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For Immediate Release                                         Contact: Daniel Chao, 202-225-5256

October 06, 2004

Napolitano Applauds Final Congressional Approval of  CAL-FED Bay-Delta Legislation (H.R. 2828)

Congresswoman Grace F. Napolitano (D-Norwalk) joined California Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, House Resources Committee Chairman Richard Pombo (R-Tracy) and Water and Power Subcommittee Chairman Ken Calvert (R-Corona) to announce the House voice voted passage of the final version of H.R. 2828, (the Water Supply, Reliability, and Environmental Improvement Act) legislation to authorize the CALFED Bay-Delta Program.  Today marks the final step before sending it to the President’s desk for signature and enactment.   “The key to solving California’s water problems is in building partnerships, working together and bringing all parties to the table.  I sincerely appreciate the partnership and progress that we all have made on this legislation since its introduction last fall,” stated Napolitano.

Earlier today, Napolitano joined Congressional Democrats and Republicans on the House floor to express her support for this critical bill.  “I am very pleased that this final version includes and addresses the current severe drought situation by adding strong water use efficiency language that would eventually enable Southern California to take less water from the Colorado River and the fragile Bay-Delta ecosystem through use of local recycling, thus restoring our groundwater supply,” Napolitano commented.   

Discussing the bill’s particular impact on Southern California, Napolitano remarked, “California has also been operating under the most restrictive allocation of Colorado River water in history, especially Southern California.  Interior Department has rightfully enforced the Colorado River agreement that reduces our take from the River by 800,000 feet by 2016.  Language in this bill will help us meet that goal by making water recycling, desalination and groundwater cleanup programs eligible for 25% federal matching funds under the CALFED program.”

H.R. 2828 authorizes $395 million for a balanced program to increase California's water supply, reliability and quality and help restore sensitive water ecosystems.



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Representative Grace F. Napolitano, 38th District of California

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