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House Approves Deficit Reduction Act

November 18, 2005

WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman David Dreier (R-San Dimas, CA), Chairman of the House Rules Committee, voted this morning to approve legislation that will reform entitlement programs and eliminate waste, fraud and abuse to ensure that the truly needy benefit from them. The Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, H.R. 4241, was approved 217-215.

"The package approved earlier today will reduce the federal deficit and reform vital federal programs so that they better serve the truly needy," Dreier said. "It also demonstrates a commitment to reducing federal spending. Reforming welfare, Medicaid, and food stamps will ensure that waste is rooted out, abuse is prevented, and benefits reach those who need them. There are some who distort these important reforms as cuts. They are wrong. Reducing the rate of growth to prevent further waste, fraud and abuse is not a cut. It’s responsible government."

Among the reforms included in the Deficit Reduction Act are: an expansion of the Welfare Reform program by reauthorizing the successful welfare reform policies in Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF); rebuilding first responder communication capabilities by freeing up vital spectrum airwaves; strengthening and simplifying student loan programs; and, the closing of loopholes for the wealthy and creation of accurate prescription drug pricing mechanisms, as offered by the bipartisan National Governor’s Association.

Dreier lamented the lack of support from Democrats for the legislation, as they regularly decry deficit spending and champion the importance of the programs reformed in this bill. "Medicaid, food stamps, student loans - these are important programs. But they won’t serve anyone well if they’re full of waste, fraud and abuse. More important, they cannot be allowed to wallow in bureaucracy and add to the federal deficit. This bill is responsible. It’s necessary. And it deserves bipartisan support. I hope my Democratic colleagues will join us in supporting this important legislation when it returns from conference with the Senate."