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House Again Approves Worker Assistance

March 7, 2002

WASHINGTON, DC – Saying it was “well past time we did something to help families that remain out of work,” Congressman David Dreier (R-San Dimas), Chairman of the House Rules Committee, voted today to create jobs and provide extended assistance to displaced workers. The Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act of 2002, H.R. 3090, was approved by the House today with overwhelming bipartisan support, 417-3.

“Today’s near unanimous vote sends a very strong signal that we haven’t forgotten about those who continue to suffer in the aftermath of the recession and September 11th,” Dreier said. “Millions of Americans are still out of work. The best thing we can do for the unemployed is to get the economy growing again in order to create jobs. The package approved today will do just that while giving them the temporary assistance they’ll need to get back on their feet.”

The unemployment assistance provisions in H.R. 3090 provides an additional 13 weeks of unemployment benefits for workers displaced by the recession and Sept. 11th, with a trigger to provide additional benefits if unemployment rises and only to people who have exhausted their benefits. The job creation business provisions included will conform Alternative Minimum Tax depreciation for property eligible for the special depreciation allowance, provide a 5-year carryback of net operating losses and waive the Alternative Minimum Tax 90% limitation on the allowance of losses. It also expands and targets the Work Opportunity Tax Credit to help employees in New York City and their rebuilding efforts.

Dreier noted that while this package was an important step forward in the effort to end the recession and get Americans back to work, more can and should be done. “We know that lower taxes, expanded trade, and a national energy policy will help our economy recover,” Dreier said. “The Senate needs to act on items like Trade Promotion Authority and the President’s energy policy. The American people have waited long enough. Let’s get serious about creating jobs and returning our economy to record growth.”