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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                               
Contact: Ted Miller (Daschle), 202-224-0224
Julianne Fisher (Johnson), 202-224-1638
Russ Levsen (Herseth), 202-226-4449

Agriculture Secretary Invited to Visit with South Dakota Farmers, Ranchers

July 13, 2004, Washington, DC - Citing agriculture as the most important industry for South Dakota's economy, Senator Tom Daschle, Senator Tim Johnson, and Representative Stephanie Herseth are asking the Secretary of Agriculture to visit with the state's farmers and ranchers.

In a letter to Secretary Ann Veneman, they wrote, "Spending time with rural residents in our state will help give you a sense of some of the important issues confronting these individuals and the communities in which they live. Issues such as disaster assistance, country-of-origin labeling, trade agreements (like the Australian Free Trade Agreement), border issues with Canada, and other matters are all policy discussions that we believe would benefit both you and our constituents."

"From drought to country-of-origin labeling to the importation of Canadian beef, South Dakotans have a lot of questions for the Secretary. Agriculture is an important priority in our state and across the country," Senator Daschle said. "Last month, the Secretary's response to my call for a proactive drought relief plan was a letter opposing additional drought relief. If she listens to West River ranchers hit hard by weather conditions, she will begin to understand why this Administration's policy is out of step with the needs of cattle ranchers."

"Meeting face-to-face with farmers and ranchers in South Dakota would give Secretary Veneman a better sense of what our nation's producers are facing in rural America. The White House would be well served to have the Secretary get out of Washington and into the fields to fully understand the importance of drought assistance, country-of-origin labeling, and the threat industry consolidation poses. I hope the Secretary will accept the delegation's invitation and join us in South Dakota," Johnson said.

On Wednesday, Rep. Herseth will question USDA officials about recent BSE "false positives" as part of oversight hearings held jointly by the House Committees on Government Reform and Agriculture. She noted, "As someone who grew up on the family farm, I strongly encourage the Secretary to visit my home state and see first hand the unique and sometimes tough conditions our producers face year in and year out."

The drought of the past few years continues to show its effect. On Thursday, Lake Oahe hit an all-time low of 1,576.16 feet above sea level, but U.S. Army Corps of Engineers officials say Oahe is expected to fall 3 feet this month, ending July about 33 feet below normal and 11 feet lower than a year ago. The U.S. Agricultural Statistics Service reported this week that rainfall in parts of West River is still two to four inches below normal for the year.

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