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For Release: Monday, February 23, 2004
Contact: David Gillies: (202) 225-5661


Last year, the House of Representatives completed work on a comprehensive energy bill. However, the legislation has stalled and refinements to the bill are being discussed. We must not lose this opportunity to enact provisions of great importance to Illinois and the nation.

Important provisions were included in this legislation that would utilize abundant domestic energy resources such as coal and ethanol that are found in Illinois and essential to our national energy policy.

These provisions include:

· The Clean Coal Power Initiative, which I fought hard to include in the final version of the bill. This program could significantly increase the use of Illinois coal because the bill’s incentives could help deploy more environmental controls at coal-based power plants, ensuring continued access to affordable, reliable electricity while improving air quality.

· A provision I authored that creates "Centers of Excellence for Energy Systems of the Future" at universities with a proven record of demonstrating clean coal technologies, such as Southern Illinois University Carbondale.

· A doubling of ethanol production and increased use of soy-based biodiesel, which would generate $51 billion in new farm income by 2012, according to the American Farm Bureau.

· Funding and grants for energy-related scientific research that could flow to Southern Illinois University, the University of Illinois and two federal laboratories in suburban Chicago – Argonne and Fermilab.

· Tax incentives for energy conservation and renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar.

These provisions would create over 146,000 new jobs throughout Illinois for our farmers, coal miners, and technology community, securing the future of current workers and creating new jobs for the next generation.

Our nation needs a modern, sound energy system so that Americans will continue to enjoy the benefits of more efficient, available, and affordable energy. Constituents have told me that they are frustrated with rising gas prices and electricity rates.  Families have felt pinched at the pump at a time when the state economy is depressed.  One thing we know is that it is time to decrease our dependence on foreign sources of oil, especially sources in the Middle East.  We must find new ways to produce cheaper and cleaner energy.

Through my continued work on the House Science Committee, I will continue to fight for clean coal technology, energy-related scientific research and development opportunities and increased ethanol production, and we must pass these important provisions in any new version of the energy bill.


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