Science Team Meeting Archive

Note: These AIRS presentations have not been subsequently revised or corrected, and therefore may contain occasional inaccuracies. All presentations are in PDF format. If a link is not active, we did not receive permission to post.

October 9-12, 2007


Session 1: Introduction

Moustafa Chahine - JPL - Welcome and Introduction
Ramesh Kakar - NASA HQ - Headquarters Perspective
Tom Pagano - JPL - AIRS Accomplishments and Future Direction
Sharon Ray - JPL - AIRS Education and Public Outreach Status

Session 2: AIRS Hyperspectral IR Science

George Aumann - JPL - AIRS Hyperspectral IR Science
Lars Hoffmann - CORA - AIRS Stratospheric Temperature retrievals at full horizontal resolution
Ramesh Singh - GMUniv - Changes in atmospheric parameters due to dust storm using AIRS Data
Eric Ray - NOAA - Impact of tropical cyclones on the upper troposphere
Brian Kahn - JPL - Tropical thin cirrus and relative humidity distributions observed by AIRS and other A-Train observations
Joao Teixeira - NATO - AIRS and the Pacific Cross-Section
Mitch Goldberg - NESDIS - AIRS and IASI eof and regression retrieval comparisons and radiance products for nwp and climate
Steve Eckermann - NRL - Three-Dimensional Characterization of Atmospheric Gravity Waves Using Thermal Radiance Imagery from AIRS and AMSU-A
Mike Theobald - GSFC - AIRS V5 Processing/Reprocessing at GES DISC
Jason Li - NASA GES DISC - AIRS Data Support and Services at GES DISC
Xinmin Hua - GSFC - A G-Polygon Based Spatial Prescreening Technique and its Application to AIRS Data

Session 3: Data Assimilation

Tony McNally - ECMWF - ECMWF Update: AIRS and IASI Data
John LeMarshall - BOMA - Use of AIRS Cloud Cleared Radiances at NCEP
Joel Susskind - GSFC - Assimilation of quality controlled AIRS temperature soundings
Eugenia Kalnay - UMD - Data Assimliation Experiments with the UMD Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter
Lars Peter Riishojgaard - JCDA - Use of AIRS at the Joint Center for Data Assimilation
Oreste Reale/Robert Rosenberg - GSFC - Improving Forecast Skill by Assimilation of QC'd; AIRS retrievals under partly cloudy conditions
Brad Zavodsky - MSFC - AIRS Data Assimilation at SPoRT

Session 4: V5 Validation

Eric Fetzer - JPL - Validation Plan for V5
Hank Revercomb - UofW - Update on validation of AIRS radiances, retrievals and OLR product
Brian Kahn - JPL - Cloud type comparisons of AIRS, CALIPSO, and CloudSat cloud height and amount
Gary Jedlovec - MSFC - AIRS Boundary Layer Products
Nick Nalli - NOAA - PNE/AEROSE 2007 Cruise Summary
Antonia Gambacorta- NOAA An Assessment of the humdity-temperature relationship using AIRS
Murty Divakarla - NOAA - V5 Ozone Validation

Session 5: Trace Gas Products and Science

Bill Irion - JPL - Optimal Estimation Retrieval of CO2 from AIRS Spectra
Larrabee Strow - UMBC - A mid-lower troposphere climatology of CO2
Eric Maddy - NOAA - An Update on NOAA AIRS CO2 retrievals
Wallace McMillan - UMBC - A-Train trospospheric chemistry observations on 30 Aug 2006 over the 206 TexAQS/GoMACCS Study Area
Debra Wicks - UMBC - Observations of stratospheric intrusions from the A-Train in 2006 during INTEX-B
Leonid Yurganov - UMBC - Monitoring of biomass emissions from space: CO MOPITT, AIRS and TES global data for the last 8 years
Juying Warner - NOAA - Preliminary results on the combination of AIRS and TES CO products
Laura Pan - NCAR - The Use of the AIRS ozone data in the research of upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS) chemistry and dynamics
Sergio Machado - UMBC - I-D Var Retrievals of Dust: Improved SST and water products
Joanna Joiner- NASA - Validation of GMI and GMAO model CO simulations and nonlinearity and implications for IR CO retrievals
Xiaozhen Xiong- NOAA - Preliminary results on the combination of AIRS and TES CO products
Fengying Sun- NOAA - Retrieval of Nitric Acid Vertical Profiles from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder Measurements
Xianglei Huang - UofMich - Derivation of spectral fluxes and spectral cloud radiative forcing over the entire IR Region from collocated AIRS and CERES

Session 6: V6 Planning

Steve Friedman - JPL - V6 Schedule
Denis Elliot - JPL - AIRS Calibration Status Plans for V6
Joel Susskind - NASA GSFC - Status and Plans for Version 6
Larrabee Strow - UMBC - RTA update for V6
Evan Manning/Sung Yung Lee - JPL - Regression in AIRS V5 Retrievals
Chris Barnet - NOAA - V6 Planning at NOAA
Jennifer Wei - NOAA - Cloud Clearing vs. FOV
Phil Rosenkranz - NOAA - Microwave Algorithm changes for V6
Bill Blackwell - MIT - SCC/NN Retrieval Status and Plans
Bill Irion - JPL - Plans and ieas for trace gas retrieval algorithm in V6
Tom Pagano - JPL - Summary of Plans for V6 + Discussion

Session 7: NPP Sounder Science Team

Bjorn Lambrigtsen/Jim Gleason/Ramesh Kakar - JPL - Introduction
Denise Hagan - NGST - CrIMSS Pre-Launch Calibration Activities and On-Orbit Validation Plans
Ed Kim/Joseph Lyu - GSFC - ATMS Activation Plan and Cal/Val Plan
Gail Bingham - SDC - CrIS SDR Algorithm
Larrabee Strow- UMBC- Cross validation of IASI Radiances with AIRS
Bill Smith - JPL - JAIVEx - Data and Lessons Learned for CrIS/ATMS Validation
Xu Liu - LARC - 3-D Atmospheric Characterization and assessing CrIS EDR Performance using IASI data
Dan Zhou - NASA-LARC - Retrieval lessons learned from infrared ultraspectral data and retrieval characteristics defined using proxy IASI measurements
Bill Blackwell - MIT - ATMS on-orbit cal/val plans