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Committee on Ways and Means - Charles B. Rangel, Chairman
Committee on Ways and Means - Charles B. Rangel, Chairman Committee on Ways and Means - Charles B. Rangel, Chairman
All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives Charles B. Rangel, Chairman
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Committee on Ways and Means

Markup of H.R. 877, the "Patient Safety Improvement Act of 2003," and H.R. 878, the "Armed Forces Tax Fairness Act of 2003."

Thursday, February 27, 2003

Thomas Announces Committee Action on H.R. 877, the “Patient Safety Improvement Act of 2003,” and H.R. 878, the “Armed Forces Tax Fairness Act of 2003”
H.R. 877, the "Patient Safety Improvement Act of 2003"
Chairman's Amendment to H.R. 877 (pdf)
Committee on Ways and Means filed the report on H.R, 877, the "Patient Safety Improvement Act of 2003," on March 11, 2003
Committee on Ways and Means filed the report on H.R, 878, the "Armed Services Tax Fairness Act," on March 5, 2003
Summary H.R. 877, the Patient Safety Improvement Act
Summary of Changes to H.R. 877, Made by Chairman's Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute Markup of the “Patient Safety Improvement Act of 2003"
H.R. 878, the "Armed Forces Tax Fairness Act of 2003"
Chairman' Amendment to H.R. 878 (pdf)
Description of the Chairman's Mark of H.R. 878 (JCX-11-03)(pdf)
Description of Chairman's Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 878 (JCX-12-03) (pdf)
Esitmated Revenue Effects of the Chairman's Amendment in the Nature of a Substittue to H.R. 878 (JCX-13-03)(pdf)
Click here for a copy of the House Amendment to the Senate Amendment Offered by Mr. Thomas, to H.R. 1308. The amendment title is, the "All-American Tax Relief Act of 2003."
Legislative History for H.R. 3365, the "Military Family Tax Relief Act of 2003" (Provisions of H.R. 878 were enacted in H.R. 3365.)
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