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House Approves Fiscally Responsible Budget Framework

March 17, 2005

WASHINGTON, DC- Congressman David Dreier (R-CA), Chairman of the House Rules Committee, voted today to approve a budget framework that will keep in place the tax relief that is spurring economic growth nationwide, while restraining the growth of federal spending and continuing to reduce the federal deficit. The Fiscal Year 2006 Budget Resolution was approved by the House today, 218-214.

“Our number one priority as a federal government is to provide for the national defense,” Dreier said. “This budget provides for our national security needs, while restraining the growth of spending elsewhere. The tax relief approved over the past four years has been critical to the economic growth that has sustained us through an economic downturn, an attack on our country, corporate scandals, and two wars. The most important facet of this budget framework is that it maintains that tax relief and will allow our economy to continue to grow. It will be that growth that will reduce the deficit and keep our country secure and economically strong.”

The budget approved by the House today assumes $106 billion of tax relief over five years, and will cut the deficit in half by 2009 in both monetary terms and as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product. Within the framework provided by the budget, authorizing committees are directed to examine the spending they authorize and achieve a target dollar amount of savings. It does not dictate how those savings are to be found, leaving that up to the committees themselves.

Most critically, however, the budget provides the necessary framework to meet the needs of our nation’s veterans. It includes $29.9 billion for veterans’ medical care, an increase from $16.2 billion in 1995. Additionally, for the first time in over a century, military retirees injured in combat, while training for combat, or who are 50% or more service disabled are able to receive retirement benefits concurrently with veterans disability compensation.
Dreier noted that the passage of the House budget kicked off the beginning of the larger spending process for the Congress, and that he looked forward to pursuing initiatives and projects of particular importance to California and the Foothills. “As we move forward into the appropriations process, I will continue to fight for the programs critical to our state and our region. Whether it be water recycling, SCAAP, border security, or transportation funding, the California delegation will be working hard to secure the funding our state needs.”