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Dreier Supports Schwarzenegger’s Request
to DHS for California Border Funds

July 21, 2005

WASHINGTON, DC - In a letter sent to Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff today, Congressman David Dreier (R-San Dimas) expressed his support for California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s request to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for the dedication of a substantial amount of newly approved funding for border security to the state of California. Schwarzenegger made his request of Secretary Chertoff earlier this week.

"Border security is critical to our national security, and protecting the California border is critical to safeguarding the American people," the letter stated. "The California/Mexico border is a major route for illegal entry into our country, facilitating activities such as illegal drug trafficking and human smuggling. This year, Congress approved $1.8 billion for border security, providing for an additional 1,500 Border Patrol agents, and $61 million for border security technology, including surveillance and unmanned aerial vehicles. I strongly support Governor Schwarzenegger’s request to allocate a significant portion of these resources to the California/Mexico border."

In his letter to Chertoff, Dreier also noted the importance of coupling increased border security efforts with stronger enforcement of laws preventing the hiring of illegal immigrants. The Dreier-sponsored Illegal Immigration Enforcement and Social Security Protection Act, H.R. 98, would create a "smart" Social Security to allow employers to verify the legal status of prospective employees using a database administered by DHS. H.R. 98 would increase penalties against employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants and adds a minimum of 10,000 enforcement personnel to ensure compliance of the law.

Dreier concluded, "The combination of increased border security and immigration enforcement will provide California with the necessary resources to protect U.S. borders and enhance our national security. I strongly support Governor Schwarzenegger’s request and appreciate your consideration of the matter."