Science Team Meeting Archive

October 14-17, 2008


Session 1: Introduction

Moustafa Chahine - JPL - Welcome and Introduction
Ramesh Kakar - NASA HQ - NASA Atmospheric Sounding Program
Chris Barnet - NOAA - CrIS/IASAI Status at NOAA

Claire Parkingson - GSFC - Status of Aqua

Session 2: AIRS Hyperspectral IR Science - George Aumann, Chair

Brian Kahn - JPL - A Global Climatology of Temperature and Water Vapor Variance Scaling from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder

Gyula Molnar - GSFC - Validation of AIRS Spatial Trends of Temperature, OLR, and Cloud Cover

Ramesh Singh - George Mason University - Use of AIRS Data in Understanding Land-Ocean Atmosphere Coupling

Session 3: Trace Gas Products & Science I - Bill Irion, Chair

Breno Imbiriba - UMBC - AIRS Tropospheric CO2/CH4 Retrievals

Jasna Pittman/Laura Pan - UCAR - Evaluating Trace Gas Measurements from AIRS and IASI using In Situ Measurements from the NSF/NCAR HIAPER Aircraft

Wallace McMillan - UMBC - CO V5 Validation Update: What's next?

Session 4: EPO and Data Support

Sharon Ray - JPL - AIRS Outreach
Mike Theobald - GSFC -
GES DISC Data Operations and Services
Andrey Savtchenko - GSFC -
Simple AIRS Applications at GES DISC

Session 5: Data Assimilation - Bjorn Lambrigtsen, Chair

Tony McNally - ECMWF - ECMWF Update: AIRS and IASI Data

Ed Pavelin & Steven English - UK Met Office - UK Met Office Update

Eugenia Kalnay - UMD - LETKF Assimilation of AIRS Humidity Retrievals and Preliminary Results of Assimilation of AIRS/AMSU Radiances

Brad Zavodsky - NASA Huntsville - Regional Data Assimilation of AIRS Profiles and Radiances at the SPoRT Center

Bryan Baum - Univ of Wisconsin - Recent Advances in the Development of Ice Cloud Bulk Scattering and Absorption Models for Use With Hyperspectral IR Data

Jim Jung - NASA - IASI Water Vapor Radiance Assimilation Experiments

Oreste Reale - GSFC - AIRS Impact on Global Analysis and Forecast in the Tropics: The Case of Cyclone Nargis

Session 6: Trace Gas Products & Science II - Bill Irion, Chair

Robert K. Vincent - Bowling Green University - Critical Need for Quantitative Images of Lower Tropospheric Methane Content Along Continental Slopes (Offshore) and In

Xiaozhen Xiong - NOAA - Update of NOAA AIRS Methane Retrieval, Validation and Usage

Leonid Yurganov - UMBC - AIRS Methane Data for Siberia: Present and Future

Sergio DeSouza-Machado - UMBC - AIRS Dust Retrieval Intercomparisons with MODIS, Parasol, OMI and Calipso

Fred Prata - Norweigan Air Research - Exploiting High Spectral Resolution Satellite Data for Studies of Volcanic Emissions: AIRS and IASI Retrievals of SO2, and Fine Ash

Session 7: Temperature and Water Vapor Validation - Joao Teixeira, Chair

Joao Teixeira - JPL - Validation Plan Status / Validation of AIRS Boundary Layer Structure in the Trade-Wind Region

Mitch Goldberg - NOAA Global Space-Based Inter-Calibration System (GSICS) Activities

Murty Divakarla - NOAA - Aqua-AIRS and MetOP-IASI Temperature and Water Vapor Retrievals - Evaluation with Global RAOBs and Model Forecasts

John Forsythe - Colorado State - The NVAP Global Water Vapor Climate Data Record: Plans for Improvement and Extension from 1987-2010

David Whiteman - NASA - Satellite Validation and Related Activities at the Howard University Beltsville Campus

Glynn Hulley - JPL - Understanding the Differences between AIRS, MODIS and ASTER Land Surface Emissivity Products

Bob Knuteson - UW - Climate quality of AIRS total precipitable water vapor over land: validation of diurnal variations of AIRS TPW against the ground based microwave radiometer at the DOE ARM Souther Great Plains Site

Nick Nalli - NOAA - RB-08-03 Interhemispheric Transit Cruise Summary

Session 8: NPP CrIS/ATMS, Cal/Val Plans - Chris Barnet, Chair

Gail Bingham - Utah State - CrIS SDR Cal/Val Plan

Chris Barnet - NOAA - CrIS EDR Cal/Val Plan

Session 9: NPP CrIS/ATMS Readiness - Chris Barnet, Chair

Denise Hagan - NGST - Status of CrIS Pre-Launch Calibration

Larrabee Strow - UMBC - CrIS Spectral Cal

David Staelin - MIT - AMSU Observations of Arctic Precipitation and Global Sets of Rain Gauges: Implications for ATMS and NPP

Sid Boukabara - NOAA - Microwave Sounding in All-Weather Conditions and Plans for ATMS

Stephen Beck - Aerospace Corp. - DMSP SSMIS Cal/Val Work

Lars Peter Riishojgaard - NASA - JCSDA Plans for Cal/Val of CrIS and ATMS on NPP

Joel Susskind - GSFC - Generation and Analysis of CrIS ATMS Proxy Data

Nikita Pougatchev - SDL - CrIS EDR Validation Assessment Model: Test Case Study using IASI and AIRS Retrievals

Session 10: AIRS/IASI/CrIS Accuracy for Climate - George Aumann, Chair

Hank Revercomb - UW - Radiance Accuracy Assessments of AIRS, IASI and CrIS with Implications for the CLARREO Mission

Larrabee Strow - UMBC - IASI and AIRS Radiance Intercomparisons

Session 11: NASA NPP Data Systems - George Aumann, Chair

Bob Schweiss - GSFC - SDS Status

Session 12: AIRS Calibration

Larrabee Strow - UMBC - LIC, Freq. Cal. And RTA

Session 13: Version 6 Status and Plans

Evan Manning - JPL - Assessing the Skill of Retrieval Algorithms

Joel Susskind - GSFC - Status and Plans for V6

Note: These AIRS presentations have not been subsequently revised or corrected, and therefore may contain occasional inaccuracies. All presentations are in PDF format. If a link is not active, we did not receive permission to post.