Firing Room Cryo, MPS C-3 and C-4

 1. LO2 System Engineer        CLO2    14. LO2 System Engineer        
 2. LO2 System Engineer        CLOL    15. LO2 Lead System Engineer
 3. LO2 Lead Loading Engineer  CLOX    16. SSME Engineer
 4. LO2 System Engineer        CLO3    17. SSME System Lead Engineer
 5. MPS LO2 System Engineer    CMPL    18. MPS System Lead Engineer
 6. SSME Lead Engineer         CSME    19. MPS/SSME Supervisor
 7. MPS LH2/HE Engineer        CMPS    20. LO2/LH2 Supervisor         TPROP
 8. MPS Engineer                       21. Cryo Load Lead Engineer
 9. LH2 Lead Loading Engineer  CLHY    22. LH2 System Lead Engineer
10. LH2 System Engineer        CLHF    23. LH2 System Lead
11. LH2 System Engineer        CLH2    24. SSME System Engineer
12. LH2 System Lead Engineer   CLHL    25. SSME Engineer
13. Spare                              26. MPS/SSME Lead Engineer     CPROP
                                       27. MPS System Engineer

C-3/4 Console -- Cryogenics and Main Propulsion System

Space Shuttle main engine parameters are monitored at this console and verified that they are acceptable for main engine start. The critical task of loading the external tank with propellant around eight hours before liftoff also is performed from these consoles.

Key Positions: The Liquid Oxygen Lead Loading Engineer (call sign CLOX) and fellow systems engineers are responsible for loading the external tank with approximately 148,750 gallons of liquid oxygen (LOX). This is transferred to the external tank via pumps and a cross-country line from a LOX storage tank located at the launch pad. This group also controls the oxygen portion of the Main Propulsion System (MPS).

The Space Shuttle Main Engine Lead System Engineer (CSME) and systems engineers monitor all Space Shuttle main engine parameters to verify acceptability for main engine start beginning at T-6.6 seconds.

The Liquid Hydrogen Lead Loading Engineer (CLHY) and systems engineers are responsible for loading the external tank with approximately 383,282 gallons of liquid hydrogen(LH2). The fuel is transferred via cross-country lines under differential pressure from an LH2 storage sphere at the launch pad. The pressure is attained by boiling off some of the liquid hydrogen to its gaseous state in a vaporizer at the storage area.

The MPS LH2/Helium Engineer (CMPS) monitors the MPS configuration during the loading of the supercold (cryogenic) liquid hydrogen and the on-board helium system that operates the LH2 valves. The Liquid Oxygen/Liquid Hydrogen Supervisor (TPROP) is a management-level engineer with expert knowledge of the cryogenics themselves, as well as the systems used to store, transfer and load the cryos into the Shuttle external tank and main propulsion system. The Main Propulsion System/Space Shuttle Main Engine Lead Engineer (CPROP) is a senior engineer who is extremely knowledgeable about all the internal Shuttle plumbing through which the cryos are funneled. CPROP also is an expert on the main engine components as they interface with the orbiter.

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Last Updated Monday June 14 23:00:00 EDT 1995
Bob Waterman (