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Rules Democrats Trade Veterans Healthcare for Rainforest Earmark

January 30, 2007

WASHINGTON, DC Congressman David Dreier (R San Dimas, CA), House Rules Committee Ranking Republican, once again expressed his disappointment in the Democrat‑controlled Rules Committee reporting another closed rule for consideration of H.J.Res. 20, the Omnibus Appropriations bill for fiscal year 2007, and rejecting 22 amendments including one that would transfer funding from a rainforest earmark to veterans healthcare.

Rather than simply continuing to fund federal agencies through the end of fiscal year 2007, H.J.Res. 20 is a $463.5 billion omnibus package that includes hidden earmarks. Although 22 amendments were offered at the Rules Committee on issues ranging from education to disaster relief, not one was made in order. Rules Democrats voted against several critical amendments including a proposal to prevent severe cuts to the Section 8 housing program. H.J.Res. 20 includes a formula change to Section 8 housing funds that would result in public housing authorities losing a total of $459.6 million. California alone stands to lose $26.6 million for the remainder of the year if this change goes through. A bipartisan amendment offered to provide continued authorization and funding for the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self‑Determination Act was also denied by Rules Democrats. Most egregious is the denial of the amendment offered to eliminate an earmark for a tropical rainforest project in Iowa and transfer the $44.5 million in funding to veterans healthcare.

"Under the guise of a Continuing Resolution, the Rules Democrats have moved this massive Omnibus Appropriations package to the House Floor without providing the opportunity for Members to offer their proposals to improve this legislation,” Dreier said. “Democrats have yet to deliver on their promise of more transparency and openness in the House."