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News from Rep. Stephanie Herseth
For Immediate Release
Contact: Russ Levsen, 202-226-4449


April 28, 2005, Washington, D.C.
– The Budget Resolution Conference Report released today restored more than $10 billion in Medicaid funding. While the budget still calls for the Senate Finance Committee to cut the program by $10 billion over five years, this figure is a major improvement over the $20 billion in cuts that passed in the House version earlier this year.

Earlier this week, the House passed a provision introduced by Rep. Stephanie Herseth to protect Medicaid funding in the upcoming Budget Conference Report. It is the first provision introduced by Herseth to receive a stand alone roll call vote on the House floor. The measure instructed conferees to restore Medicaid funding that was removed in the version of the Budget that passed the House earlier this year. The measure drew strong bipartisan support, passing by a 348-72 margin on Tuesday evening.

Herseth said, “While I am disappointed that Medicaid is still subject to cuts, I’m pleased that $10 billion in Medicaid funding was restored. This $10 billion will help soften the impact on the nearly 100,000 South Dakotans who rely on Medicaid for their health care, and I’m pleased to have played a role in increasing the funding.”

Herseth added that she would vote against the budget resolution conference report later this evening because it fails to represent the needs of rural America. “I’ve said that budgets are about priorities, and with deep cuts to agriculture, a failure to fully restore Medicaid cuts, and cuts to programs that fund rural health care and education, this budget hits rural America particularly hard.”

Medicaid is the nation's public health insurance program for low-income Americans, financing health and long-term care services for more than 58 million people, including 28 million low-income children, nearly 16 million parents, and 15 million elderly and disabled individuals. The Medicaid cuts in the President’s budget, and in the House Republican budget, will shift costs to the states, beneficiaries, or health care providers. Nearly 100,000 South Dakotans depend on Medicaid for health care.

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