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Planet Quest - the search for another Earth


What is TPF?
Artists' concepts
3D models
Science Goals
Searching for Earths
Signs of Life
Planet Studies
Technology Goals
Multiple Paths
Mission Concepts
Other Planet-Finding
Extrasolar Planets
PlanetQuest home page
Contact Information
Web Feedback
Ask a Question


Key Documents
   TPF-C Workshop
      September 2006
   TPF-C STDT Report
      June 2006
      (PDF, 9.3 MB)
   TPF-C Technology Plan
      March 2005
      (PDF, 6.2 MB)
   TPF-I Technology Plan
      June 2005
      (PDF, 4.0 MB)
Navigator Science Plan
   TPF Astrophysics
      (PDF, 2.1 MB)
Biosignatures and
TPF Newsletter
Research Opportunities
TPF Foundation Science
   + 2004 Selections
   + 2003 Selections
TPF-C Instrument
      Concept Studies
TPF Archive
Library (restricted)


TPF Project
TPF-I Science Working
TPF-C Science and
      Definition Team
Technology Panel
Science Working Group
Technical Resources
Stellar Archive &
      Retrieval System
TPF Target List
TPF Synergy Report
TPF-C Flight Baseline
Decadal Report
Bibliography of
      coronagraphy papers
Bibliography of nulling
      interferometry papers
TPF/Darwin Workshop Series
Exoplanet Science Institute
Related Sites
Darwin Project at ESA
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Precursor Science for TPF - October 2004
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2nd TPF/Darwin International Conference
     Proceedings from "Dust Disks and the Formation, Evolution and Detection of Habitable Planets," held July 26-29, 2004, are available at this site.
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TPF Architecture Review - June 2002
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Previously published TPF material
     TPF Book
     UVOIR Panel
     ExNPS Roadmap
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Awards & Credits
FirstGov - Your First Click to the US Government National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Extrasolar planets, NASA exterrestrial extrasolar planets around nearby stars. SIM Space Interferometory Mission. Keck Interferometer. Terrestrial Planet Finder. Extrasolar planets, or exoplanets. Extraterrestrial. Exo-planets life space, outer space.

Extrasolar planets. Exo-planets. Searching for extrasolar planets. Searching for exo-planets. Earth-like planets in the Milky Way. Exoplanets and extra-solar planets, or exoplanets and extra-solar planets. Planets around others stars are called extrasolar planets. What is an extrasolar planet? Astronomy, or astronomy and finding planets. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Jet Propulsion Laboratory Website California Institute of Technology Website JPL Website Home Page JPL Website - Earth JPL Website - Solar System JPL Website - Stars and Galaxies JPL Website - Science and Technology Planet Quest Home Page Terrestrial Planet Finder Mission Home Page