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Dreier Questions Democrat’s "Innovation Agenda"
"Where Are the Votes to Back Up the Rhetoric?"

November 15, 2005

WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman David Dreier (R-San Dimas, CA), Chairman of the House Rules Committee, issued the following statement today in reaction to Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s speech unveiling the Democrat’s "Innovation Agenda":

"The House Democratic leadership may claim it's ‘committed to competitiveness’ but their actions, unfortunately, paint an entirely different picture. When given the chance to support policies that actually would encourage competitiveness and create opportunities for American businesses and consumers, they have been almost exclusively in the NO column. Their leadership’s opposition to the Central America Free Trade Agreement was a betrayal of past bipartisanship on the important issue of trade. The Democratic leadership also refused to support common sense reform to our legal system that will reduce burdensome regulations on businesses large and small.

"As per usual, the agenda presented today is long on rhetoric and short on specifics. It may sound good, but it doesn’t measure up to the path dictated by the Democratic leadership - politically motivated opposition to expanded trade opportunities, deficit reduction, and tax relief for all Americans. I would encourage the Democratic leadership to follow the lead of their own rank and file members who have supported us in our efforts to pass CAFTA, reduce lawsuit abuse, and make permanent the tax relief that is growing our economy. The Republican pro-growth agenda enjoys this support because it has a proven track record of success."

On key votes this Congress, Democratic rank and file members have supported the Republican pro-growth agenda in defiance of their leadership. These key votes include:

  • H.R. 8, Death Tax Repeal Permanency Act - passed 4/13/05 with 42 Democrats (Roll No. 102)
  • S. 5, Class Action Fairness Act - passed 2/17/05 with 50 Democrats (Roll No. 38)
  • S. 256, Bankruptcy Abuse Reduction and Consumer Protection Act - passed 4/14/05 with 73 Democrats (Roll No. 108)
  • H.R. 3045, Dominican Republic-Central America-United States Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act - passed 7/28/05 with 15 Democrats (Roll No. 443)
  • H.R. 420, Lawsuit Abuse Reduction Act - passed 10/27/05 with 16 Democrats (Roll No. 553)