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Dreier Hails Passage of Border Security Funding Bill

Dreier Legislation Criminalizing Border Tunnels Included

September 29, 2006

WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman David Dreier (R-San Dimas, CA), Chairman of the House Rules Committee, voted today to approve critical border and national security funding. H.R. 5441, the Fiscal Year 2007 Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act Conference Report, was approved with bipartisan support, 412-6. Also passed as part of the bill was Dreier’s proposal to punish those who construct illegal border tunnels.

"House Republicans are delivering real border protection solutions for the American people," Dreier said. "This bill increases manpower and resources along the border, enhances interior enforcement of our immigration laws, strengthens port and cargo security, and supports our state and local first responders. Passage of this bill reaffirms our commitment to securing the border and guarding against terrorist threats to our homeland."

Specifically, H.R. 5441 provides $21.3 billion for border protection, immigration enforcement, and related activities, a $2.1 billion increase over 2006 levels. This amount includes funding for 1,500 new Border Patrol agents, border fencing, vehicle barriers, technology and infrastructure. Also included is $4.2 billion for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), which will add 6,700 detention beds. In addition, the bill provides $28.2 million to assist state and local efforts to enforce immigration laws and $137 million for the Criminal Alien Program, which identifies criminal aliens and removes them before they are released into the community.

Dreier also praised inclusion of his legislation to create a new federal law to criminalize the construction of illegal border tunnels. "Since September 11th, 2001, 38 border tunnels have been discovered along our borders; tunnels that undermine our efforts to protect the border and pose a significant threat to our national security. This legislation imposes necessary punishment on anyone who so flagrantly compromises our national security."

The border tunnel provision, originally introduced by Dreier and unanimously passed by the House as H.R. 4830, the Border Tunnel Prevention Act, imposes a 20 year maximum sentence on those who knowingly construct border tunnels into the United States. It also punishes those who permit others to construct or use an authorized tunnel or subterranean passage on their land with a term of imprisonment up to 10 years. Additionally, the legislation doubles the sentence for using a tunnel or subterranean passage to smuggle aliens, weapons, drugs, terrorists, or illegal goods. Finally, the bill ensures that assets involved in the offense, or any property traceable to the offense, may be subject to forfeiture.

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