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Dreier Reaction to State of the Union Address

February 2, 2005

WASHINGTON, DC- Congressman David Dreier (R-CA), Chairman of the House Rules Committee, issued the following statement in reaction to President Bush’s State of the Union address:

“Tonight, President Bush delivered a speech that built on the tremendous achievements of his first term and laid out a vibrant vision for his second. Our national security remains the top priority, and providing a secure retirement for American workers will be a key initiative as well.

“President Bush led this nation in congratulating and thanking the Iraqi people for their demonstration of incredible courage and determination in the face of terror. Sunday’s election was a tremendous step forward for them. The best answer to terror is freedom and self determination. The Iraqi people proved that. Our troops and their families should be proud of the part they played in this achievement. We know much work remains before us, but we have achieved a great deal in a short time. That fact deserves the recognition the President gave it tonight.

“On Social Security, the President laid out the case for action, now. We cannot wait until it’s too late to reform a system we know is facing trouble. Today’s retirees can be assured, their benefits are not in any jeopardy. Tomorrow’s retirees should know, we are committed to providing them with the ability to maximize their social security earnings and turn them into something they can pass to the next generation. This will not be an easy task, but it is something we must do.

“I also applaud the President’s commitment to a strong border security policy, and his call for a plan that identifies who is already within our borders and keeps those who wish to commit acts of terror out. We must proceed with a plan that accomplishes these goals while rejecting amnesty. Our homeland security depends on it.

“With the economy growing and freedom spreading across the globe, we confront these challenges from a position of confidence and strength. There is no doubt, the coming Congress promises to be a busy one. Guided by the leadership of President Bush, and working together with our Democratic colleagues, I am confident we will accomplish great things for America.”