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The National Methane Hydrates R&D Program
The Alaska North Slope Stratigraphic Test Well

image showing Donyon Rig
Photo courtesy Doyon Drilling Inc

Well log Data From BP-DOE-US "Mount Elbert" Test Is Now Available. Digital well log data acquired at the February 2007 gas hydrates test well at Milne Point, Alaska are now available. Data include Gamma ray, neutron porosity, density porosity, three-dimensional high resolution resistivity, acoustics including compressional- and shear-wave data and nuclear magnetic resonance. A listing of the available data, as well as instructions on obtaining the data, can be found on the NETL gas hydrates website .

The drilling of the “Mt. Elbert prospect” within the Milne Point Unit (MPU) on the Alaskan North Slope represents an important milestone in an ongoing evaluation of Alaskan Arctic methane hydrate potential. This evaluation, a joint effort of DOE, USGS, BP Exploration Alaska (BPXA), and several university and technology company partners, is a multi-year effort that builds on previous work carried out by industry and the USGS.

The well is a vertical stratigraphic test to determine the validity of pre-drill seismically-based predictions of gas hydrate occurrence and reservoir quality and to collect other data. Drilling constitutes an element of Phase 3 of what is a multi-phase work plan. Phase 1 involved the delineation and characterization of more than a dozen discrete gas hydrate accumulations within the Milne Point Area. Detailed analyses and evaluations of these prospects were prepared during Phase 2, as well as a detailed plan for Phase 3 field operations.

Subsequent approval of the plan led to the drilling of this vertical stratigraphic test well through the hydrate stability zone between drilling pads B and E in the Milne Point Unit, a field located just north of the large Kuparuk Field. The drilling and evaluation plan included comprehensive petrophysical analyses of targeted zones.

The primary objectives of the well were to test the geophysical prospecting technologies employed in siting it and to enable the selection of target zones and field parameters for potential Phase 4 production testing that will be contingent on Phase 3 results and subject to the approval of both DOE and BPXA.

A team including scientists representing DOE-NETL, USGS, BPXA and other partners was on location to collect and evaluate core samples, logs and other data. The regular reports and gallery of photos on this site are provided by the team for the benefit of all interested parties.

Photo of Doyon14 Rig
The Doyon 14 rig on location in the Milne Point Field. The science trailers can be seen in the left foreground.- click on image to enlarge

Photo of the Co-chief scientists analyzing and processing core from the Mt. Elbert #1 well.
Co-chief scientists analyzing and processing core from the Mt. Elbert #1 well. - Click on image to enlarge

Additional Information:

Brief Video Showing Hydrate Dissociating in Water [MPEG video file]  One visual test used to confirm that a core contains hydrate is to place a small sample from the core in a canister of water. The gas dissociated from the hydrate-bearing sediment is released into the water and bubbles to the surface. In the video sequence shown here, dissociated hydrate gas from a sample of Mt. Elbert #1 core can be seen and heard as it is released into the water.

BP Drills Alaska North Slope Gas Hydrate Test Well to Assess Potential Energy Resource  [external site] February 20, 2007 BP Press Release

Alaskan North Slope Well to Sample and Test Gas Hydrate - February 20, 2007 Fossil Energy Techline

Modular Formation Dynamics Tester (MDT) Tool

The Doyon 14 Rig

The National Methane Hydrates R&D Program

All About Natural Methane Hydrates