Issues > Helping Small Businesses Succeed

Small business in the United States accounts for 53% of the private workforce and 50% of the nation’s private gross domestic product (GDP). The innovation and competition resulting from small businesses significantly contribute to our country’s leadership in the global marketplace, and Kansas’ Third District is certainly an important part of that development. That’s why I am keenly aware of the issues small businesses face and am committed to supporting their important work. Listed below are several bills affecting small businesses that I have supported.

110th Congress:

  • H.R. 3567, the Small Business Investment Expansion Act Of 2007 - reforms Small Business Association (SBA) programs (the Small Business Investment Company (SBIC) and the New Markets Venture Capital (NMVC) programs) to assist small business owners, including veterans and women, with obtaining the investment capital necessary to start or grow their operations and improves access to venture capital and angel investments for these entrepreneurs.
  • H.R. 1873, the Small Business Fairness in Contracting Act - makes several changes to the laws that promote and encourage federal agencies to contract for goods and services with small businesses. The federal government currently has a goal of acquiring 23 percent of most goods and services from small business; this legislation would increase that goal to 25 percent.
  • H.R. 3867, the Small Business Contracting Program Improvements Act - makes critical changes to the SBA’s federal contracting programs that will open up new opportunities for small businesses, including veteran- and minority-owned firms. It will lead to a more competitive procurement marketplace and ultimately a better value for our taxpayers -- reducing waste and fraud in SBA’s contracting initiatives.
  • H.R. 1332, the Small Business Lending Improvements Act - provides small business with the tools to encourage entrepreneurial innovation, including strengthening access to capital programs and reducing burdensome borrower and lender fees on 7(a) loans.

109th Congress:

  • H.R. 685, Bankruptcy Reform - I voted in favor of this legislation (now law) because I believe in individual financial responsibility, but certainly realize that there are circumstances in life that prevent honest and hard-working individuals and families from getting ahead. We all want to enable these groups to find relief in filing for bankruptcy, while ensuring that small businesses and service providers are protected.

  • S. 5, Class Action Reform - Oftentimes, certain state courts are hand picked by attorneys because of their reputation for handing out large awards and their hospitable treatment of class-action lawsuits. These abuses have caused gridlock in the smallest state courts, empowered local communities to rule against the laws of other states and robbed legitimately harmed consumers of adequate compensation. I voted in favor of this legislation, which is now law, because I believe that it will alleviate much of the unjustifiable waste and unfairness generated by our current class action system.

  • H.R. 3, SAFETEA-LU - Investments in transportation infrastructure are not only essential in providing public safety, but also in ensuring future economic opportunity and prosperity. Our nation’s highways, transit systems, airports and harbors provide the backbone of our economy.