Business Opportunities with the Federal Government PDF Print E-mail
Information gateway, prepared by the Congressional Research Service for Members of Congress, provides guidance and online procurement procedures for doing business with the federal government. [March 2007]

Information and Training


Learning how to sell successfully to the U.S. government, the world's largest buyer of goods and services, can be daunting. Most of the process is conducted online: using a computer is essential. Here are suggested approaches:

  • Update your company's business plan, highlighting special products, skills and expertise that might be of interest to government agencies.
  • Review your company's marketing strategy and goals.
  • Learn federal procurement processes and terms.
  • Government Contracting (SBA)
    Resources to help you sell your products and services to the Federal government.
  • Small Business Administration (SBA)
    Provides a step-by-step guide for selling to the government, with tips on bidding, marketing, and competing for government contracts, and links to free online courses.
  • General Services Administration (GSA)
    As the government's chief acquisitions agency, GSA spends billions of dollars annually on products and services offered to all federal agencies.
    • Doing Business with GSA
      Covers government procedures, marketing strategies, and bidding procedures for contracts. Also lists important contacts, such as the 11 GSA regional centers and technical advisors for small businesses.
    • Office of Small Business Utilization
      Through outreach activities in regional offices, promotes increased access to GSA's nationwide procurement opportunities for small, minority, veteran, HUBZone, and women business owners.
    • How to Sell to the Government
      Describes how GSA buys from small and large businesses, including an explanation of how GSA advertises business opportunities locally and nationally, and lists a calendar of local workshops for businesses wanting to sell to the government.
    • GSA Training Programs
      Online and onsite courses, including How to Be a Contractor; Using GSA Schedule.
  • Contact offices in your state or region
    • Speak with procurement specialists or contracting officers about federal government buying procedures.
    • Ask questions about application procedures, technical requirements, and marketing suggestions.
    • Attend procurement programs, which provide opportunities for business people to meet directly with government officials and to learn from other companies involved in federal contracting.
    • Small Business Development Centers (SBDC)
      Located in every state, these centers advise and train businesses in financial matters, including certification procedures for small and minority businesses. They are an excellent first stop for any business, especially those with little or no previous experience in dealing with federal procurement.
    • Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (PTAC)
      Although the main focus is providing technical assistance on selling to the military, the centers cover marketing to all government agencies through counseling, training, and procurement programs.
    • GSA Regional offices
      The contracting officers are familiar with the procurement needs of the federal facilities located in their region.

Registration Requirements


Registration is required to compete for federal government procurement and contracts. The federal government's Business Partner Network (BPN) is the single source for vendor data for the Federal Government.

Review Small Disadvantaged Business Certification and Eligibility (SDB) If your business is classified as small or disadvantaged, this certification may lead to more federal procurement opportunities.

Additional statistical codes, required for many government forms:

Federal Business Opportunities


FedBizOpps (Federal Business Opportunities)
Single point of entry for announcements of federal contract opportunities over $25,000, both civilian and military agencies.

  • Serves both federal agencies as buyers and businesses as vendors.
  • For help navigating the website, call toll-free (877) 472-3779; or email This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it .
  • Review the Vendors Guide to learn how to search for agency announcements, requests for proposals, classification codes, award categories.
  • Vendor Notification Service: sign up for e-mail notification of announcements of particular agencies or for particular products or services.
For continuing business, apply to be a GSA Schedule contractor.
Under the GSA Schedules Program, GSA establishes long-term governmentwide contracts that allow customers to acquire a vast array of supplies and services directly from commercial suppliers. Gives many businesses, small and large, further opportunities for multiple awards.

  • Also called Multiple Award Schedules (MAS) and Federal Supply Schedules (FSS).
  • Getting on Schedule
    Application and approval process "to get on the Schedule" can take considerable time but may be worth it for future business with government agencies.
  • GSA Schedules Training
    Online training and classroom instruction on the GSA Schedules Program, and how to sell to the government and get contract awards.

Subcontracting Opportunities


A federal contract may be so large that a single company might have difficulty in providing the products or services required to meet the terms of the contract. A prime contractor may need to use subcontractors to complete contractual obligations.

  • SUB-Net (SBA Subcontracting Network)
    Identify subcontract opportunities by reviewing the postings of prime contractors.
  • Subcontracting Opportunities Directory (SBA)
    Identify prime contractors through a listing of contractors, with addresses and phone numbers, by state.
  • Subcontracting Directory (GSA)
    GSA contractors with subcontracting plans and goals. Companies are listed within each of the eleven GSA regions. For each, gives products and services offered, and the small business contact within the company.

Selling to the Military and Department of Defense


Specialized Information on Selling to the Military

Many of the DOD contract announcements and registration requirements for businesses have been incorporated into FedBizOpps (Federal Business Opportunities), with registration at Central Contractor Registration (CCR). However, there are often special requirements for selling to the military. The vast majority of DOD contracts are awarded by DOD field organizations, or specific mission-oriented agencies within an organization.

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Rep. Bilirakis Introduces Economic Stimulus Bills
Friday, 09 January 2009

WASHINGTON (9 January) - U.S. Rep. Gus M. Bilirakis (R-Fla.), representing Florida’s 9th Congressional District, today sent a letter to House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) urging him to include proposals Bilirakis has made in economic stimulus legislation now making its way through Congress.

Rep. Bilirakis Calls for Greater Transparency of Executive Pay
Wednesday, 14 January 2009

WASHINGTON (14 January) – U.S. Rep. Gus M. Bilirakis (R-Fla.), representing Florida’s 9th Congressional District, today presented an amendment before the House Rules Committee to the TARP Reform and Accountability Act (H.R. 384) which would require financial institutions receiving Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) funds to disclose the compensation of their highest paid executives and employees, and require the Treasury to list the information in an online public database.

Rep. Bilirakis Opposes $14 Billion Detroit Bailout
Wednesday, 10 December 2008

WASHINGTON (10 December) – U.S. Rep. Gus M. Bilirakis (R-Fla.), today released the following statement after the House passed H.R. 7321, the Auto Industry Financing and Restructuring Act:

"The American auto industry is an important part of our country's manufacturing base and assuring its viability in the global economy is something that should be a priority. However, as with the financial bailout, I believe that the taxpayers should not be asked to subsidize private companies that are unable to demonstrate long term viability.

Rep. Bilirakis Calls for Greater Scrutiny of Federal Spending
Wednesday, 10 December 2008

WASHINGTON (10 December) – U.S. Rep. Gus M. Bilirakis (R-Fla.), representing Florida’s 9th Congressional District, today joined with Republican colleagues in sending a letter today to Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-Mass.) to request that CEOs from institutions receiving taxpayer funds through the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) be called to testify before Congress and answer questions about their use of TARP funds.

Rep. Bilirakis Calls for Greater Oversight of TARP
Friday, 21 November 2008

WASHINGTON (21 November) – U.S. Rep. Gus M. Bilirakis (R-Fla.), representing Florida’s 9th Congressional District, today co-sponsored H.R. 7276  legislation that would amend the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 to require prior Congressional approval for future expenditures.

Rep. Bilirakis named "Champion of National Security"
Friday, 10 October 2008

WASHINGTON (10 October) – The Center for Security Policy, one of the nation’s leading national security policy organizations, today named U.S. Rep. Gus Bilirakis (FL-9) a “Champion of National Defense”.  The designation came as CSP released its National Security Scorecard which ranks Members of the US Congress based on their support for – or opposition to – policies that support and sustain US national defense.

Rep. Bilirakis statement on the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act
Friday, 03 October 2008

WASHINGTON (3 October) – U.S. Rep. Gus M. Bilirakis (R-Fla.), representing Florida’s 9th Congressional District, today released the following statement after the House approved the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act:

Rep. Bilirakis Honored as Guardian of Small Business by NFIB
Thursday, 25 September 2008

WASHINGTON (25 September) – The National Federation of Independent Business, the nation’s leading small business association, today named U.S. Rep. Gus Bilirakis (FL-9) a Guardian of Small Business for his outstanding voting record on behalf of America’s small business owners in the 110th Congress.

Rep. Bilirakis opposes using Taxpayer Funds to Bail out Wall Street
Tuesday, 30 September 2008

WASHINGTON (30 September) – U.S. Rep. Gus M. Bilirakis (R-Fla.), representing Florida’s 9th Congressional District, yesterday released the following statement after the House rejected the Financial Markets Stabilization Bill by a vote of 205 to 228:

Bilirakis Initiatives for Veterans and Active Duty Servicemembers Approved by House
Thursday, 25 September 2008

WASHINGTON (25 September) – U.S. Rep. Gus M. Bilirakis (R-Fla.) joined with his colleagues in supporting two measures designed to improve the lives of veterans and active duty and retired servicemembers.

Rep. Bilirakis Introduces Legislation to Ensure Proper Benefits for Veterans
Wednesday, 24 September 2008

WASHINGTON (24 September) – On Wednesday, U.S. Rep. Gus M. Bilirakis (R-Fla.) introduced H.R. 7011 to ensure that all eligible combat disabled military retirees are able to collect Combat-Related Special Compensation.

House Agrees to Bilirakis Resolution against “Terror TV”
Tuesday, 09 September 2008

WASHINGTON DC – A Resolution condemning certain Middle East media outlets, authored by Congressman Gus Bilirakis (R-FL), was today agreed to by the House by a vote of 409 to 1.

Bilirakis Biometrics Bill to Secure the Waters Passes the House
Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Would Require DHS to Create a Biometric Tracking System for Maritime Immigration Interdiction

WASHINGTON DC – HR 2490, introduced by Congressman Gus Bilirakis (R-FL), passed the House 394 - 3 (House Roll Call 534).  After passage of this vital immigration legislation, Congressman Bilirakis released the following statement.

“With over 12,000 miles of coastline in the continental United States, securing our waterways is integral in securing the homeland.  As the southwest border fence makes land crossing more difficult, smugglers and potential terrorists will look for other ways to enter the United States.  We must stay ahead of the curve.  Implementing a biometric tracking system for maritime interdictions is a crucial step forward in securing our border.  Coast Guard personnel are the best in the world and this bill will give them another tool in their mission to protect and defend America’s waterways.”

Bilirakis Statement After Returning From the “American Energy Tour”
Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Bilirakis Visited Renewables Lab, Alaskan Oil Fields, and Discussed America’s Energy Future With Energy Leaders

WASHINGTON DC – Congressman Gus Bilirakis (R-FL), Freshman Republican Whip, joined Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) and other House Republican Freshman on the “American Energy Tour.”  Congressman Bilirakis traveled to the National Renewable Energy Lab in Golden, Colorado.  In addition, Congressman Bilirakis took an aerial tour of ANWR to examine exploration techniques, opportunities, and challenges in the oil industry and spoke with industry and government leaders. 

Bilirakis Testifies Before Judiciary Subcommittee as “Silver Alert” Continues to Pickup Momentum
Tuesday, 15 July 2008

WASHINGTON DC - Congressman Gus Bilirakis (FL-09) testified today before the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security of the House Judiciary Committee on HR 5898, the "Silver Alert Grant Program Act of 2008." 

Rep. Bilirakis Named “Friend of the Shareholder”
Thursday, 26 June 2008

WASHINGTON (26 June) - Congressman Gus Bilirakis today was named a “Friend of the Shareholder” by the American Shareholders Association. This recognition is given for votes in favor of America’s shareholder majority. The votes reflected were from the first session of the 110th Congress (2007).

Rep. Bilirakis Receives “Guardian of Worker Freedom” Award
Thursday, 26 June 2008

WASHINGTON (26 June) - Today, Rep. Bilirakis (R-FL) was honored by the Alliance for Worker Freedom (AWF) with its fourth annual “Guardian of Worker Freedom” award at a private ceremony in the U.S. Capitol.

Committee Backs Bilirakis Biometric Measure
Thursday, 26 June 2008

WASHINGTON (26 Jun) - On Thursday, legislation authored by U.S. Rep. Gus M. Bilirakis (R-Fla.), which creates a pilot program for the mobile biometric screening of aliens interdicted in the maritime environment, was approved by the House Committee on Homeland Security.