         i) Early Tuesday prime shift EDT---load A-side gains

        ii) Late  Tuesday prime shift EDT---load B-side gains

       iii) The guard test early Wednesday morning will restore

            optimum gains

    d) Upload new gain tables to the ISC Thursday, August 29

    e) Two CAL-8 tests on Friday, August 30 in clean orbits using new


         i) 242/05:39:32   Optimum gains space view

        ii) 242/08:57:18   Optimum gains OBC view

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For August 25

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Sunday, August 25 (Day 113 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AIRS, AMSU-A, or HSB activities today.

There is no change since yesterday's report. The plan is still to try to restart the cooler and focal plane on Monday.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             B-side gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Circumvention processing         off

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Standby"

    Op submode       "2 (Cooler Initialized) "

    CalFunc bits     all 0

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners scanning.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner scanning. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities:

(1) Load optimum gains back into AIRS

(2) Restart cooler compressor and turn focal plane back on

(3) Calibration re-checks---the following schedule is tentative, because

    it assumes that the cooler and focal plane will be restarted

    Monday. If the restart is delayed, these events will be rescheduled.

    All times are UT.

    a) CAL-8 (Gain/circumvention table verification) tests on Tuesday (all

       in clean orbits)

         i) 239/05:07:44   A-gains space view

        ii) 239/05:57:07   B-gains space view

       iii) 239/06:41:57   A-gains space view

        iv) 239/08:25:30   B-gains space view

         v) 239/09:14:53   A-gains space view

        vi) 239/10:04:23   B-gains space view

    b) Guard tests twice a day except Tuesday (because of item c)

         i) By Proc (exact time TBD) late Monday

        ii) 239/07:10:01   Tuesday

       iii) 240/07:55:17   Wednesday

        iv) 240/19:27:29   Wednesday

         v) 241/08:38:33   Thursday

        vi) 241/20:10:45   Thursday

       vii) 242/07:42:56   Friday

    c) Normal mode with A-side and B-side gains

         i) Early Tuesday prime shift EDT---load A-side gains

        ii) Late  Tuesday prime shift EDT---load B-side gains

       iii) The guard test early Wednesday morning will restore

            optimum gains

    d) Upload new gain tables to the ISC Thursday, August 29

    e) Two CAL-8 tests on Friday, August 30 in clean orbits using new


         i) 242/05:39:32   Optimum gains space view

        ii) 242/08:57:18   Optimum gains OBC view

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For August 26

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Monday, August 26 (Day 114 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

Today the AIRS hardware was put back into science data taking mode, and calibration checks were begun.

Here is today's time line (all times UT):

238/16:02:57 Turned off cooler electronics (to clear all trip conditions)

238/16:04:46 Began uploading optimum gains from ISC to AIRS

238/16:06:38 Turned cooler electronics back on

238/16:08:26 Began initializing cooler (patch uploads and activation)

238/16:12:25 Cooler initialization complete

238/16:37:46 Compressor started (cooling begins)

238/16:38:22 Cold head set point set to 60.0 K

238/19:15:09 Chopper amplitude set to nominal value

238/19:16:00 Periodic DC Restore begun

238/19:16:49 Periodic reading of FPA temperature begun

238/19:18:15 Began powering on focal plane

238/19:18:26 Event-triggered command to safe the focal plane put in queue

                    (this will trigger if focal plane temperature rises

                     above 80 K)

238/19:20:21 Focal plane power on completed

238/19:21:34 Cold head set point revised to 55.28 K

238/19:32:37 Circumvention processing in the SEM started

238/23:11    Guard test started

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       "10 "

    CalFunc bits     Quick look flag off; CalFunc 0; Phase 1

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners scanning.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner scanning. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities:

(1) Calibration re-checks

    a) CAL-8 (Gain/circumvention table verification) tests on Tuesday (all

       in clean orbits)

         i) 239/05:07:44   A-gains space view

        ii) 239/05:57:07   B-gains space view

       iii) 239/06:41:57   A-gains space view

        iv) 239/08:25:30   B-gains space view

         v) 239/09:14:53   A-gains space view

        vi) 239/10:04:23   B-gains space view

    b) Guard tests twice a day except Tuesday (because of item c)

         i) 239/07:10:01   Tuesday

        ii) 240/07:55:17   Wednesday

       iii) 240/19:27:29   Wednesday

        iv) 241/08:38:33   Thursday

         v) 241/20:10:45   Thursday

        vi) 242/07:42:56   Friday

    c) Normal mode with A-side and B-side gains

         i) Early Tuesday prime shift EDT---load A-side gains

        ii) Late  Tuesday prime shift EDT---load B-side gains

       iii) The guard test early Wednesday morning will restore

            optimum gains

    d) Upload new gain tables to the ISC Thursday, August 29

    e) Two CAL-8 tests on Friday, August 30 in clean orbits using new


         i) 242/05:39:32   Optimum gains space view

        ii) 242/08:57:18   Optimum gains OBC view

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For August 27

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Tuesday, August 27 (Day 115 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

AIRS activities today included six gain/circumvention (CAL-8) tests in clean orbits, a Guard test, and two gain table loads. Here is the time line:

         i) 239/05:07:44   CAL-8 A-gains space view

        ii) 239/05:57:07   CAL-8 B-gains space view

       iii) 239/06:41:57   CAL-8 A-gains space view

        iv) 239/07:10:01   Guard Test

         v) 239/08:25:30   CAL-8 B-gains space view

        vi) 239/09:14:53   CAL-8 A-gains space view

       vii) 239/10:04:23   CAL-8 B-gains space view

      viii) 239/12:39:26   A gains loaded

        ix) 239/20:01:02   B gains loaded

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             B gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       "10"

    CalFunc bits     Quick look flag off; CalFunc 0; Phase 1

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners scanning.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner scanning. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities:

(1) Calibration re-checks

    a) Guard tests

         i) 240/07:55:17   Wednesday

        ii) 240/19:27:29   Wednesday

       iii) 241/08:38:33   Thursday

        iv) 241/20:10:45   Thursday

         v) 242/07:42:56   Friday

    b) Upload new gain tables to the ISC Thursday, August 29

    c) Two CAL-8 tests on Friday, August 30 in clean orbits using new


         i) 242/05:39:32   Optimum gains space view

        ii) 242/08:57:18   Optimum gains OBC view

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For August 28

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Wednesday, August 28 (Day 116 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

AIRS calibration checks continue. Today two guard tests were run.

         i) 240/07:55:17

        ii) 240/19:27:29

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             Optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       "10"

    CalFunc bits     Quick look flag off; CalFunc 0; Phase 1

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners scanning.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner scanning. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities:

Calibration re-checks

    a) Guard tests

         i) 241/08:38:33 UT   Thursday

        ii) 241/20:10:45 UT   Thursday

       iii) 242/07:42:56 UT   Friday

    b) Upload new gain tables to the ISC Thursday, August 29

    c) Two CAL-8 tests on Friday, August 30 in clean orbits using new


         i) 242/05:39:32 UT   Optimum gains space view

        ii) 242/08:57:18 UT   Optimum gains OBC view

    d) Return to "Operate" mode

            242/09:25:10 UT

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For August 29

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Thursday, August 29 (Day 117 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

AIRS calibration checks continue. Today two guard tests were run.

         i) 241/08:38:33 UT

        ii) 241/20:10:45 UT

Three new gain tables were uploaded to the ISC at 241/23:31 UT. They will be uploaded to AIRS by the CAL-8 tests and Guard Test run tonight.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             Optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Checkout"

    Op submode       "10"

    CalFunc bits     Quick look flag off; CalFunc 0; Phase 1

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners scanning.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner scanning. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities:

Calibration re-checks

    a) Guard tests

         i) 242/07:42:56 UT   Friday

    b) Two CAL-8 tests on Friday, August 30 in clean orbits using new


         i) 242/05:39:32 UT   Optimum gains space view

        ii) 242/08:57:18 UT   Optimum gains OBC view

    c) Return to "Operate" mode

            242/09:25:10 UT

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For August 30

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Friday, August 30 (Day 118 of the Aqua mission). It is the last DAILY report, as explained below.

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities today.

AIRS calibration checks were completed today.

         i) 242/05:39:32 UT   CAL-8 Optimum gains space view

        ii) 242/07:42:56 UT   Guard test

       iii) 242/08:57:18 UT   CAL-8 Optimum gains OBC view

AIRS was returned to "Operate" mode at 242/09:25:10 UT.

This is the last DAILY AIRS/AMSU-A/HSB operations status report. From now on reports will be issued at the time activities are scheduled and again after any activities occur (planned or unplanned). If there are no activities for an extended period of time, reports will be issued on Fridays.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             Optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Operate"

    Op submode       "0"

    CalFunc bits     All zeroes

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners scanning.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner scanning. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities:

None planned.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For September 6

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Friday, September 6 (end of week 18 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AIRS, AMSU-A, or HSB activities this past week. All three instruments are in routine operation.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

This coming week there are several activities planned (see below).

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             Optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Operate"

    Op submode       "0"

    CalFunc bits     All zeroes

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners scanning.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner scanning. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities:

(1) On Sunday, September 8, the photometric calibrator lamp #3 will be activated for

    8 minutes twice. Once will be in spacecraft day; the other during spacecraft


     a) 251/22:00:00 UT (day)

     b) 251/23:02:30 UT (night)

(2) We plan to clear the flags in AIRS software status word 1 on Monday, September 9.

    This date is still tentative.

    During the spacecraft safing event two months ago (caused by the spacecraft's

    CTC controllers swapping because of an apparent memory error), one of the flags

    in this word came on unexpectedly.

    The flag, instr_clk_hldg_ovwrite, indicates that there was a problem with the

    time mark which comes from the CTC and is used by AIRS to keep its clock

    synchronized with the spacecraft. If such an event occurs only occasionally,

    the AIRS flight software is able to maintain synchronization by using the

    subsequent time marks.

    Later investigation showed that the software synchronization process was running

    normally. There has never been any indication of any synchronization problem

    affecting science results.

    The flight software does not automatically reset the flags in the status word. So

    there is no way to know if any later events like this have occurred. The Project has

    decided to clear this flag. A database change is planned so that a yellow alarm

    will occur if the flag gets set again.

(3) A drag make up burn is scheduled for Thursday, September 12. All scanners will be

    parked before the burn and restarted afterwards.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For September 9

This is an interim AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report issued Monday, September 9 (middle of week 19 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AMSU-A, or HSB activities since the last status report.

On Sunday the AIRS photometric calibrator lamp #3 was turned on twice, for 8 minutes each. Here is the time line:

     a) 251/22:00:00 UT (day)

     b) 251/23:02:30 UT (night)

Today (Monday) software status word #1 was cleared. This was done shortly before 252/20:04 UT.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

A detailed time line for the drag make up burn this Thursday can be found below.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             Optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Operate"

    Op submode       "0"

    CalFunc bits     All zeroes

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners scanning.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner scanning. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activity:

(1) A drag make up burn is scheduled for Thursday, September 12. Here

    is the time line (all times UT on Day of Year #255):

       13:47:55 AIRS put in "Ready" mode

       13:48:00 AIRS scanner parked

       14:00:00 AMSU-A1 scanners parked

       14:06:00 HSB scanner parked

       (shortly after 14:08 by proc) AMSU-A2 scanner parked

       14:20    pre-burn yaw maneuver begins

       15:23    start of 60-second burn

       16:20    post-burn yaw maneuver ends (back to nominal attitude)

       16:40:00 AMSU-A1 scanners started

       16:42:00 AMSU-A2 scanner  started

       16:44:00 HSB scanner started

       17:06:00 AIRS scanner started

       17:07:30 AIRS put in "Operate" mode

All activities are done via the Master Command List (MCL) except for parking the AMSU-A2 scanner. The MMS activity for AMSU-A2 has still not been put into GSFC's approved operational directory.


Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For September 12 #1---Safe Mode

This is an interim AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report issued Thursday, September 12 (middle of week 19 of the Aqua mission).

Sometime around 13:15 UT (6:15 a.m. Pacific) today the spacecraft went into SAFE mode. I do not yet have any information on the cause and I do not know the exact time.

All planned spacecraft and instrument activities for today are cancelled (the drag make up burn was the biggest). Because the spacecraft is no longer in fine point mode, pointing is questionable and there may be some temperature excursions on various instrument components. Therefore science data from AIRS are unreliable at this time.

The automated command procedures run when the spacecraft goes into SAFE mode do not affect the AIRS focal plane, cooler, or scanner. But the OpMode and submode are changed to indicate that the spacecraft went into SAFE mode and science data should not be processed normally.

The automated procedures do affect AMSU-A and HSB. Their scanners are parked at their warm cal positions.

There will be another report issued later today when more information is available.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             Optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Standby"

    Op submode       "4-Safe"

    CalFunc bits     All zeroes

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners parked at warm cal position.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner parked at warm cal position. TMON's to control the survival

    heater are not active.

Upcoming activities (schedule TBD):

(1) Restart AMSU-A and HSB scanners

(2) Put AIRS back into "Operate" mode

(3) A drag make up burn


Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For September 12 #2---Back To Normal

This is the second AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report issued Thursday, September 12 (week 19 of the Aqua mission).

The spacecraft was put back into fine point mode at about 20:16 UT. Between 23:16 and 23:25 the AMSU-A and HSB scanners were restarted and AIRS was put back into "Operate" mode. All three instruments are now back in routine operations.

The drag make up burn originally planned for today has been tentatively rescheduled for Monday, September 16. I do not yet have a time line for that activity.

The immediate cause of today's incident was an (apparently false) indication of an attitude control problem in roll. I do not yet fully understand the root cause. The error occurred while one spacecraft ephemeris was being replaced by another. A subsequent operations status report will provide more information as it becomes available.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             Optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Operate"

    Op submode       "0"

    CalFunc bits     All zeroes

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode. Selected space view is #3.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. Selected space view is #4.

    TMON's to control the survival heater are not active.

Upcoming activity (detailed schedule TBD):

(3) A drag make up burn on Monday, September 16.


Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For September 13

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Friday, September 13 (week 19 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AIRS, AMSU-A, or HSB activities today.

The drag make up burn which had to be canceled yesterday has been rescheduled for Monday, September 16. The detailed time line of activities can be found below.

Yesterday's safing anomaly occurred at 13:31:25 UT on Day of Year 255 (September 12). I still do not have a complete explanation of the underlying cause of the apparent roll attitude error which triggered the fault. I do know the following:

Attempts to build the SCS which controls the burn had failed, apparently due to a bug in the new version of MMS which was deployed over the last three weeks. Most of the SCS was fine, but the burn time was incorrect. It would have been possible to use the SCS by manually overriding the incorrect parameter, but this idea was rejected as unnecessarily risky. So at around 7:45 a.m. Eastern time yesterday the decision was made to cancel the burn. That necessitated loading a different spacecraft ephemeris. During the loading of the replacement ephemeris the fault occurred.

Because they are not 100% sure that the MMS software problem will be fixed in time, they have also scheduled (as a contingency) a drag make up burn for Tuesday, September 17. I do not have detailed times but it would be approximately the same time as is now planned for Monday. Of course, if Monday's burn is successful there will be no burn on Tuesday.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             Optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Operate"

    Op submode       "0"

    CalFunc bits     All zeroes

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode. Selected space view is #3.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. Selected space view is #4.

    TMON's to control the survival heater are not active.

Upcoming drag make up burn time line (Monday September 16-all times UT):

259/13:02:00 AIRS to "Ready" mode

259/13:02:10 AIRS scanner begins parking

259/13:20:00 AMSU-A1 scanners begin parking

259/13:22:00 AMSU-A2 scanner begins parking

259/13:24:00 HSB scanner begins parking

259/14:00:00 pre-burn yaw maneuver begins

259/14:58    burn begins (75 seconds)

259/16:00    post-burn yaw maneuver ends

259/16:30:00 AMSU-A1 scanners restarted

259/16:32:00 AMSU-A2 scanner restarted

259/16:34:00 HSB scanner restarted

259/16:46:00 AIRS scanner restarted

259/16:48:00 AIRS put into "Operate" mode

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For September 16

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Monday, September 16 (week 20 of the Aqua mission).

The drag make up burn took place today as scheduled. Everything went smoothly. All AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB activities were performed using the master command list. Here is the time line:

259/13:02:00 AIRS to "Ready" mode

259/13:02:10 AIRS scanner begins parking

259/13:20:00 AMSU-A1 scanners begin parking

259/13:22:00 AMSU-A2 scanner begins parking

259/13:24:00 HSB scanner begins parking

259/14:00:00 pre-burn yaw maneuver begins

259/14:58    burn begins (75 seconds)

259/16:00    post-burn yaw maneuver ends

259/16:30:00 AMSU-A1 scanners restarted

259/16:32:00 AMSU-A2 scanner restarted

259/16:34:00 HSB scanner restarted

259/16:46:00 AIRS scanner restarted

259/16:48:00 AIRS put into "Operate" mode

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             Optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Operate"

    Op submode       "0"

    CalFunc bits     All zeroes

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode. Selected space view is #3.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. Selected space view is #4.

    TMON's to control the survival heater are not active.

Upcoming events:

None planned at this time.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For September 20

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB weekly operations status report for Friday, September 20 (end of week 20 of the Aqua mission).

There have been no AIRS, AMSU-A, or HSB activities since the drag make up burn was completed on Monday, September 16.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             Optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Operate"

    Op submode       "0"

    CalFunc bits     All zeroes

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode. Selected space view is #3.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. Selected space view is #4.

    TMON's to control the survival heater are not active.

Upcoming events:

None planned at this time.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For September 27

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB weekly operations status report for Friday, September 27 (end of week 21 of the Aqua mission).

There have been no AIRS, AMSU-A, or HSB activities since the drag make up burn was completed on Monday, September 16.

AIRS and AMSU-A remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

HSB has also appeared healthy, with the exception of two very brief incidents described below.

HSB had two alarms in the early hours of Wednesday, September 25. Each alarm lasted for three scan lines or less (8 seconds) and then disappeared without any action by operators. One was an indication that the scanner had lost synchronization with the spacecraft clock. The other was a yellow low alarm on the scan motor current. The usual value seen for the current is 0.13 amps (data number = 26). The yellow low limit is an EU value near 0.1 amps. The alarm is not triggered by a DN of 25 (one below the typical value) but is triggered by a DN of 24, which corresponds to 0.094 amps. This was the value that was actually seen during the alarm.

The first alarm (out-of-synch-flag) has been seen several times previously. It always goes off when the scanner is commanded to a new state. Three prior occurrences, within the first month of operation, were not associated with scanner commanding. Two of these were explained by the fact that the spacecraft USO (ultra stable oscillator) was being commanded to change state at the time. The third was never explained. Wednesday's instance also does not have any obvious explanation. Examination of the science data by Bjorn Lambrigtsen shows that during two scan lines some of the footprint scan angles were off from their expected values by up to 0.5 degrees, but the calibration footprints were normal.

The second alarm (low scanner current) has not been seen before. Examination of the science data by Evan Manning shows error messages from the Level 1A processing for one scan line. Bjorn Lambrigtsen found that the scan angles for that scan line were well off from expected, by several degrees. Most were off so much that the Level 1A software put an error indication in place of the actual value (because the DN values were out of normal range). During the bad scan line, no data for the space view was returned. The problem disappeared in the very next scan line, which was completely normal.

Both of these alarms are under investigation. Because of their brevity, science data products are not significantly impacted.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             Optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Operate"

    Op submode       "0"

    CalFunc bits     All zeroes

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode. Selected space view is #3.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. Selected space view is #4.

    TMON's to control the survival heater are not active.

Upcoming events:

None planned at this time.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For October 4

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB weekly operations status report for Friday, October 4 (end of week 22 of the Aqua mission).

There have been no AIRS, AMSU-A, or HSB activities since the drag make up burn was completed on Monday, September 16.

AIRS and AMSU-A remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

HSB appears generally healthy, with the exception that the scanner occasionally gets out of synch with the spacecraft clock. This situation was described in last week's status report. When this happens, the scanner arrives early at both ground and calibration footprints. This reduces the quality of the science data taken during the associated scans. An examination of past back-orbit data shows that there have been a total of 23 occurrences since launch. In every case exactly 3 scan lines (8 seconds) were affected. Each time, the instrument returned to normal without any ground action. 8 of the cases can be explained by spacecraft clock activity or HSB scanner commanding at the time. The other 15 have no known explanation and are still under investigation.

Starting three weeks ago, and ending last Saturday, the frequency of these events was much higher than during the rest of the mission. There was almost one incident per day. During the last week the frequency has returned to its prior value. We have had just one occurrence since Saturday September 28. That was on Tuesday, October 1.

There has been no repeat of the other alarm seen on September 25. In that case the scanner actually stopped briefly at the warm calibrator position. That behavior is part of the designed and built-in instrument recovery sequence from a synchronization anomaly. Examination of past data shows no other occurrence. This situation is also still under investigation.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             Optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Operate"

    Op submode       "0"

    CalFunc bits     All zeroes

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode. Selected space view is #3.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. Selected space view is #4.

    TMON's to control the survival heater are not active.

Upcoming events:

1) Turn on photometric calibrator lamp #3 for 8 minutes at 22:00 UT every

   day from October 4 through October 13 inclusive

2) Drag make up burn on Thursday, October 17.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For October 11

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB weekly operations status report for Friday, October 11 (end of week 23 of the Aqua mission).

There have been no AMSU-A, or HSB activities since the drag make up burn was completed on Monday, September 16. AIRS has been turning on the photometric calibrator lamp #3 for 8 minutes a day. This began on Friday October 4. The last day planned for this activity is Sunday October 13. All three instruments continue in routine operation.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

As has been noted in the two previous reports, HSB experiences intermittent scan synchronization problems (approximately once per week). Each incident is brief. Only one scan line is seriously affected each time. The impact on the science products has been negligible. This problem is still being investigated; no cause has yet been found. AIRS Design File Memo #604 (to be issued on October 14) describes the anomaly in more detail. It also discusses the possibility of recycling HSB's power in an attempt to eliminate the problem. Such power cycling is under consideration, but has not yet been approved by the AIRS Project. The most recent known event (with all data analyzed through Thursday, October 10) was on Saturday, October 5.

During the drag make up burn on September 16, the AIRS apparent detector gains dropped very slightly. Before the burn the gains had stabilized. They remained stable after the burn, but at a little bit smaller value. Apparent gains are affected by a number of factors not involving the detectors. There is no indication that the detectors changed. There might have been a small increase in ice or other contaminants on the optics. Or (since the scanner is parked for all burns) perhaps the scanner's actual profile changed slightly. In order to distinguish between these two possibilities, the AIRS scanner will be parked twice on the day of the next drag make up burn (October 17). The first time the scanner will be parked for one orbit while the spacecraft is in routine science mode. Later, the scanner will be parked (as always) for the burn.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             Optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Operate"

    Op submode       "0"

    CalFunc bits     All zeroes

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode. Selected space view is #3.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. Selected space view is #4.

    TMON's to control the survival heater are not active.

Upcoming/Continuing events:

1) Turn on photometric calibrator lamp #3 for 8 minutes at 22:00 UT every

   day from October 4 through October 13 inclusive

2) MODIS lunar calibration roll maneuver on Wednesday, October 16. Pointing

   will be affected from 289/14:11:38 to 289/14:45:48 UT. AIRS, AMSU-A,

   and HSB will operate as usual during this period. But because of

   the spacecraft attitude the science data will not all be good. AIRS will

   be placed into "Ready" mode, which does nothing with the hardware

   but marks the data so that it will not be processed automatically.

3) AIRS' scanner will be parked for 100 minutes early Thursday, October 17.

   See the text above for the rationale for this activity.

4) Drag make up burn on Thursday, October 17. All instrument scanners will

   be parked.

The exact times for activities 3 and 4 will be specified in an interim report early next week.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For October 14 (interim)

This is an interim AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Monday, October 14 (during week 24 of the Aqua mission).

The purpose of this report is to provide interested people with the exact times of the planned activities on Wednesday and Thursday of this week.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected. All three instruments remain in routine operation.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             Optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Operate"

    Op submode       "0"

    CalFunc bits     All zeroes

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode. Selected space view is #3.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. Selected space view is #4.

    TMON's to control the survival heater are not active.

Upcoming events:

1) MODIS lunar calibration roll maneuver on Wednesday, October 16.

     289/14:05:00 UT AIRS to "Ready" mode (data processing flag)

     289/14:11:38 UT Roll maneuver begins

     289/14:45:48 UT Roll maneuver ends (nominal attitude restored)

     289/14:53:00 UT AIRS to "Operate" mode

2) AIRS' scanner parked Thursday, October 17 (see report of Friday, October 11

   for rationale)---duration 100 minutes

     290/10:19:50 UT AIRS to "Ready" mode

     290/10:20:00 UT AIRS scanner parked

     290/12:00:00 UT AIRS scanner commanded back to scan mode

     290/12:01:31 UT AIRS to "Operate" mode

3) Drag make up burn on Thursday, October 17.

     290/14:34:50 UT AIRS to "Ready" mode

     290/14:35:00 UT AIRS scanner parked

     290/14:40:00 UT AMSU-A1 park

     290/14:41:00 UT AMSU-A2 park

     290/14:42:00 UT HSB park

     290/14:49 UT    pre-burn yaw maneuver begins

     290/15:38 UT    burn begins (about 1 minute duration)

     290/16:40    UT post-burn yaw maneuver ends (nominal attitude restored)

     290/17:15:00 UT AMSU-A1 scanner restarted

     290/17:16:00 UT AMSU-A2 scanner restarted

     290/17:17:00 UT HSB scanner restarted

     290/17:20:00 UT AIRS scanner commanded back to scan mode

     290/17:21:35 UT AIRS to "Operate" mode

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For October 18

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB weekly operations status report for Friday, October 18 (end of week 24 of the Aqua mission).

All activities this week were performed without incident. All three instruments are still in routine operations mode.

Here is a detailed time line for this past week.

1) MODIS lunar calibration roll maneuver on Wednesday, October 16.

     289/14:05:00 UT AIRS to "Ready" mode (data processing flag)

     289/14:11:38 UT Roll maneuver begins

     289/14:45:48 UT Roll maneuver ends (nominal attitude restored)

     289/14:53:00 UT AIRS to "Operate" mode

2) AIRS' scanner parked Thursday, October 17 (see report of Friday, October 11

   for rationale)---duration 100 minutes

     290/10:19:50 UT AIRS to "Ready" mode

     290/10:20:00 UT AIRS scanner parked

     290/12:00:00 UT AIRS scanner commanded back to scan mode

     290/12:01:31 UT AIRS to "Operate" mode

3) Drag make up burn on Thursday, October 17.

     290/14:34:50 UT AIRS to "Ready" mode

     290/14:35:00 UT AIRS scanner parked

     290/14:40:00 UT AMSU-A1 park

     290/14:41:00 UT AMSU-A2 park

     290/14:42:00 UT HSB park

     290/14:49 UT    pre-burn yaw maneuver begins

     290/15:38 UT    burn begins (about 1 minute duration)

     290/16:40    UT post-burn yaw maneuver ends (nominal attitude restored)

     290/17:15:00 UT AMSU-A1 scanner restarted

     290/17:16:00 UT AMSU-A2 scanner restarted

     290/17:17:00 UT HSB scanner restarted

     290/17:20:00 UT AIRS scanner commanded back to scan mode

     290/17:21:35 UT AIRS to "Operate" mode

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all temperatures, voltages, and currents as expected.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             Optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Operate"

    Op submode       "0"

    CalFunc bits     All zeroes

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode. Selected space view is #3.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. Selected space view is #4.

    TMON's to control the survival heater are not active.

Upcoming events:

None planned.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For October 19

This is an AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB interim operations status report for Saturday, October 19 (start of week 25 of the Aqua mission).

This morning, some time between 17:00 UT and 18:30 UT, the AIRS cooler had an overstroke trip and the compressor was shut down. The software safety net took effect and powered off the focal plane when its temperature rose above 80 K. Back orbit data is not yet available as of this writing, so there are no additional details to report.

AIRS has been put into a standard configuration. Periodic commands have been stopped and the chopper amplitude has been set to zero. The cold head and focal plane temperatures are rising to their natural level of 210 K. The spectrometer temperature remains at 155 K.

The other time this happened (in August), the data showed that the compressor was behaving normally up to the instant of the trip. The trip was attributed to a radiation hit on the circuit which monitors the stroke. Solar activity has been abnormally high again the past few days, and a central crossing of the South Atlantic Anomaly took place during the orbit in which the trip occurred. So there is a distinct possibility that today's trip, like the one in August, was not due to a problem with the compressor itself. It may also have been caused by a radiation hit.

If data analysis bears this theory out, we will restart the cooler and focal plane on Monday (assuming approval by the ESMOS Project at GSFC).

AMSU-A and HSB remain in routine operations mode.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             Optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Standby"

    Op submode       "2---Cooler Initialized"

    CalFunc bits     All zeroes

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode. Selected space view is #3.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. Selected space view is #4.

    TMON's to control the survival heater are not active.

Upcoming events:

Restore AIRS to "Operate" mode (schedule TBD).

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For October 20

This is an AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB interim operations status report for Sunday, October 20 (during week 25 of the Aqua mission).

The time of yesterday's overstroke trip has been pinned down to 292/17:03:34. This was in the heart of the South Atlantic Anomaly on a day with unusually high solar proton flux. These considerations, plus analysis of cooler stroke data and temperature data, lead to the preliminary conclusion that this event was caused by a radiation hit just like the event in August. The compressor appears to be healthy. Based on this, we will try to bring AIRS back to "operate" mode as soon as possible.

AMSU-A and HSB remain in routine operations mode.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             Optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     off

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Standby"

    Op submode       "2---Cooler Initialized"

    CalFunc bits     All zeroes

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode. Selected space view is #3.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. Selected space view is #4.

    TMON's to control the survival heater are not active.

Upcoming events:

Restore AIRS to "Operate" mode as soon as is practical.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For October 21

This is an AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB interim operations status report for Monday, October 21 (during week 25 of the Aqua mission).

The AIRS thermal team confirmed today that Saturday's overstroke trip was another radiation-related event. They gave the go-ahead to put AIRS back into full operational mode. The ESMOS Project at GSFC concurred, and AIRS has been returned to "Operate" mode.

Here is a timeline of the activities today (all times UT).

294/18:25:30 Cooler A electronics powered off

294/18:29:02 Cooler A electronics turned back on

294/18:30:47 Cooler A software initialization began (included a patch to

               disable the watch dog timer)

294/21:51:30 Cooler compressor began operation

294/23:49:19 Alarm limits reset to "cold" values

294/23:51:17 Chopper amplitude restored to nominal value

294/23:51:53 Periodic DC Restore began

294/23:53:11 Began turning on focal plane detector modules

295/01:37:29 AIRS in "Operate" mode

Cool down time from an initial value of 208 K to 60 K was 2 hours.


AMSU-A and HSB remain in routine operations mode.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             Optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Operate"

    Op submode       "0"

    CalFunc bits     All zeroes

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode. Selected space view is #3.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. Selected space view is #4.

    TMON's to control the survival heater are not active.

Upcoming events:

Calibration checks in the early hours of Wednesday morning, October 23. Here is the planned time line (all times UT):

296/05:25:04 Guard Test (CAL-2)

296/06:39:00 Gain/Circumvention Test (CAL-8)---clean orbit; spaceview, A-side gains

296/08:19:00 Gain/Circumvention Test (CAL-8)---clean orbit; spaceview, B-side gains

296/09:57:00 Gain/Circumvention Test (CAL-8)---clean orbit; spaceview, Optimum gains

296/10:27:00 Turn circumvention processing back on (CAL-8 turns it off at end)

296/10:27:10 Restore AIRS to "Operate" mode (the CAL sequences change mode to


Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For October 25

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations weekly status report for Friday, October 25 (end of week 25 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AMSU-A or HSB activities this past week.

As previously reported, the AIRS cooler compressor shut down last Saturday (October 19) because it sensed an overstroke condition. Data analysis by both JPL and TRW thermal engineers showed that this was another false trip caused by a radiation hit (just like the one in August). AIRS was restored to normal operations on Monday October 21.

AIRS calibration checks were performed on Wednesday October 23. Here is the time line:

296/05:25:04 Guard Test (CAL-2) (puts AIRS into "Checkout" mode)

296/06:39:00 Gain/Circumvention Test (CAL-8)---clean orbit; spaceview,

             A-side gains

296/08:19:00 Gain/Circumvention Test (CAL-8)---clean orbit; spaceview,

             B-side gains

296/09:57:00 Gain/Circumvention Test (CAL-8)---clean orbit; spaceview,

             Optimum gains

296/10:27:00 Turn circumvention processing back on (CAL-8 turns it off at end)

296/10:27:10 Restore AIRS to "Operate" mode


AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all voltages, currents, and temperatures as expected..

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             Optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Operate"

    Op submode       "0"

    CalFunc bits     All zeroes

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode. Selected space view is #3.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. Selected space view is #4.

    TMON's to control the survival heater are not active.

Upcoming events:

For AIRS---upload and activation of revised gain tables (schedule TBD).

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For November 1, 2002

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations weekly status report for Friday, November 1 (end of week 26 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AIRS, AMSU-A, or HSB activities this past week.       

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all voltages, currents, and temperatures as expected. All three instruments continue in routine operations.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             Optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Operate"

    Op submode       "0"

    CalFunc bits     All zeroes

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode. Selected space view is #3.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. Selected space view is #4.

    TMON's to control the survival heater are not active.

Upcoming events:

For AIRS---upload and activation of revised gain tables if calibration team decides to do so (schedule TBD).

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For November 8, 2002

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations weekly status report for Friday, November 8 (end of week 27 of the Aqua mission).

There were no AIRS, AMSU-A, or HSB activities this past week.     

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all voltages, currents, and temperatures as expected. All three instruments continue in routine operations.

The next two weeks will be busy ones. See the upcoming events section below.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             Optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Operate"

    Op submode       "0"

    CalFunc bits     All zeroes

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode. Selected space view is #3.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. Selected space view is #4.

    TMON's to control the survival heater are not active.

Upcoming events:

(1) Drag make up burn on Tuesday, November 12. Here is the planned time line

    (all times UT):

    316/14:20:00 AIRS put in "Ready" mode

    316/14:20:30 AIRS scanner begins to park

    316/14:23:00 AMSU-A1 scanners parked

    316/14:24:00 AMSU-A2 scanner parked

    316/14:25:00 HSB scanner parked

    316/14:37:00 spacecraft pre-burn yaw maneuver starts

    316/15:40:34 burn begins (duration 94 seconds)

    316/16:33:00 spacecraft post-burn yaw maneuver ends

    316/17:00:00 AMSU-A1 scanners restarted

    316/17:01:00 AMSU-A2 scanner restarted

    316/17:02:00 HSB scanner restarted

    316/17:25:00 AIRS scanner restarted

    316/17:26:40 AIRS put back in "Operate" mode

(2) MODIS lunar calibration roll maneuver on Friday, November 15.

    AIRS will be put into "Ready" mode during the time the pointing

    is non-nominal.

    319/04:29:21 Maneuver begins

    319/04:58:01 Maneuver ends

    The AIRS "Ready" mode will start a little before the maneuver and end

    a little after. The exact times will be available early next week.

(3) A test of the proposed two-cooler mode of AIRS operations will begin

    on November 20. If successful, and if this mode of operations is

    approved by a Project review board, using both coolers will become

    standard after the next AIRS defrost cycle. That cycle is tentatively

    scheduled to begin in mid-December. The rationale for this change is

    being documented in an AIRS Design File Memo by Greg Goodson.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For November 15, 2002

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations weekly status report for Friday, November 15 (end of week 28 of the Aqua mission).

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all voltages, currents, and temperatures as expected. All three instruments continue in routine operations.

On Tuesday, November 12, there was a successful drag make up burn. The time line was:

    (all times UT):

    316/14:20:00 AIRS put in "Ready" mode

    316/14:20:30 AIRS scanner began to park

    316/14:23:00 AMSU-A1 scanners parked

    316/14:24:00 AMSU-A2 scanner parked

    316/14:25:00 HSB scanner parked

    316/14:37:00 spacecraft pre-burn yaw maneuver started

    316/15:40:34 burn began (duration 94 seconds)

    316/16:33:00 spacecraft post-burn yaw maneuver ended

    316/17:00:00 AMSU-A1 scanners restarted

    316/17:01:00 AMSU-A2 scanner restarted

    316/17:02:00 HSB scanner restarted

    316/17:25:00 AIRS scanner restarted

    316/17:26:40 AIRS put back in "Operate" mode

On Friday, November 15 (UT) there was a successful MODIS lunar calibration roll maneuver. The AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB hardware states were not changed during this maneuver. However, AIRS was put into "READY" mode. This marks the science data as "not for routine processing".

    (all times UT):

    319/04:29:00 AIRS to "READY" mode

    319/04:29:21 Maneuver begins

    319/04:58:01 Maneuver ends

    319/04:58:10 AIRS returned to "OPERATE" mode

Next week the AIRS two-cooler mode test will begin. Details are below.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 off

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             Optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics off, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Operate"

    Op submode       "0"

    CalFunc bits     All zeroes

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode. Selected space view is #3.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. Selected space view is #4.

    TMON's to control the survival heater are not active.

Upcoming events:

(1) A test of the proposed two-cooler mode of AIRS operations will begin

    on November 20. If successful, and if this mode of operations is

    approved by a Project review board, using both coolers will become

    standard after the next AIRS defrost cycle. The rationale for this

    change is being documented in an AIRS Design File Memo by Greg


    Activities to be performed on November 20 are:

    a) Turn on AIRS noisy bus B from the spacecraft side

    b) Turn off AIRS internal noisy bus B

    c) Switch the relay to direct B-side noisy bus power to the B-side

       cooler and then turn on AIRS noisy bus B internal switch. This

       powers on the cooler B electronics and its control computer.

    d) Initialize the cooler B software, including disabling the

       watch dog timer

    e) Turn on cooler B compressor with a cold head temperature

       set point of 57 K and maximum allowable drive level of 80%

    f) Adjust the cold head temperature set point of cooler A to

       57 K (it is now at 55.28).

    After the focal plane and cold head temperatures have stabilized

    and after some data analysis by the AIRS thermal team, we will:

    g) Adjust both coolers' cold head temperature set points to achieve

       the desired focal plane temperature of 57 K.

    h) Reset cooler A maximum allowable drive level to 80% (it is

       now at 90%)

    Activities g and h may not happen until Thursday, November 21.

    All of the activities are done by procs, so exact times are not


    It is probable that AIRS will be placed into "READY" mode during

    part of these activities, because of the unstable temperatures.

(2) A full defrost cycle is planned to begin in mid_December.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For November 20, 2002

This is an interim AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Wednesday, November 20 (during week 29 of the Aqua mission).

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all voltages, currents, and temperatures as expected. AMSU-A and HSB continue in routine operations.

Today we attempted to turn on AIRS cooler B. This would have begun a test of two-cooler operations mode. We turned on noisy bus B and powered on the cooler B electronics without incident. However, the commands to change various set points (such as cold head temperature), and the command to start the compressor, did not take effect. The B compressor remained off.

We are now investigating what happened. The TRW cooler group and the JPL thermal engineers are abreast of the situation and have made some suggestions. There is a theory (which we hope to test on Thursday) which states that the commands were ignored because the cooler either is caged or at least the cooler software thinks it is caged. The cooler has never been commanded to be caged since launch. However, it may be possible for the cage state to change on power up or power down without being commanded to do so.

In the meantime, AIRS continues to operate normally in single-cooler mode.

Here is today's time line (all times UT):

324/20:48:20 AIRS noisy bus B turned on on spacecraft side

324/20:49:37 Cooler B electronics powered on

324/22:21:44 Cooler B electronics initialized (software patched)

324/22:32:17 AIRS put into "READY" mode (data will not be routinely


324/22:33:49 Cooler B compressor commanded to turn on (but did not)

324/22:38:42 Cooler A cold head set point adjusted to 57 K

325/00:03:10 Cooler A cold head set point returned to 55.28 K

325/01:16:27 AIRS returned to "OPERATE" mode

On Thursday we will hold an anomaly discussion telecon with the ESMOS project at Goddard. At that time we will recommend sending a cooler uncage command and then retrying today's cooler B activities.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Decontamination heater B         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             Optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor


     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Operate"

    Op submode       "0"

    CalFunc bits     All zeroes

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode. Selected space view is #3.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. Selected space view is #4.

    TMON's to control the survival heater are not active.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For November 21, 2002

This is an interim AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Thursday, November 21 (during week 29 of the Aqua mission).

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all voltages, currents, and temperatures as expected. AMSU-A and HSB continue in routine operations.

Today we reran yesterday's activities to begin the test of the AIRS two-cooler operations mode. Today cooler B was turned on successfully. The theory (mentioned in yesterday's report) that our problem was that cooler B was caged is correct. Consultation with the TRW cooler group which built the AIRS coolers confirmed that the FPGA's in the cooler circuitry can change the caging state in an unpredictable manner during power cycling of the electronics. The only difference between today's successful run and yesterday was that we explicitly commanded the cooler to uncage right after powering on the electronics and before issuing any other commands.

AIRS is now operating in two-cooler mode. We will spend the time between now and December's defrost cycle gathering and analyzing engineering and science data. If the data indicate that all is well, and if the Project review board approves, two-cooler mode will become the standard mode starting in late December or early January.

Here is today's time line (all times UT):

325/21:32:30 Cooler B electronics turned off

325/21:36:03 Cooler B electronics powered back on

325/21:36:58 Cooler B uncaged

325/21:56:00 Cooler B electronics initialized (software patches loaded)

325/22:02:44 AIRS put into "READY" mode (data will not be routinely


325/22:06:01 Cooler B compressor started

325/22:07:07 Cooler A cold head set point adjusted to 57 K (same as cooler B)

325/23:07:42 AIRS returned to "OPERATE" mode

The focal plane temperature settled at about 0.5 K higher than it was when Cooler A was running by itself with a set point of 55.28. Tomorrow (Friday) we plan to adjust both cooler cold head set points down approximately 0.5 K.

The cooler drive levels are about 60% for the A cooler and about 64% for B. These values will change upward when the cold head set points are lowered. Note that the A cooler, when running by itself, had a drive level of about 87% earlier today.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Decontamination heater B         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             Optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point 57.0 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point 57.0 K

     Focal plane detector modules     on, DN of detector temperature (A sensor)

                                             is 3094 as of 325/23:20

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Operate"

    Op submode       "0"

    CalFunc bits     All zeroes

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode. Selected space view is #3.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. Selected space view is #4.

    TMON's to control the survival heater are not active.

Upcoming Events for Friday, November 22:

(1) Adjust both cooler cold head temperature set points to bring focal plane

    temperature back to what it was during single-cooler operation

(2) Adjust Cooler A maximum allowable drive level to 80% (it is now 90%)

Upcoming events (long term):

(1) AIRS defrost cycle begins mid-December

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For November 22, 2002

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations weekly status report for Friday, November 22 (end of week 29 of the Aqua mission).

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all voltages, currents, and temperatures as expected. AMSU-A and HSB continue in routine operations. AIRS continues its test of two-cooler operations.

Today the cold head temperature set points for both AIRS coolers were adjusted slightly downward, to put the focal plane temperature back where it was during single-cooler operations.

Here is today's time line (all times UT):

326/22:36:53 AIRS put in "READY" mode

326/22:38:06 Cooler A cold head temperature set point revised to 56.47 K

326/22:39:49 Cooler B cold head temperature set point revised to 56.47 K

326/22:44:04 Cooler A maximum allowable stroke revised to 80% (same as Cooler B)

326/22:45:34 AIRS returned to "OPERATE" mode

As of about 327/00:00 the cooler drive levels were:

Cooler A 60.5% (up about 0.5% from yesterday, when the set point was 57.0 K)

Cooler B 64.1% (up about 0.1% from yesterday, when the set point was 57.0 K)

Focal plane temperature raw DN values:

3138 (A sensor)

3121 (B sensor)

These correspond to a temperature slightly above 57 K.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Decontamination heater B         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             Optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point 56.47 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point 56.47 K

     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Operate"

    Op submode       "0"

    CalFunc bits     All zeroes

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode. Selected space view is #3.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. Selected space view is #4.

    TMON's to control the survival heater are not active.

Upcoming events:

(1) A full defrost cycle is planned to begin in mid_December.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For December 2, 2002

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations weekly status report for Monday, December 2 (during week 30 of the Aqua mission). This report, normally sent out on Fridays, was delayed due to the Thanksgiving holiday.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all voltages, currents, and temperatures as expected. AMSU-A and HSB continue in routine operations. AIRS continues its test of two-cooler operations.

After the set point adjustments of Friday November 22, the focal plane returned to a temperature only 0.05 K higher than its value during single-cooler operations. Data analysis by the AIRS Calibration Team indicates that the effective change in frequencies on the focal plane is equivalent to a detector shift of 0.04 micron---a negligible amount which does not impact science processing.

The two coolers are operating at drive levels of about 64% (B) and 61% (A). Both of these numbers continue to increase slowly due to a gradual build up of ice on the cold heads and their surroundings. The rate is about 0.025% per day, half of the rate of increase seen on one cooler during single-cooler operations. This result is as expected.

To summarize---the two-cooler test is successful so far. The AIRS Project still needs to review the differences between one-cooler and two-cooler operations, especially concerning reliability. If two-cooler mode is approved, it will be the standard mode after the upcoming defrost cycle.

Several important activities are planned for December 12, 13, and 14---see below.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Decontamination heater B         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             Optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point 56.47 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point 56.47 K

     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Operate"

    Op submode       "0"

    CalFunc bits     All zeroes

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode. Selected space view is #3.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. Selected space view is #4.

    TMON's to control the survival heater are not active.

Upcoming events:

(1) A full defrost cycle is planned to begin in mid_December.

    The tentative start date is December 13.

(2) Drag make up burn #6 is planned for Thursday, December 12---detailed times

    are not yet available.

(3) A MODIS lunar calibration roll maneuver is planned for December 14---detailed

    times are not yet available.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For December 6, 2002

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations weekly status report for Friday, December 6 (the end of week 30 of the Aqua mission).

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all voltages, currents, and temperatures as expected. AMSU-A and HSB continue in routine operations. AIRS continues its test of two-cooler operations.

A new (still preliminary) reliability analysis has been performed by Ron Ross at JPL. His analysis was based on his years of experience with many different coolers, including the AIRS coolers. He considered the entire spacecraft/instrument system, not just the coolers. His conclusion is that two-cooler operation significantly improves AIRS system reliability, primarily because it reduces thermal cycling of the focal plane. This analysis is being written up as an AIRS Design File Memo and will be reviewed in front of an external (to the AIRS Project) board in the near future. If approved, two-cooler mode will become the AIRS standard.

Because two-cooler operation has greatly reduced the observed drive levels in the compressors, there is no immediate need to defrost. Since it now appears probable that two-cooler mode will become the AIRS standard, the AIRS project has cancelled the planned December defrost cycle. Besides reducing risk to the hardware, this cancellation benefits the science data processing. Not only will there be no interruption of data taking, there will also be no changes in the channel frequencies. Such changes have to be carefully accounted for in the Level 2 product generation software, or have to be eliminated by resetting the spectrometer temperature.

Because of changes in the properties of a few detectors caused by the unplanned warm up last October 19, the on-board detector gain tables need to be revised slightly. We had been holding off doing that because of the planned defrost cycle. Now that we are not defrosting for the indefinite future, we will go ahead and upload a new table soon.

This coming week there will be a drag make up burn and a MODIS lunar calibration roll maneuver. See details below.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Decontamination heater B         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             Optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point 56.47 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point 56.47 K

     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Operate"

    Op submode       "0"

    CalFunc bits     All zeroes

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode. Selected space view is #3.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. Selected space view is #4.

    TMON's to control the survival heater are not active.

Upcoming events:

(1) Drag make up burn #6 is planned for Thursday, December 12---detailed

    activity times (UT) are:

    346/14:30:25 AIRS to READY mode

    346/14:30:30 AIRS scanner begins parking

    346/14:33:00 AMSU-A1 scanners parked

    346/14:34:00 AMSU-A2 scanner parked

    346/14:35:00 HSB scanner parked

    346/14:49    Pre-burn yaw maneuver begins

    346/15:40    55 second burn begins

    346/16:29    Post-burn yaw maneuver ends

    346/17:20:00 AMSU-A1 scanners restarted

    346/17:21:00 AMSU-A2 scanner restarted

    346/17:22:00 HSB scanner restarted

    346/17:25:00 AIRS scanner restart begins

    346/17:26:30 DC Restore performed

    346/17:26:35 AIRS to OPERATE mode

(2) A MODIS lunar calibration roll maneuver is planned for December 14---detailed

    times (UT) are as follows:

    348/21:59:00 AIRS to READY mode

    348/21:59:47 Roll maneuver begins

    348/22:19:03 Roll maneuver ends

    348/22:20:00 DC Restore performed

    348/22:20:05 AIRS to OPERATE mode

(3) A new optimum gain table will be uploaded, followed by some calibration

    sequences to check the table's performance. Details will follow in a

    later report.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For December 13, 2002

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations weekly status report for Friday, December 13 (AAAARGH!!!) (the end of week 31 of the Aqua mission).

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all voltages, currents, and temperatures as expected. AMSU-A and HSB continue in routine operations. AIRS continues its test of two-cooler operations.

The drag make up burn was performed as planned on Thursday, December 12. Here is the time line of the activities (all times UT):

    346/14:30:25 AIRS to READY mode

    346/14:30:30 AIRS scanner begins parking

    346/14:33:00 AMSU-A1 scanners parked

    346/14:34:00 AMSU-A2 scanner parked

    346/14:35:00 HSB scanner parked

    346/14:49    Pre-burn yaw maneuver begins

    346/15:40    55 second burn begins

    346/16:38    Post-burn yaw maneuver ends

    346/17:20:00 AMSU-A1 scanners restarted

    346/17:21:00 AMSU-A2 scanner restarted

    346/17:22:00 HSB scanner restarted

    346/17:25:00 AIRS scanner restart begins

    346/17:26:30 DC Restore performed

    346/17:26:35 AIRS to OPERATE mode

At the request of the AIRS Vis/NIR engineer, photometric calibrator lamp #3 was turned on twice today, for 8 minutes each time. Here is the time line (UT):

347/21:16:00 Lamp #3 on (spacecraft night)

347/21:24:00 Lamp #3 off

347/22:00:00 Lamp #3 on (spacecraft day)

347/22:08:00 Lamp #3 off

A review of two-cooler operations will take place on Thursday, December 19.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Decontamination heater B         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             Optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point 56.47 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point 56.47 K

     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Operate"

    Op submode       "0"

    CalFunc bits     All zeroes

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode. Selected space view is #3.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. Selected space view is #4.

    TMON's to control the survival heater are not active.

Upcoming events:

(1) A MODIS lunar calibration roll maneuver is planned for December 14---detailed

    times (UT) are as follows:

    348/21:59:00 AIRS to READY mode

    348/21:59:47 Roll maneuver begins

    348/22:19:03 Roll maneuver ends

    348/22:20:00 DC Restore performed

    348/22:20:05 AIRS to OPERATE mode

(2) A new optimum gain table will be uploaded, followed by some calibration

    sequences to check the table's performance. Details will follow in a

    later report.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For December 20, 2002

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations weekly status report for Friday, December 20 (the end of week 32 of the Aqua mission).

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all voltages, currents, and temperatures as expected. All three instruments continue in routine operations.

The MODIS lunar calibration roll maneuver was performed as planned on Saturday, December 14. Here is the time line of the activities (all times UT):

    348/21:59:00 AIRS to READY mode

    348/21:59:47 Roll maneuver begins

    348/22:19:03 Roll maneuver ends

    348/22:20:00 DC Restore performed

    348/22:20:05 AIRS to OPERATE mode

The review of two-cooler operations took place on Thursday, December 19. Most participants, including those from JPL's Mission Assurance and Reliability Office and Goddard's Aqua Flight Operations Team, agreed that two-cooler mode should be the standard for routine operations. AIRS will remain in this mode for the foreseeable future. There is still some slight concern from the spacecraft power subsystem. They had a question regarding power consumption from the two coolers later in the mission, when the drive levels approach 80% (assuming a continuing ice build up). They also had a question regarding ripple currents from two coolers. The AIRS Project will provide them data which we believe will remove their concerns. More details on this review will be published in a design file memo by Greg Goodson, who led the review.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Decontamination heater B         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             Optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point 56.47 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point 56.47 K

     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Operate"

    Op submode       "0"

    CalFunc bits     All zeroes

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode. Selected space view is #3.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. Selected space view is #4.

    TMON's to control the survival heater are not active.

Upcoming events:

(1) A new set of AIRS gain tables will be uploaded, followed by some calibration

    sequences to check the tables' performance. New versions of the A/B optimum, A-side,

    and B-side gains have been prepared and delivered to GSFC.The upload of the

    revised tables has been tentatively scheduled for Monday, December 30.

    The detailed plan for the subsequent calibration checks will follow in

    a later report.

(2) A MODIS lunar calibration roll maneuver is planned for January 13, 2003.

(3) Drag make up burn #7 is planned for January 22.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For December 27, 2002

This is the AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations weekly status report for Friday, December 27 (the end of week 33 of the Aqua mission).

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all voltages, currents, and temperatures as expected. All three instruments continue in routine operations.

Due to increased solar activity and improved modeling, it has been decided to move drag make up burn #7 earlier than originally planned. This maneuver is now scheduled to take place on Friday, January 3, 2003. The detailed time line is not yet available.

The AIRS gain/circumvention table uploads which had been tentatively planned for December 30 must be delayed. Due to the holidays, there is insufficient support at Goddard for testing and configuration management activities. The uploads are now expected to take place late in the week of January 6-10.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Decontamination heater B         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             Optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point 56.47 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point 56.47 K

     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Operate"

    Op submode       "0"

    CalFunc bits     All zeroes

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode. Selected space view is #3.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. Selected space view is #4.

    TMON's to control the survival heater are not active.

Upcoming events:

(1) A new set of AIRS gain tables will be uploaded, followed by some calibration

    sequences to check the tables' performance. New versions of the A/B optimum, A-side,

    and B-side gains have been prepared and delivered to GSFC.The upload of the

    revised tables will occur late in the week of January 6-10.

    The detailed plan for the subsequent calibration checks will follow in

    a later report.

(2) A MODIS lunar calibration roll maneuver is planned for January 13, 2003.

(3) Drag make up burn #7 is planned for January 3.

Subject: AIRS Operations Status Report For December 30, 2002

This is an interim AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB operations status report for Monday, December 30 (during week 34 of the Aqua mission). The purpose of this report is to provide detailed timing information for the activities of Friday, January 3 (drag make up burn #7). See "Upcoming Activities" below.

AIRS, AMSU-A, and HSB remain healthy, with all voltages, currents, and temperatures as expected. All three instruments continue in routine operations.

The AIRS gain/circumvention table uploads which had been tentatively planned for December 30 must be delayed. Due to the holidays, there is insufficient support at Goddard for testing and configuration management activities. The uploads are now expected to take place late in the week of January 6-10.

AIRS hardware state: (changes since previous report are in bold)

     AIRS Quiet Bus A                 on

     AIRS Noisy Bus A                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus A              on

     AIRS Quiet Bus B                 off

     AIRS Noisy Bus B                 on

     AIRS Survival Bus B              on

     Decontamination heater A         off

     Decontamination heater B         off

     Group 2 power                    on

     Detector gain tables             Optimum gains loaded

     Radiometric calibrator heater    on

     Choke point heater               enabled with a set point of 155 K

     Scanner                          uncaged;scanning using nominal


     Cooler A                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point 56.47 K

     Cooler B                         uncaged, electronics on, compressor

                                      on, cold head set point 56.47 K

     Focal plane detector modules     on

     Circumvention processing         on

AIRS software state:

    Patch Version 11 loaded

    Macro version 17 loaded

    EDC tables       alternates #1, #2, and #4 loaded---nominal EDC

                     table active

    TMON's active

    OpMode           "Operate"

    Op submode       "0"

    CalFunc bits     All zeroes

AMSU-A hardware state:

    On; scanners in full scan mode. Selected space view is #3.

HSB hardware state:

    On; scanner in scan normal mode. Selected space view is #4.

    TMON's to control the survival heater are not active.

Upcoming events:

(1) A new set of AIRS gain tables will be uploaded, followed by some calibration

    sequences to check the tables' performance. New versions of the A/B optimum, A-side,

    and B-side gains have been prepared and delivered to GSFC.The upload of the

    revised tables will occur late in the week of January 6-10.

    The detailed plan for the subsequent calibration checks will follow in

    a later report.

(2) A MODIS lunar calibration roll maneuver is planned for January 13, 2003.

(3) Drag make up burn #7 is planned for January 3. Here is the time line (all times UT):

    2003/003/15:00:00 AIRS put into "READY" mode

    2003/003/15:00:05 AIRS scanner begins parking

    2003/003/15:01:00 AMSU-A1 scanners begin parking

    2003/003/15:02:00 AMSU-A2 scanner begins parking

    2003/003/15:03:00 HSB scanner begins parking

    2003/003/15:06    Pre-burn yaw maneuver begins

    2003/003/15:55    55-second burn begins

    2003/003/16:44    Post-burn yaw maneuver ends

    2003/003/17:31:00 AMSU-A1 scanners restarted

    2003/003/17:32:00 AMSU-A2 scanner restarted

    2003/003/17:33:00 HSB Scanner restarted

    2003/003/17:37:00 AIRS scanner commanded back to scan mode

    2003/003/17:38:35 DC Restore performed

    2003/003/17:38:40 AIRS returned to "OPERATE" mode

    The times of the spacecraft activities are still approximate, but should be correct to

    within five minutes.