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House Votes to Make Murder of a Peace Officer a Federal Crime
Bill Also Makes Fleeing the Border After Peace Officer Murder An Additional Charge - Goal of Dreier, Schiff Bill Achieved in New Legislation

November 9, 2005

WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman David Dreier (R-San Dimas, CA), Chairman of the House Rules Committee, voted today to make the murder of a peace officer, as well as fleeing the country following such an offense, a federal crime. The Secure Access to Justice and Court Protection Act, H.R. 1751, was approved with bipartisan support, 375-45. It contains key components of legislation introduced by Dreier and Congressman Adam Schiff (D-Pasadena) earlier this year, the Justice for Peace Officers Act, H.R. 3900.

"When a peace officer is callously murdered by someone who then flees the country, their killer will now have one more jurisdiction on their trail," Dreier said. "This bill does not supersede any local or state jurisdiction of this particular crime. Instead, it adds another potential avenue to seek justice for the families and colleagues of slain peace officers. The entire bill is a victory for those who protect our communities in the streets and in the courts."

"This legislation will give law enforcement the tools they need to bring cop killers to justice. It also reaffirms Congress’ strong desire to reform our extradition treaty with Mexico and bring these felons back," said Congressman Schiff.

"Congressmen Dreier and Schiff have been steadfast in their commitment to seeking justice for the families and colleagues of slain peace officers," said Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca. "It’s due to their persistence that the House has voted to approve key provisions of the Justice for Peace Officers Act."

Earlier this year, at the urging of Sheriff Baca, Congressmen Dreier and Schiff introduced H.R. 3900, the Justice for Peace Officers Act, to make it a federal crime to kill a peace officer and flee the country. During House Judiciary Committee action on H.R. 1751, a bill to enhance protection for judicial officers, language from H.R. 3900 to make it federal crimes to kill a peace officer and flee the country was added to the legislation. Under H.R. 1751, the crime of murdering a peace officer is punishable by the death penalty, life imprisonment, or a mandatory minimum of 30 years in prison. In addition, the bill includes a mandatory minimum 10 year penalty on top of the punishment for killing a law enforcement officer if the suspect flees the country to avoid prosecution.

Dreier thanked Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI), Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-TX), the original sponsor of H.R. 1751, and Congressman Schiff, a Judiciary Committee Member, for working to add the bulk of the Justice for Peace Officers Act to this legislation. "The bill approved today accomplishes the goal of the original legislation," Dreier said. "We have had bipartisan support all the way on this effort. I am pleased to see such a strong bipartisan vote out of the House today."

H.R. 1751 is supported by the Federal Bar Association, the Federal Criminal Investigators Association, the Fraternal Order of Police, the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators, the International Union of Police Associations AFL-CIO, the Major County Sheriff’s Association, the National Association of Assistant United States Attorneys, the National Law Enforcement Council, the California State Sheriff’s Association, the National Sheriff’s Association, the National Troopers Coalition, the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, the National Court Reporters Association, and the Sergeants Benevolent Association of New York City.