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House Approves Resolution Deploring Detainee Abuse in Iraq

May 6, 2004

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman David Dreier (R-CA), Chairman of the House Rules Committee, voted today to condemn the abuse of Iraqi prisoners and commend the service of soldiers continuing to fight the global war on terror. A resolution "deploring the abuse of persons in United States custody in Iraq" was approved with strong bipartisan support, 365-50.

"I want to very clearly, and very strongly, express my sense of personal outrage at these completely unacceptable acts that have been inflicted against Iraqi prisoners," Dreier said. "I think it is terribly important for us to demonstrate to the Iraqi people and to the rest of the world that these acts by a handful are not at all representative of our military, our government, or of our people. Unlike the extreme abuse suffered by the Iraqi people under Saddam Hussein, the recent abuse that has been documented will be investigated and will be brought to justice. The world will know that the government of the United States, and the American people, will not stand for such behavior."

Dreier also praised the work being done by the 135,000 soldiers still on the ground on Iraq and those in Afghanistan. "I think we should emphasize that the horrible acts we are discussing today are not being perpetrated by the vast majority of our men and women in the uniform in the Middle East. Our soldiers and those of our coalition partners are working every day to stabilize Iraq so that the Iraqi people can have a safe transition to self-government and democratic rule. We owe them our continued gratitude. These acts of a few should not be permitted to undo the good work and extreme sacrifice of so many Americans."