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Data Comparability (National Monitoring Network)
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National Water Quality Network

A pilot phase of the National Water Quality Monitoring Network (Network) for U.S. Coastal Waters and their Tributaries is moving forward. The goal of the Network is to provide information about the health of our oceans and coastal ecosystems and inland influences on coastal waters for improved resource management. Read more...

Water Quality Data Elements

The Water Quality Data Elements User Guide is now available in PDF format to download and print. download

The Data Elements workgroup of the Methods and Data Comparability Board and the National Water-Quality Monitoring Council are preparing lists of what are believed to be the necessary or "core metadata" to allow comparability assessments. The proposed lists are not a set of required information but are recommended to help data collectors and data managers more effectively characterize their data and thereby facilitate and promote the use of those data by others. The Water Quality Data Elements User Guide was written to help facilitate the use of data elements by monitoring groups in their monitoring programs.

The Methods and Data Comparability Board and the National Water Quality Monitoring Council were created in 1997, as subgroups of the Advisory Committee on Water Information (ACWI), which is formally chartered under the Federal Advisory Committee Act.
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