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Dreier Statement on the Fourth Anniversary of September 11, 2001

September 9, 2005

Four years ago, nearly three thousand people were murdered on American soil by terrorists who preach hatred, incite killing and abhor freedom. This day of brutality changed our country, but it did not change our character. United in grief, the American people came together to support the families and friends who lost loved ones. The outpouring of selflessness and compassion marked the heart of a resilient nation. As we face a natural disaster today, we are reminded of the sense of common purpose and generous spirit we shared in the aftermath of September 11, 2001.

We vividly remember the bravery of the firefighters, police officers and local law enforcement who sacrificed their own safety to save strangers. And we continue to honor the memory of everyone killed that day by remaining committed to defeating terrorists and preserving our freedom. The Global War on Terror has crippled Al-Qaeda, kept us secure at home and made the world safer by expanding liberty and promoting democracy.

In Afghanistan, the oppressive rule of the Taliban has been replaced by a fledgling democracy. In October 2004, over eight million Afghans voted in the first truly democratic election in the country’s 5,000-year history. Now, Afghans are poised to vote once again in upcoming parliamentary elections – yet another step toward solidifying their democratic future.

In Iraq, the courage of our fighting men and women is on display daily as they battle terrorists who seek to return the country to an intolerant and tyrannical past. And while we battle evil, we are rebuilding schools, repairing hospitals and supporting the rise of democracy. We honor the sacrifice of our men and women, mourn those who have died and give the military our unwavering support for their honorable mission.

September 11, 2001, taught us that we cannot allow threats to gather in the form of violent governments who harbor terrorists and brutalize their own people. As Ronald Reagan once said, a government which does not respect the rights of its own people is unlikely to respect those of other countries. We will confront national security threats. We will protect our democracy. And we will never forget those who died four years ago. Our hearts and prayers are with the families and friends who lost loved ones.