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Dreier Welcomes Economic News

January 24, 2007

WASHINGTON, DC ‑ Congressman David Dreier (R‑San Dimas, CA), House Rules Committee Ranking Republican, welcomed today’s news from the non‑partisan Congressional Budget Office that the federal budget deficit forecast has been lowered by $76 billion. Dreier stated this is yet another reminder that Republican, pro‑growth fiscal policies continue to result in increased tax revenues, lower deficits, greater job creation and a strong stock market.

“Republicans have proven time and time again – tax relief is the best means by which to grow the economy and generate revenue for the federal treasury. The deficit has been slashed in half in just a few years, and is projected to be eliminated within four more years. Our economic agenda has been a huge success, and the new majority would be ill‑advised to reverse the tremendous progress that has been made. Unfortunately, Democrats have already indicated their desire to ignore these facts by raising taxes during the first one hundred hours.”

Added Dreier, “Job numbers are at a record high, with 146 million working Americans. And unemployment, holding steady at 4.5 percent, is at a near‑historic low. We must continue to advocate on behalf of American workers and entrepreneurs to ensure their burdens are minimal, federal spending is restrained and new opportunities continue to be created.”