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Dreier Praises House Approval of
Anti-Terrorism Bill

Legislation is an Important Step in the War on Terrorism

October 12, 2001

WASHINGTON - Calling it “a balance between the need for security and the importance of freedom,” Congressman David Dreier (R-San Dimas), Chairman of the House Rules Committee, voted today to approve legislation designed to provide the Administration with the tools it needs to wage the war on terrorism. The Provide Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism or “PATRIOT” Act of 2001, H.R. 2975, passed the House by a vote of 337-79.

“America’s intelligence and law enforcement agencies are the first line of defense in the war on domestic terrorism,” said Dreier. “While our armed forces wage a military campaign oversees, these agencies are called to a similar mission at home. The PATRIOT Act gives our intelligence and law enforcement agencies the tools they need to prevent further attacks and ferret out the network of terror responsible for September 11th.”

The PATRIOT Act modernizes wiretapping laws to keep up with advancements in cellular, voicemail, and e-mail technology. The bill also allows intelligence and law enforcement agencies to share information, gives courts the authority to review terrorism cases without compromising classified information and eliminates the statute of limitations on acts of terror. The surveillance provisions of the bill will be subject to a sunset date of December 31, 2006, permitting a review of their use before being renewed. The Uniting and Strengthening America Act of 2001, S. 1510, approved by the Senate with a vote of 96-1 yesterday, is the counterpart to H.R. 2975.

Dreier credited Congressman James Sensenbrenner (R-WI), Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, for his leadership in crafting this important legislation. “The PATRIOT Act is a clear message to would-be terrorists that we will not tolerate the targeting of innocent Americans,” said Dreier. “The President has made clear that we will do everything possible to find those responsible and Congress is providing the means to bring them to justice.”