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Dreier Named Financial Literacy Legislator of the Year

April 8, 2004

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Jump$tart coalition for Personal Financial Literacy recently named Congressman David Dreier (R-San Dimas), Chairman of the House Rules Committee, the 2004 Federal Legislator of the Year for his hard work and dedication to enhance the state of financial literacy in America.

"Helping our children build a solid foundation in personal finance is critical to the future prosperity of our country," Dreier said. "The Jump$tart Coalition plays an important role in furthering this effort. I am honored to accept this award from such a committed organization."

In 2003, Congressman Dreier introduced two measures to address the issue of financial literacy: H. Res. 127, a resolution to recognize the goals and ideals of Financial Literacy for Youth Month, which was approved by the House 380-1 on April 7, 2003, and H.R. 3294, the Financial Literacy Enhancement Act, which directed the Department of the Treasury to conduct a financial literacy public service campaign. The language of H.R. 3294 was included in H.R. 2622, the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003, which was approved by the House 379-49 last November and was signed into law last December.

"The Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy is pleased to honor Congressman Dreier for his unwavering support of this issue," said Jump$tart's Executive Director Dara Duguay. "Because of Chairman Dreier's strong commitment to graduating financially literate students into the adult marketplace, the issue of financial education has begun to resonate among members of Congress. Chairman Dreier was one of the first proponents of the need to promote increased financial education in this country. Because of his leadership on this issue, financial literacy has now become a topic of national interest."

The Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy seeks to improve the personal financial literacy of young adults by developing, disseminating, and encouraging the use of standards for grades K-12, and promote the teaching of personal finance. The Jump$tart Coalition established a Federal Legislator of the Year Award this year to recognize the leadership of one member each from the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate in the promotion of personal financial literacy for young people. Senator Daniel Akaka (D-HI) is the Senate recipient of the award.