Script to print out a page with out banner and other graphic elements U.S. Congressman Jerry Costello 12th District of Illinois | News & Media

For Release: Thursday, July 21, 2005
David Gillies: (202) 225-5661

Stagnant Federal R&D Budget Threatens Tomorrow's American Workers

Washington - Just a few weeks ago, Science Committee Democrats hosted the first in a series of roundtable discussions to look at supply and demand for the U.S. science and technology workforce, including the effects of off-shoring.

Today, the full House Science Committee underscored the importance of such action with a hearing on U.S. competitiveness and challenges to innovation.

"Several things became clear during our recent Democratic Roundtable," stated event co-host Rep. Jerry Costello (D-IL).  "First, there's no straightforward answer on whether a shortage or surplus of U.S. workers exists.  Second, there's no accurate way to predict the future.  And third, we have clearly entered into a new era of international competition."

"These issues go beyond simple solutions and we must explore the policy options available to ensure the nation maintains its current prominence in technology and innovation," Rep. Costello continued today.  "That requires frank and open discussions between industry, government and education."

As witness Dr. William Brody, President of Johns Hopkins University, stated, "The calculus of innovation is really quite simple: knowledge drives innovation; innovation drives productivity; productivity drives our economic growth."

Science Democrats have worked to raise awareness of this very issue - primarily in an area where Congress can make a real difference - the Federal research and development budget.

Despite claims to the contrary by the Administration, the Federal R&D budget is not faring well, particularly the non-defense component which has been flat for 30 years.  In FY06, the Administration proposed a 1.4% spending reduction in the budget of the Federal science and technology budget.  Reductions like this continue to chip away at the U.S. research base and jeopardize our economic strength and long-term technological competitiveness.

"If research indeed drives innovation and innovation drives economic growth, why is the Federal research budget on the chopping block?" added Rep. Costello." Jobs here at home are at risk and other countries will soon outpace us workforce-wise.  We cannot afford to lose our edge."

In addition to the Federal R&D budget, the Committee also examined prospects for maintaining the "human capital" our nation will need going forward.  Witnesses agreed - investment in education is key.  A July 25, 2005 Fortune article surmised, "We're not building human capital the way we used to.  Our primary and secondary schools are falling behind the rest of the world's."

Dr. Brody commended Science Committee Ranking Member Rep. Bart Gordon (D-TN) for his work to establish a science and engineering pilot program for teachers in his home district in Tennessee.  Calling the approach "imaginative and innovative," Dr. Brody described it as precisely the type of action needed to "nurture, encourage, and greatly expand our homegrown pool of talent."

"These candid discussions must continue," concluded Rep. Costello.  "We understand that the solutions won't be easy.  The problem isn't going to disappear - what will disappear are valuable U.S. jobs."


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